drmike (@drmike)

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  • In reply to: Issue with tagging

    Yeah, that’s it.



    In reply to: Avatars

    Shuldn’t have to change anything. That’s all bbpress code.

    I knew I had seen them over in wp.com land.

    They’re in the allowed tag list.


    I thought I was going bonkers. :)

    I dug around the bb-includes last night and found where the allowed_tags (or whatever it was called) function was and just added it.

    I’m using bbpress as a checklist and wanted the tag to mark off stuff when issues were completed.

    del? Didn’t think of that. Well, they’re both in there and Igotta admit XHTML isn’t high on my list for a support forum.



    edit: Could have sworn we had them on the wp.com forums…

    You work with PHP and call yourself a serious coder? Back in my day we had Turbo Pascal and Radio Shack Basic and we had to walk five miles through the snow and the lava butt naked to write out code. And we didn’t have these little things called bugs. Our bugs were bigger! They had to be. Our computers filled entire rooms! Not these teny, tiny little laptop thingies.


    What I did on my own install was open up the front-page.php and place it over the tag code. My code looks like the following:

    <div id="hottags">

    <?php search_form( $q ); ?>

    <h2><?php _e('Hot Tags'); ?></h2>

    <p class="frontpageheatmap"><?php tag_heat_map(); ?></p>


    Hope this helps,


    Could have sworn that we had a FAQ over in wp.com land but I don’t see it. Just the half ass one I have in the support forums:

    The “feed” tag is used by RSS readers and is usually not recognized by browsers that do not have a RSS reader installed. You can see the RSS feed if you manually type in your blog’s feed URL into the URL bar of your browser. (ie: http://username.wordpress.com/feed/)

    Hope this helps,


    This got resolved in the mailing list. It appears that for the time being the cache is not working and has been turned off.

    Sorry for the trouble.


    Webhosting although I’m trying to get out of it now due to legal issues with my ex that won’t even allow me to pull out a paycheck. *grumble*

    Besides that, I collect a tiny month disability check that barely covers my rent, a fair amount of local volenteer work, and make Mark’s life a living hell by pointing out spammers over in the wp.com support forums.:)

    You may also want to remove the link to ‘Unresolved Topics’ as well.

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