Mark (@delayedinsanity)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @delayedinsanity


    Just out of curiousity, why are you sending headers from your bb-config? bbPress/Wordpress will handle this all on their own.

    You also shouldn’t call the blog-header, it causes other problems you can read about around the forums. You should be calling wp-load.php and the following should be more than adequate for your bb-config;

    define('WP_BB', TRUE);
    if (! defined('DB_NAME'))
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/w/wp-load.php');

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_'; // your wordpress db prefix is
    $bb->wp_home = 'http://domain.tld';
    $bb->wp_siteurl = 'http://domain.tld';

    I don’t think this will solve your next page problem, as it looks like they’re being sent wrong from bbPress for whatever reason, but it will avoid a plethora of other problems before they become apparent.



    Did you select integration during the installation? I’m assuming so – you should have the following values set in WordPress which you will use during this process to have added to your bb-config.php and the bbpress database;








    The four that go in your bb-config.php (should be handled by the installation):





    The three that should be (matched) in your database (the bb_meta table) are:




    …the rest of the integration allegedly needs no attention with the latest WP/WPMU and bbPress, but I have the bbPress Integration plugin installed on mine anyways, and at the very least it doesn’t hurt. It also gives you some additional cookie information to add to your wp-config.php

    In reply to: Widgets for bbpress?



    also, is it possible to remove the tags bar? and possibly replace it with something else?

    Anything is possible. ;) You want to look for your template files in bb-templates, most likely you’re using the kakumei theme in a directory of the same name.

    In reply to: Widgets for bbpress?



    If you’re running WordPress alongside bbPress, simply integrate the two and then you can call your WP sidebar from your bbPress theme. (tip: search under ‘deep integration’)

    In reply to: All RSS Feeds Broken?



    Was there another thread started about this that I’m not seeing? I’m running deep integration and absolutely no feeds either, with the diffs applied.



    Which theme did you change it to? The theme itself may have a second layer of ‘protection’ built in to strip tags or other html.



    It does. ;)

    <?php printf(__('%1$s'), bb_get_profile_link(bb_get_current_user_info( 'name' )));?>



    Those are all questions that are best answered by yourself, actually.

    Do you want to share users between wpmu and bbpress?

    Do you want to (or even need to) access any WordPress capabilities from your bbpress install?

    -In addition to wrapping bbPress with your WordPress template, do you actually need to use any WordPress built in functionality, or would it be easier to recreate the theme in bbPress and avoid the additional overhead of loading the entire wpmu system when your forums are accessed?

    If you answered yes to the first question, then yes you should share the database. If you answered yes to the second question, explore the third before deciding on whether to integrate or not. If you decide to integrate, then the process is handled as you are installing, the part you would do after is ‘deep integration’ and you can’t do this before, it has to be done after the bb-config.php file is created.



    *drops a small atom bomb on IE6*



    “I think there should be at least a minimal psychological barrier to prevent thoughtless, spontaneous posts from visitors who might never return anyway. “

    Which brings me to my second thought; allowing such a registration system would be an open invitation for a database full of once used member accounts, as well as inviting in the slashdot paradigm. I don’t want anonymous cowards *anywhere* on any site I participate on.



    I wonder if a key/legend somewhere conspicuous on the page wouldn’t be a benefit?



    heh. whoops.




    ? It’s right above the login form. ;)

    Looks good, the only thing I noticed you might want to address is that when you’re not logged in and viewing a post page, the “You must log in to post” appears floated to the right and a little above the “New Topic In This Forum” header.



    Honestly can’t say I’m a fan of the green, and I’m not too sure what the red, green and white dots are for either?

    I don’t want to be the only person with issues, but I’m sure you guys are capable of handling criticism. ;) Outside of those two things, I think it’s looking pretty darn snazzy. Can’t wait to see it go live!



    It’s a microwave dinner world… I hate registering on sites that have a mile long page full of demographic information that is an absolute invasion of privacy – I usually move on when I come across those. But when registration consists of username+email+submit… if it ain’t microwaveable, it ain’t worth the effort, I guess. ;)




    Thanks for the link, I downloaded that plugin to give it a go… but apparently it isn’t yet compatible with 1.0.2 as it won’t activate. Just keeps returning a failed notice. :(






    Tis magic. ;)

    In reply to: Simple PHP Question



    Same concept for bbPress. You could make all those plain text if you like, they’re built that way by default for people who need to translate their sites.



    bb_new_topic_link('your text here');



    I noticed this situation as well, though I haven’t had time to look fully into it – it seemed that a new user when signed up was automatically set to inactive, but upon logging in, or posting, they became active. I’ll have to check further when I get the chance to see if this is a ‘problem’ or just a ‘feature’. :)





    <?php if (get_forum_id() == 12): ?>
    text block
    <?php endif; ?>

    A lot of these functions aren’t nearly as well documented as WordPress’ own similar functions, but can all be found inside of bb-includes/

    In reply to: threaded forum ?



    Wow, those people have been around forever. I remember when Linux was first going public and I worked with, those guys had the exact same list of products.

    The web has moved away from threaded discussion formats in favor of conversational (due in part to comments becoming so prevalent on web sites and eventually blogs). There were numerous papers on it years back, though they may be hard to find now. Here’s one blog post on the subject, which does an adequate job of explaining some of the pros and cons:

    It can be accomplished with bbPress, with a little elbow grease, but I definitely don’t think it should rate on the list of core upgrades included in the next release.



    @gouri, bbpress is standalone software that is meant to run by itself, or alongside practically anything you choose. In the case of deep integration, if that’s your plan, yes it will work on either or WordPress ยต :)



    There’s a reason for that. :) Most of us still remember the days of Netscape 2.0, when everybodies website was inside of frames, they all blinked, every frame had a different background and almost every button was some kind of animation.

    We’re all trying to pretend that it never happened. Animated what now?

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