Milan Dinić (@dimadin)

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  • Milan Dinić


    Yes, I forgot to mention that. Though I think that Apache 2.* is mostly used now.

    Milan Dinić


    Instead of loading zlib via .htaccess, you should use Apache’s built-in module mod_deflate because it is better for server’s performance. By using code below, you will compress all textual content from your site (html, css, javascript, rss). Simply remove type you don’t want to compress from list and it won’t compress after that. Note that you shouldn’t add any more types because other file types can’t be compressed this way.

    Just copy/paste this code in your .htaccess file in root of web site. You can use this on ANY kind of website, no matter if it is powered by bbPress or not. Just watch-out that some script you use doesn’t already compress some type, because it will than double compress which will be worse than using uncompressed type.

    Also note that on some bad configured servers this can make additional load on servers so be careful (this applies to zlib comrpession too).

    <IfModule mod_deflate.c>

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css application/javascript application/x-javascript application/x-httpd-php application/rss+xml application/atom_xml


    You can test your site before and after with tools like WebPagetest (just click on images on result’s page for detailed information) and Web Page Analyzer. And share your results here.

    what do you think about hosting ga.js locally and keeping it up to date?

    You shouldn’t store popular JavaScript files (like from Google Analytics, AdSense, StatCounter etc) on your server because they are probably in visitors’ cache so he will not even load that files while visiting your site.

    This is because most sites nowadays use Google Analytics and when man without that file in cache visits page that use it, that file is saved in it’s cache for seven days (because Google gives information to browser in file’s HTTP headers) and it is not loaded again until it expires from cache.

    Milan Dinić


    One more place where I found problem. I tried plugin Use Display Name and if there are utf8 characters in display_name values they are too displayed as question marks.

    Milan Dinić


    _ck_, how about linking directly to first unread post like there is with Subscribe to topic? There could be button “New” before or after title of topic that would link to it while title itself would still link as it is now.

    Milan Dinić


    Did you read second question on Gravatar’s faq page?

    Milan Dinić


    You didn’t understand. I know about what you talked but I’m asking for option where ID of post would be sent as a GET and then it will redirect to topic page with hash and topic ID (like in examples from vBulletin and SMF I posted above)

    As I said above, I want to migrate from SMF and in SMF’s URLs there are IDs of posts and I want to redirect to correct one. When there is only one page of topic, then there is no problem with redirection that ends with named anchor, but for longer topics I can’t find number of page where post appear.

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