Clicknathan (@clicknathan)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @clicknathan


    The bbconverter plugin definitely has issues with importing forums, topics, posts and tags multiple times. I’ve used it on two separate sites, tried wiping clean and retrying multiple times, it just keeps going over and over again until you’ve got tons of duplicates.



    Unsubscribe, apparently I have to leave a comment to do so.






    Glad you liked it Tanya. The semi-colon is definitely optional, but you’re right, best practices and all.

    , there is a built in link for topics with no replies:



    So I believe I’ve figured out a really simple solution to this all. My particular issue with the plugin in question in this thread is simply that it relies on users clicking a link to mark a post as read, which isn’t all that intuitive in my humblest of opinions.

    Using a built in BBPress function `echo bbp_get_topic_last_reply_url( $topic_id );` and some CSS, we can easily style unread threads.

    `echo bbp_get_topic_last_reply_url( $topic_id );` links to the latest reply in a given thread. So something like

    When a new reply is created, that last bit there becomes #postid-12346 and is therefore a new URL, so browsers will treat it as an unvisited link. Therefor, doing something like this gets the job done:

    `a:visited {color:red;}`

    For anyone who’d like more detail, I’ve written a complete post on exactly how to do this:

    It only involves changing one BBPress template file in your theme & adding a single line of code to your style.css file.



    What I was looking for was bbp_topic_freshness_link();



    I’m actually hoping to find the queries themselves, so I can have a little better control over layout, etc. and what’s included. I managed to find it in my theme’s search results, but ran into another issue and didn’t get a chance to dig through the theme to see what’s generating that just yet.



    Sorry but I can’t help if I can’t see the site.



    What’s your forum’s URL / website addres, imagei?



    @Andre: Yes, impossible as in “possible”, but on opposite day.

    @JohnJamesJacoby: I’d LOVE to contribute to the docs here, and have even been compiling some notes of my own that I was at some point going to put into a blog post…

    Much rather add them to this site, but even though I’m logged in (can see that on the Forums pages), and the Docs > Template Tags page says that I can help by “Add[ing] documentation to un-documented functions, by creating sub-pages…”, there is no link to Edit the page to be found.

    Am I missing something?



    @Andre, the amount of time that’s passed is arguable, at best, but I’d think a month would’ve been enough time to open the documentation back up to be a wiki…

    Which leads to your second point about helping to create documentation: it’s actually impossible to do so right now since the documentation area isn’t a wiki.



    Any idea what might be causing this, JJJ?



    You’re right, BJ, and I removed my additional call that I’d placed in there, and it still works. I’d LOVE a tutorial…once I get this finally figured out and down perhaps I’ll try and write one.

    I was just getting comfortable using BBPress 1.0 and now it’s a whole new game. :)

    I already much prefer the plugin though, if only for the unified backend and easier integration of users.



    Yes, I upgraded from 1.0.2 as per the instructions in the uploader. However, two things that were probably out of the ordinary:

    1. I had a userbase of around 2700 or so, but since this is a test installation (before officially converting the live site to BBPress Plugin 2.0), and I didn’t want any surprise notices going out to the users, I only imported admins to the test installation (meaning there are 1000s of replies and 100s of topics who’s “author” is blank now)

    2. During the conversion process (ie, via Tools > Import), I did not have to import the bb_users to wp_users table. In fact, I didn’t even have a bb_users table, and I’m guessing this is because we were using the old BB/WP user integration? So I made sure I still had my wp_users and wp_usermeta tables correct and just went to the second radio button to import forums, topics and replies.

    As for plugins that alter queries, I tried deactivating everything this morning, including and excluding the bbpress plugin, but I get the following error:

    “Fatal error: Class ‘BBP_Theme_Compat’ not found in /usr/www/users/bikepgh/devsite/wp-content/themes/speakerspokesbb/functions.php on line 32”

    I’m using an exact copy of the functions.php file from the bbpress/bb-themes/bbp-twentyten folder (copied to my child theme folder of my own custom theme).

    Does that provide any insight?



    Okay this gets even stranger.

    So I have a Forum that has 418 topics in it (and +25 hidden, whatever that means…), spread out 50 topics / page over 9 pages.

    Here’s where it gets weird:

    Pages 1 – 5 are showing their posts in the correct order (most recent at the top). However, they are still not the most recent topics all together. They’re the 50 oldest topics, sorted in the correct order (so post 368, 367, 366, etc.)

    Pages 6 – 9 are then showing their posts in oldest first.

    The oddity prevails.



    Ok sorry for triple-posting but I was wrong, this still doesn’t seem to work. I was mistaken because I had tried creating a WP Page with the same slug as I was using in Settings > Forums where you can set the Forum base to a Page’s slug. That gave me control over the page title, but not the actual theme control I’m looking for.

    Wowsers, I wish I could figure this out.

    Edit: Wow, that was difficult, but could have been easy. It was the template file that I was editing (and seeing no results) that confused me. I was attempting to edit the page-front-forums.php template file, and it was doing nothing. So I gave a shot at the archive-forum.php template and that worked. Not sure why the page template that states inside that it’s for the Forums Index isn’t working, but oh well…



    Ok I believe I’ve got this working, for anyone else having these issues.

    1. Follow BJ’s instructions above.

    2. Activiate the Child Theme via Appearance > Select that Theme

    3. Don’t forget to add the add_theme_support( ‘bbpress’ ); call to the child theme’s functions.php file



    You understood correctly, Erlend.



    Having trouble getting the BBPress theme templates to work as well…

    1. I followed all of the original post’s instructions, but making changes to the templates doesn’t come through on the live site.

    2. I tried creating a child theme as per BJ’s suggestion above, but that wasn’t successful for me.

    3. Pulled my remaining hairs out trying other solutions.

    Just thought I’d mention. :)



    Yay, there is! And it’s actually so obvious I should be ashamed for posting this question.


    More info in bbp-includes/bbp-common-template.php



    I’ve given that a shot, I’ll post back here if it didn’t work.



    I’ve given that a shot, I’ll post back here if it didn’t work.



    Hmmm, let’s test it out…



    Hmmm, let’s test it out…



    I’ve been getting this as well, even though the database settings are correct. For two sites on the same server, it’s working for one and not the other.

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