demonboy (@demonboy)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @demonboy


    This issue appears to be consistently ignored on the forums. Whilst bbpress is a marvelous creation, one of the best plugins for WP (props to the developers), this one issue keeps cropping up time and time again. It is a real frustration.

    Is this because there is a solution somewhere obvious and the developers are fed up with pointing people in the right direction, or is it because there is still no solution to this problem?



    Can’t believe after almost two years this is still a fundamental problem.



    Hi Stephen, thanks for the prompt and comprehensive reply. I want to include breadcrumbs because this forum is used by writers and authors who are more comfortable with pen and paper than they are a computer. Navigation has to be straightforward and obvious.

    Your simple CSS works well and I’m not worried about the additional ‘›’, I can live with that. I’ve implemented it and it looks good, thank you.



    The image is coming from your images folder, /images/header_bg.png. If this is a wordpress install then it will be something like Once you have identified this you could either swap it with another image called bg.png that’s just white, or you could delve into the CSS (is there an option to add your own custom CSS in your theme?) and hide the background with .background img {visibility:hidden;}.

    Chrome Inspector or Firefox Firebug are useful tools, if you’re that way inclined. They will help identify elements in the page and where images are coming from.



    Well, I guess I should put my money where my mouth is when I say I’m fairly au fait with CSS! I managed to solve it and it was pretty obvious. Just swap the floating elements from left to right, where content becomes right and sidebar becomes left. Remember to end with the !important to override any other CSS. Code is thus:

    .bbpress.single-forum #main #content {float:right!important;}
    .bbpress.single-forum #main #sidebar {float:left!important;}
    .bbpress.single-topic #main #content {float:right!important;}
    .bbpress.single-topic #main #sidebar {float:left!important;}



    I’m using Avada and have/had similar issues. To solve it on my forum page I selected BBPress sidebar but did the widget-logic trick to my Blog sidebar, which made the necessary changes. Yep, I have no idea either, but that’s worked for me.



    Me too, I’d like the same.


    May I ask:
    I am looking at simple:press versus bbPress. So I am interested in: WHY would you like to go for bbPress over simple:press?

    I can answer that. SimplePress have just started charging for their support! My wife was encouraged by the developers to use their new version 5 when she was looking for a forum plug-in to her WordPress blog. Just when she was up and running they started charging and coincidentally she developed a bug in her forum at the same time after an update. She did not even receive notification that this was going to happen. I’m pretty disappointed with them for not telling her this was in the pipeline because she would have taken this into account and we’d have gone for BBPress in the first place.

    She is so desperate now she’s almost at the point of paying for the support to sort the problem out but I would rather manually migrate to another forum just on principle.

    We have tried contacting the developers at SimplePress but they are not interested.



    Permalinks doesn’t come into it as this was working before I started uploading a theme. However I think I have solved the issue, and of course it was very straightforward! Quite simply I had not copied the bbpress folder into my theme’s folder as I assumed this was a theme in itself.

    Of course I wouldn’t have worked this out if I had not attempted to follow through your suggestions, so thank you for helping me work out my own stupid mistake ;)



    Thank you for your replies, appreciated.

    @Andre – I understand your logic. However for the sake of this set-up I already have a folder called ‘/bbp-twentyten’ in my theme folder, so providing I keep the call to that folder in my main theme’s functions.php, that should work. However it doesn’t.

    @noerman – I have already created a forum. In fact before I started messing around with my themes I was able to view my forums.

    What is odd is that if I go to the URL of a forum, the title is picked up. However nothing inside it is.


    This appears to suggest that something in my stylesheet is amiss, but if I use Firebug there isn’t even an empty layer element. I just don’t understand why, since uploading some themes and functions to my main theme, I’ve suddenly lost half my forum.

    If you have any further suggestions please do let me know. I am literally pulling my hair out here.






    Hey guys, I’m struggling here and could really do with some help…




    thanks for the guide. There are just a couple of things I don’t quite understand. Please can you confirm for me that this is correct?

    1. I have copied the folder bbp-twentyten

    2. I’ve renamed it bbp-mythemename

    3. I’ve placed that folder into wp-content/themes/mythemefolder/

    4. I’ve changed the functions.php in my theme folder to include the line:

    <?php // forums

    add_theme_support( ‘bbpress’ );


    Now I assume it’s the functions.php file in my main theme, and not the functions.php file in my bbp-mythemename? Either way, nothing has changed.

    I’m obviously missing something very simple – could you tell me what it is?



    Thanks for that, I’m following the procedure now. Cheers.



    Hi anointed. I’m using 2.0.

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