Ivaylo Draganov (@dragunoff)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @dragunoff


    Yes, you need to have a SECRET_KEY defined and it has to match BB_SECRET_KEY. Comment out the other four keys in wp-config.php as they are not needed when the cookies are downgraded. You can visit https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.0/ for a quick key generation.

    Good luck!



    I’d suggest using this plugin instead:


    It works for bbPress 0.9.4 (except for the plugin admin page but that’s bearable). It is easy to add other video sources and even modify the RegEx that pulls the link so that videos are embedded with their own tag – [video=the_video_url] for example.




    I also was stuck on that for a while. I found it easier to downgrade WP 2.7 cookies with this plugin:


    Just make sure you juse just the old SECRET_KEY in wp-config.php and match it to the BB_SECRET_KEY in bb-config.php

    Clear your domain cookies after activating the plugin and login again. Test login/out on both installations.

    Of course you mast have completed the integration steps described here:




    I also support the suggestion for a blog/bettter communication.

    Because now bbPress looks somewhat abondoned. I’m talking about people involved in the project to some degree but to an outside observer or a new user. People would like to know how the project is going and whether it could meet their needs in future versions without digging into the forums or Trac.

    I came to bbPress because it is related to WordPress and shares many similarities (templates, plugins, etc.). I believe many others do that for the same reason. Using another forum platform I would have to learn from scratch.



    Hi :)

    Well, it would be as simple as changing the existing CSS-rule. Just remove the #front-page parent declaration so that the rule applies to all pages containg the #hottags div

    #hottags {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 150px;
    overflow: hidden;

    In reply to: Bulgarian translation



    Между другото, в .po файла мисля, че ще е добре навсякъде трябва да се махне онова

    хахах, да :) трябва да се зачистят пътищата но нямам идея как да стане освен направо да бръкна в .po файла с текстов редактор.

    In reply to: Bulgarian translation



    Благодаря :)

    Когато излезе бета версия на 1.0 ще обновя и превода, засега остава на стабилната 0.9

    Колкото до конкретните преводи на някои думички – за нашите нужди звучи приемливо добре :) Променили сме и още някои нещица – сещам се за “Стил” вместо “Тема”(Theme), защото Topic също се превежда като “Тема” и става объркване. Макар, че сега влиза в разрез с превода на WordPress… може би трябва да стане “Тема”(Theme) и “Дискусия”(Topic)

    Може би трябва да се произнесе някой от комисията по стандартизация ;) (Н.Бачийски?)

    А знаеш ли какъв да подновим превода в официалното хранилище с този?

    In reply to: bb topic view problem




    It is a pure CSS problem and very easy to fix – just add widths to the columns. And the problem is mostly in the column which holds the titles. So, try something like this:

    td.text { width: 63%; padding-left: 2%; }
    td.info { width: 20%; }
    td.view { width: 15%; }

    All the widths add up to 100%. You can also skip the last rule (for .view) as it will automatically fill the remaining space (in most browsers I believe).

    and drop the first column altogether ( .watcher ) if you are using it only for spacing.



    Updating post-count-plus fixed the issue! Thanks a lot! :)

    I thought about linking to profile field but bbPress uses a template tag to retrieve all profile data and I found it not reasonable to change:

    <?php bb_profile_data(); ?>



    I have the same problem with WP 2.7.1 and bbPress 0.9.4



    Try the User Photo plugin. It is available for bbPress and WordPress:



    It worked easily for me. Just need to make the right settings – set the same paths to image folders and keep the original function calls to avatars if you want to use Gravatars when available.



    I am using bbPress with WP 2.7 and users are integrated, only cookies (logins) are not. I even have the UserPhoto plugin working fine on bbP and WP.

    Simultaneous logins were not of great importance to me and for that reason I chose to install the stable



    Yes =) That’s what I’ve been looking for but the link in the plugins section was broken.

    I ended up using a modified version of the old PM plugin but I think I can adopt some features from that one too.

    Thank you :)



    Is this plugin still available? Anyone got a copy of it?

    Or I’d better use the old one…

    My concern is forward compatibility because bbPress 1.0 will soon be around and hopefully PM functionality will be in core someday.

    In reply to: Super Sticky Problem



    Yes, I am having the same problem :/

    Even though it is intended to behave like this many users find that confusing.

    I’ve tried modifying the code in forum.php to include the $super_stickies like on the front page but without success…

    <?php if ( $topics || $super_stickies || $stickies ) : ?>

    Is there a workaround?

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