Detective (@detective)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @detective


    $bbdb->prefix is a string containing your installation db prefix.



    Why don’t you just make a sql query ? If you have both WP & BB in the same database it should be easy. Something like:

    $blog_posts = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT 10");
    echo '<ul>';
    foreach ($blog_posts as $post)
    printf('<li><a href="/?p=%i">%s</a></li>', $post->post_ID, $post->post_title);
    echo '</ul>';

    Of course this has errors, i made it without looking ad the db fields. Also, is it get_results or get_rows? I forgot :p




    Debes configurar el idioma de bbPress como “es_ES” y automáticamente el plugin debiese utilizar el lenguaje que incluyo. Si no es así no sabría decirte el por qué de la falla.



    Currently the search results don’t work. To fix them, please add the following line in the function gs_search_result_loop:

    function gs_search_results_loop($results) {
    global $bb_post; // <-- add this line




    Maybe if you give me your url i can see how the plugin fails, because it works for me (using with WP 2.5.1).

    In reply to: User Photo for bbPress



    I’m sorry, did you try with Genealogías theme or another? Currently i’m hooking on a custom action (my bad, i know :p).

    In your profile-edit.php template put the following code:




    For 3, from the Genealogías theme:

    function gs_topic_forum_link() {
    global $topic;
    if ($topic) {
    echo '<a href="' . get_forum_link($topic->forum_id) . '">' . get_forum_name($topic->forum_id) . '</a>';


    For the private forums, i do the following (considering only one private forum, having id 22):

    add_filter('get_posts_where', 'ryuuko_staff_where_posts');

    function ryuuko_staff_where_posts($where) {
    if (!bb_is_user_logged_in() || !bb_current_user_can('moderate')) {
    $where .= " AND p.forum_id <> '22' ";
    return $where;

    add_filter('get_topics_where', 'ryuuko_staff_where_topics');
    function ryuuko_staff_where_topics($where) {
    if (!bb_is_user_logged_in() || !bb_current_user_can('moderate')) {
    $where .= " AND t.forum_id <> '22' ";
    return $where;

    add_filter('get_forums', 'ryuuko_staff_forums');
    function ryuuko_staff_forums($forums) {
    if (!bb_is_user_logged_in() || !bb_current_user_can('moderate')) {
    $forum_key = -1;
    foreach ($forums as $key => $forum)
    if (intval($forum->forum_id) == 22) {
    $forum_key = $key;
    return $forums;

    add_action('bb_forum.php_pre_db', 'ryuuko_forum_redirect');
    function ryuuko_forum_redirect($forum_id) {
    if (!bb_is_user_logged_in() || !bb_current_user_can('moderate')) {
    if ($forum_id == 22)
    bb_die("You can't see this!");



    No, the theme by itself doesn’t have the plugin. I’ll try to release the plugin you need tonight.





    I’m using a functions.php file. It’s being loaded it in the header:

    <?php require_once(bb_get_template('functions.php')); ?>



    I’ll release this plugin tomorrow. Check this profile to see how it looks.



    I made a few changes in the layout. I’ll release the theme tomorrow :)

    Remember it needs some knowledge, because without customization (through plugins) it’s kind of ugly …




    I will release everything: the template (though it needs customization because it’s pretty ugly without it), all the plugins i use (except the specific settings for Ryuuko), including the User Photo modification.

    I would have released all of them this weekend, but my laptop died :( Fortunately, i didn’t lost any data :)



    I uploaded a new version, fixing the previous bug and a critical error in the sql query por inserting a new message (it was swapping message content and message title). It’s here.



    Well, the previous forum we were using worked like that, so it was very user-friendly.



    My users are having some complaints about this. When they press the back button while being logged in (for example, after reading a topic), the front page is not reloaded, so they can’t see new comments. I don’t know why this happens, since the nocache headers are being sent by the nocache_headers function.

    Does anyone know how to fix this ?



    Now the forums have some activity, as we closed our old Vanilla forums :)



    Well, i didn’t write install instructions, so it’s my fault :)



    Please add these two fields to your table bb_privatemessages:

    'del_receiver' tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'
    'del_sender' tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0'

    I forgot to put those two on the install function. Now it should work :)



    Uhm, maybe you where using a older version of Private Messaging? Because i didn’t mess with the database.

    Anyway, as i said, i think it’s best to do a clean installation. If you are already using the previous plugin and don’t want to lose the current messages, perhaps it’s best to keep it.



    That’s because you need to remove the call to that function in the template. That function no longer exists.



    I edited the header of my forum, trying to match the design of the WordPress theme, and then loaded the same CSS file from it. It’s the best way i think.



    Small fix:

    $text =  preg_replace('/<blockquote>((.|[nr])*?)</blockquote>/', '',$post->post_text);
    $text = bb_code_trick_reverse($text);


    In reply to: Reading Forum for Kids



    Great site! I try to do something similar in :)

    Have any of your members read a book by Roberto Bolaño or Jorge Luis Borges? Those are my favorite authors. I also like Ray Bradbury, Lewis Carroll, Hugo Pratt and Yukio Mishima.



    Thanks for the feedback. Here is the new version.

    I still have a lot of improvements left, but i think it is usable now. Please remember to update the files in your root/template folder.

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