chrissydunno (@chrissydunno)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: new topics not showing



    thank you all .. here are the answers

    plugins are:


    BBXF Export

    Instant Password

    Simple Onlinelist

    unfortunately when running a recount i get

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/metabolism/webapps/metabolism_board/bb-includes/backpress/functions.core.php on line 1048

    any idea why?



    where in the code do you add your redirect hook exactly?



    unfortunately making them children or parents doesn’t do it

    i’m noticing it has to do with ‘forum is category’ .. if the checkbox is marked the forum is grayed out and you cannot add or move topics to it

    if it’s not marked there is no problem

    however i cannot change the status of the checkbox for existing forums .. unchecking and saving doesn’t work .. it stays checked



    i have latest WP and latest bbPress. Looks like integration results in every bb registrant being automatically given ADMIN login role in WP. Role mapping doesn’t seem to make a difference. Is there really no solution to this other than recommended downgrading?



    you guys rock

    just changed from sendmail to smtp, added authentication, made path changes and it works!

    here is the template for my plugin



    Plugin Name: Swift Mailer

    Description: Replace bb_mail with Swift Mailer

    Version: 0.1


    if ( !function_exists(‘bb_mail’) ) {

    function bb_mail($to, $subject, $content, $headers=”){



    $smtp =& new Swift_Connection_SMTP(“MYSMTPSERVER”, 25);



    $swift =& new Swift($smtp);

    $from = new Swift_Address(“MYFROMEMAIL”,”MYFRIENDLYFROM”);

    $message =& new Swift_Message($subject, $content);

    if ($swift->send($message, $to, $from)) {return true;}

    else{ echo “Message failed to send to “.$to.” from “.$from;}







    thanks guys .. but how do you ‘make howtogeek’s code into a plugin’

    where does his code go? registration-settings.php? how?

    i can install swiftmailer of course, just not sure what else needs to change in current bbpress configurations

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