Destillator (@destillator)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @destillator


    Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately changing the permalink-settings didn’t help. I’ve narrowed it down a little bit further; I use a wrapper for the entire forums with a file bbpress.php in my theme. Where a simple the_content statement first rendered the forums, they now fail to do so. If I replace the_content in bbpress.php with the code that’s present in plugins/bbpress/templates/bbp-twentyten/archive-forum.php, the frontpage shows up. But all links lead to 404 not found pages. Am I missing something here?



    Ok, some more information: I’ve updated WP and BBpress. Reverting BBpress back to version 2.1.2 brings back the forums but removes the BBpress custom post types in the admin-menu.

    Removing the folder “bbp-theme-compat” from version 2.1.2 results in the same view as that of 2.2.3: the page shows but without the forum.

    The template used is a child-template of Twenty-Ten, so there’s nothing too exotic about that. Any suggestions? I’ve found but the described folder-structure is not present in BBpress version 2.2.3.



    Same here, nothing shows after an update to WP 3.5

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