Forum Replies Created
It’s really a simple error of trying to include a file that is not located where you are telling bbPress it is located. Have you tried including it as explained here?
You can just hard code the full path to the file there and not worry about it unless you change hosts or directories. To prove that it works, just include it like that and I think you will find that it works once you know and use the actual path to the file.
If you’re worried about changing directories or hosts at some point, you can always use a relative path (with the ../ in front) so long as you use the right path. So far, you have not.
Do you have shell access on the host with something like SSH? If so, finding the path to the file will be easy. If not, you can still find it based on the error messages you’re getting and the structure of your site.
Regarding this error:
# 3. Here are the errors from attempt # 2 above:
Warning: require_once(/home/content/08/123456/html/website/forum/wp-load.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/08/123456/html/website/forum/bb-config.php on line 65
That is because the file is not located where you are saying it is located. What is the full filesystem path to the wp-load.php file?
That’s the first thing you need to resolve – how to include the file, based on where it’s located.
In reply to: Question regarding Tripess by SpykaWhere did you get the theme and what license did it come with? Is there a readme.txt file or anything like that?
That looks like php and then the characters after the “PHP” look like what happens when you paste fancy quotes from a copy of a website. Maybe the opening quotes are similar and causing similar trouble.
Your include statement should be something like:
If your bbPress installation is in a directory one level below WordPress (i.e. the ../ goes UP one level to find wp-load.php). You can also use a full path there instead of the relative path. In that case, it would look more like:
Is this really the actual file name you are trying to include:
That should say “wp-load.php” – why the strange characters there?
Warning: require_once(0php’) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/08/DBnumber/html/websitename/forum/bb-config.php on line 65
^^ This is the source of the problems, right here. bbPress cannot find whatever file you are trying to include, in whatever location you said it was in.
Can you post line 65 of bb-config.php? Is that where you include wp-load.php?
In reply to: I need help – get config.php error message…That means you entered incorrect database information, or did not enter the database host. Do you have four pieces of information from your host for connecting to the database?
Database name
Database user name
Database password
Database host
If you have a host to enter, you have to tick the “advanced database details” or something like that to enter this last piece of information. Otherwise, bbPress will try to connect to localhost, and if the database is not there, you will get this error.
If the database IS on localhost and you have just 3 pieces of database connection information, then one of your details is incorrect.
Stick with it; you’re almost there.
In reply to: I need help – get config.php error message…Only one level up and the current directory. If the file is still being used by other software, be sure you change the name back properly after installing bbPress.
In reply to: I need help – get config.php error message…bbPress will complain about a config.php in its own directory OR the one above. Temporarily rename it if you can. The installer will complain because the bb-config.php used to be called config.php and the installer thinks that’s why you have this file here.
In reply to: I need help – get config.php error message…The file bb-config.php is created by the installer using bb-config-sample.php as a template. If you don’t have a bb-config.php then you don’t have to delete it.
Do you have a file called config.php in this directory or one directory up? bbpress will complain if so. You will need to rename that file temporarily is you’re using it for other software.
In reply to: How to change 'Topic not found. Back to ' message?The first part will be to determine if the user is logged in.
You will probably use the function
to see if they are logged in, if so, you can just continue. If not, then you need to send them to the log in form, and then redirect them after they log in back to the post they were looking for.In reply to: How to change 'Topic not found. Back to ' message?The rude reply was just spam, not directed toward you or anyone.
The first part of the text comes from topic.php:
./topic.php:14: bb_die(__('Topic not found.'));
The second part from bb-includes/
./bb-includes/ <p class="last"><?php printf( __('Back to <a href="%s">%s</a>.'), $uri, bb_get_option( 'name' ) ); ?></p>
It’s not a good idea to modify core files, but that is where the text comes from (2 different core files.)
Maybe instead of that you could just catch if people are logged in, and redirect them to the log in page if not, then once logged in redirect to the topic they were looking for.
In reply to: Avatar UploadNo. You need to sign up at for a gravatar. Use the same email there that you registered with here, and it will appear automatically. No minimum time or anything like that.
There is no “upload” here. The avatars are pulled from
Good point mr_pelle.
So basically, the order should be:
1. Change the location of the forum in bb-admin
2. Immediately rename the directory
3. Modify rewrite rules in .htaccess
Is there any more to it than that?
In reply to: No default template?Somewhere, you either called the folder “forums” or typed that in to the installer. I get redirected when I try accessing some things (like the stylesheet.)
If you have nothing of value there yet (no topics or replies) I would just reinstall and be sure your URL and directory have the same name in them (i.e. a folder called bbpress, and the URL has bbpress on the end.)
To reinstall, you will need to drop the bb_ tables from the database, otherwise you will get an error “bbPress is already installed.”
In reply to: Matching my WordPress Themea2vannoy, please start a new topic for your separate issues. I deleted your reply.
entrepreneurchic, I deleted your response to a2vannoy.
In reply to: No default template?How come you have bbpress in one URL and forums in the other? Did you specify the location as one, but actually have it in a folder called the other? Both the folder (directory) where you installed it, and the information in the installer need to be the same. I would suggest using forums in both places (because who cares what forum software runs there really, right?)
You can copy any file that is not in your template folder, directly from the kakumei folder. Then modify the ones you copied. It’s a bad idea to modify the files in the kakumei folder, and to get the functionality you want, you are probably going to be editing template files. So make copies of any you do not have in your theme folder already.
In reply to: Kakumei Black themeNo, you would need to host it somewhere yourself, and provide the download link here. There is no Theme Repository, and themes do not belong in the plugin section.
Any theme file, yes. If the file is not present in your theme, the missing file from the default theme is used instead.
In reply to: Taking a look at bbPress 0.9Rescued this post from Akismet.
Copy the register.php from the
folder into your theme folder. If you don’t have a theme file present in your theme, the file from the default theme is used. Since that’s happening now, go ahead and copy the register.php into your theme folder and make the modifications there.Just the text that is displayed? The fields would still be required and go through validation? Just edit the template file register.php and eliminate that line:
./bb-templates/kakumei/register.php line 65
<p class="required-message"><?php _e('These items are <span class="required">required</span>.') ?></p>
You could also hide the text with some jQuery, but I think it’s easiest to just remove the text from your template file.
In reply to: Cannot get past Step 1 of installWhen I type in I cannot see my blog.
You should not see your blog there. You should see your forum, which is what I see. If you type it in without the trailing slash, you might get a different result. With the slash, it works properly. Without, there is a weird redirection happening.
What were you expecting?
In reply to: WP forwarding to /forum/wp-adminThis works:
And this:
With no trailing slash:
redirects to:
And gives a 500 Internal Server Error.
With the proper trailing slash:
redirects properly to:
I’d say it has something to do with the rewrite rules and the RewriteBase maybe, in one of the two .htaccess files, but without seeing the rules from both, it’s hard to say.