eefkedigibitch (@eefkedigibitch)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: forum issues



    You are right, I was no keymaster anymore.
    Which is special, since I’m the webdeveloper and installed the plugin and so.
    Now I’m keymaster again, I can also check the user data.
    So thanks for your help Robin!

    bbpress should pay you for all the work you do for them!

    In reply to: forum issues



    Okay this was a quick test.
    I deactivated all my plugins accept for bbpress and still ‘Forums’ wasn’t shown in the left navigation bar. I reinstalled wordpress (6.4.3) but still nothing. So I don’t know what is going on, but I think bbpress isn’t compatible with this WP version or something…



    Hi there,

    Can someone please help me? That would be really great!

    Thanks in advance!
    Kind regards,

    In reply to: upload images



    Thanks ibnat! Gonna check it out!



    Thanks Robin!

    In reply to: Several questions



    Thanks guys, I think I got it from here!

    In reply to: Several questions



    Oh that would be great Robin!
    I don’t want users to have more then 1 profile page.

    In reply to: Several questions



    Hi Robin,
    Thanks again for your help!

    On. no 4
    Yes, it got rid of the home / Yes the page is .com/forum and yesy it’s set with the shortcode.
    I tried a totally different URL like facebook, but it keeps directing me to .com/forumS with the extra s on the end.
    I also tried to set the Forum Root slug to forum instead of forums, but that didn’t work the first time. Now I did that again and it does work! So it’s fixed now.
    Conclusion; the root slug needs to be the same as the page name. Actually kinda logical, hihi…

    On no. 3
    Never mind I’ll find my way I got confused I think.

    So again, Robin you’re the best!
    Thanks for helping me!

    In reply to: Several questions



    Okay thanks Robin!

    Now I’m still struggling with the breadcrumbs. So if you could help me with that, it would be great. I’m using your bbp Style Pack (which is really helpful!) and I set the root breadcrumb to a specific name and specific URL.

    The name is visible, that’s good. But the link is not using my URL in put in. I set the whole URL including https.
    Do you know what could be the problem?

    Thanks again for your help, I think it’s great you’re doing this!!
    Kind regards,



    Thanks again Robin!
    I’ll ask Salient for help, maybe they know…

    In reply to: Several questions



    BTW; bbp style pack is perfect!
    It made everything easier and better!

    In reply to: Several questions



    Oh sorry Robin,
    I thought you were part of bbpress.

    Do you then maybe know if I can contact them directly?

    In reply to: Several questions



    Okay Robin, thanks.

    Can you please also help me with question 3 and 4?
    That would be great!

    Thanks in advance!



    Hi Robin,

    Can you please help me with this issue?



    Hi Robin,

    I activated the placeholder again, so let me know if you need it deactivated.



    We have a placeholder live, but I’ll deactivate it for now.
    This is the link to follow;

    I just set the page template back to default, so the sidebar isn’t visible.



    If I set my forum page to the left-sidebar-template and I click on a forum or a categroy, then next page doesn’t have the sidebar anymore…



    Uh Yes I did the steps you mentioned, so I’m not stuck haha.
    But I also don’t have a sidebar on my page…

    I created a regular page, because I need some info above the forum. I didn’t set a page template or anything. If I do chose the page template left-sidebar, then I do have a sidebar. But that looks the same then when I just add the bbpress widgets to the default left sidebar and don’t do the specific sidebar steps.

    I thought if I use the specific sidebar it would look more like the rest of the forum. Thats why I tried that. Was I wrong?
    So when should someone use the specific sidebar?

    Thanks for your help again!



    Thanks Robin!
    Gonna try this.

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