daniellaf (@daniellaf)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @daniellaf


    Figured out what was going on! I had a hardcoded navigation link in my wordpress header to direct users to the forum (I know, bad habit). It had “www.” when the rest of the side is www-free. Deleting the www. seems to have fixed the issue.

    So, if you’re integrating and are having trouble, hopefully this post will be helpful to you. Below, I’ll list what I’m running and what plugins I have in case that helps.

    WordPress 2.8.3 installed at webroot, linux server with php5. Shared database between BBPress and WordPress. BBpress 1.0.2 installed in forums subdir.

    WP Plugins related to BBpress

    – bbPress Integration Version 1.0 | By Michael Adams and Sam Bauers (plus manual cookie info from this plugin put into WP config file)

    – WordPress-bbPress syncronization Version 0.7.7 | By Ivan Babrou

    BBpress plugins (all, because I enabled some others and then things started not working again)

    – Akismet

    – bbPress-WordPress syncronization Version 0.7.7 | By Ivan Babrou

    – Hot Tags Plus Version 0.0.2 | By _ck_

    Right now I don’t have _ck_’s Fix Admin Access plugin on the server, but I’ve used it a few times.



    [UPDATE] I fixed my problem by uninstalling my bbpress and rolling back my wp database to an earlier version and then just installing again. Install works fine now. I think where I went wrong was changing the bb_ prefix to wp_ and not including define(‘WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION’, 1); in bbconfig!



    [UPDATE] I have kind of fixed my problem – I logged onto phpMyAdmin and went to wp_usermeta for my admin account and changed the wp_capabilitoes meta_key back to a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;} from a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}. Now, my BBPress admin of course does not have keymaster privileges, but that’s ok right now. Still haven’t sorted out cookies.



    I’m also having this problem with WordPress 2.7.1 and BBPress 1.0-rc-1 using integrated database and with BBPress in a subdir.

    I’ve had WordPress installed for a while. Installed BBPress 0.9 using Simple Scripts, but it didn’t work, so I deleted the BBPress files. Then I had an “Error establishing a database connection.” Fixed that by restoring my database and making a new admin user for the database.

    Reinstalled using 1.0-rc-1. Now, my WordPress/BBPress admin user can only log into BBPress. When the admin tries to log into WordPress, I get “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” This only affects the admin user. All other users can login. New users can register.

    Logging out of one site logs the user out of the other site, but logging into one site does not log the user into the other site.


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