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In reply to: help with new install!
Sounds like your server does not support mod_rewrite, or there are other rewrite rules in another .htaccess file (for WP?) that are conflicting.
There were a couple good posts by SamBauers regarding the rewrite rules. Here’s one:
I think if you turn off the pretty permalinks and take that stuff out of your .htaccess file, you’ll find things work again. Then, you just need to figure out how to get them working on your server.
In reply to: Certain users posts not showing upSounds like he’s been marked as a bozo. If you search the forums for bozo, you will find lots of mentions and solutions for it, based on what version you’re running.
In reply to: Problem with SMTP portDo you *have* an SMTP server installed on Windows? Which one is it? The mail server is not related to PHP or Apache.
In reply to: How do you change the Freshness of post date format?That php _e(‘Freshness’) just echoes the table header. A couple lines beneath that you will find the call to the function that provides the time elapsed (i.e. the Freshness):
<?php topic_time(); ?>
Instead of that topic_time, you could just insert the code like _ck_ has shown, modified a little bit, so instead of this in your template files:
<?php topic_time(); ?>
use this:
<?php echo date("date format here", strtotime($topic->topic_time)); ?>
where date format here is some combination of characters from here:
For example:
<?php echo date("D M j Y G:i:s", strtotime($topic->topic_time)); ?>
prints like Sun Aug 19 2007 1:53:54 right now, but it would be based on the topic time of the post in your case.
You would need to look at these files, at least, in your template directory:
It’s safe to modify your own template files. You’re not modifying the core bbPress files. But maybe this would be better as a plugin, I’m not sure.
Good luck.
In reply to: Dropdown menu to jump between forumsSimple enough. Nice solution.
In reply to: Can’t get past first step!Do you have a screenshot of what you’re seeing?
In reply to: Admin Menu Setup HaywireI think you are probably missing some CSS for the admin page, and it’s likely due to the edits that were made. Since you’ve made significant edits, I am not going to recommend going back to the stock theme. You are going to have to fix your current theme, and without someone here able to log in as admin, they would not be able to see what’s broken.
Some tools you can use:
In reply to: bbpress install on an existing wordpress blogI am going to guess that the single quote in this string is causing you trouble:
$bb->name = 'Le forum des subventions à la création et au développement d'entreprise';
I bet it would work like this, although I don’t know how it will display (escape the single quote/apostrophe):
$bb->name = 'Le forum des subventions à la création et au développement d'entreprise';
I would also bet this would work (double quote the string, no escape):
$bb->name = "Le forum des subventions à la création et au développement d'entreprise";
Good luck
In reply to: How do you delete users?Once you are in the users section, click a username. In their profile, there are 3 tabs on the top right: Profile, Edit and Favorites. Click the edit tab, scroll down to the bottom and there is a “Delete User >” button, which will ask for confirmation after you click it.
AFAIK, that button does not appear on the page of the keymaster, which is a Good Thing(tm).
This is as admin/keymaster, I’m not sure if that function is available to moderators or not. If you are logged in as a moderator, and the button is not there at the bottom of that page, then the function is not available to moderators.
In reply to: Installation Problem (last time was a disaster!)Changing the look and feel is all done with the templates and CSS, nothing in the database. If you don’t provide a link to the forum, no one will know about it. Of course, if someone guesses there’s a forum at then it will be visible to them. If you’d like to restrict access to it while you are working on it, you can create an .htaccess and .htpasswd file for the public_html/forum directory on the server.
In reply to: Installation Problem (last time was a disaster!)The bbPress forum is not really a part of the blog, it’s sort of next to it. With integration, you get login information shared between WP and bbPress, but you will need to do the CSS customization to a bbPress template to make it look like your blog.
And yes, you can play all you want with the bbPress CSS, it won’t affect your blog at all. They’re totally separate files. I would making a new directory for your new template, so you can always revert to the default template if something goes wrong.
If you search the forums, there are some people who have had a lot of success making their bbPress installation look like their blog.
In reply to: Installation Problem (last time was a disaster!)ronchicago: yes
In reply to: My first attempt on BBpressVery nice Neil.
In reply to: Uploaded bbPress, but can’t initiate installIt appears your server is Microsoft-IIS/6.0. When I access this page I get this error:
Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL which is required for bbPress.
Are you certain your server has MySQL installed? And if MySQL is installed, did you fill out the database details in the config-sample.php, then rename that file to config.php?
At first I thought it might be a syntax problem in the config file, which is a possibility too.
In reply to: A forum just for art teachersDawn, there is a great add-on for Firefox called “Colour Contrast Analyser” from JuicyStudio.
Here is the output of that tool for your site.
Things look good overall, and you need to read the report and say whether or not the combinations listed there can ever occur in the real world or not.
I would also validate the XHTML and CSS at W3C:
Still looks good to me, overall. Nice job.
In reply to: No ajax on repliesLooks like it happened around r406 to address trac ticket 425? (the last place I can find topic-ajax.php is r384):
09/22/06 20:47:15 changed by mdawaffe
* status changed from assigned to closed.
* resolution set to wontfix.
We're not even ajax posting anymore.
Should revisit this if we ever go back.In reply to: A forum just for art teachersDawn, that looks really nice. Nice job.
In reply to: usually forums would have…I think the real question here is “what the heck is a winesap”?
In reply to: How to evaluate server speed?And those files you posted aren’t a security threat per se, but they do give a lot of info about the server. I would take them down so you don’t forget about them. If someone were looking to exploit your server, they could start by finding out what options your php and perl were compiled with, and attack from there. Just take them down so you don’t forget about them.
In reply to: How to evaluate server speed?How about apache bench?
In reply to: How to evaluate server speed?If you have shell access, I imagine you would have access to
? My guess is the load on the server is pretty crazy, with lots of sites hosted there.edit: just read where you don’t have
in your path. Hmm. But you have access to my.cnf? That’s odd.In reply to: How to evaluate server speed?/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld restart or /etc/init.d/mysqld restart ?
In reply to: RSS aggregator suitable for bbPress?lazyweb responds:
Will any of those approaches work for you?
In reply to: How to evaluate server speed?I would say if it seems slow to you now, it is going to seem slow to your users. especially when you have more of them. There’s a lot more to a good host than just the speed it takes to execute a bunch of queries, although that can point to a problem. My point is, there can be other problems that will not show up using just these diagnostics.
Do you have any information about the host, their connection to the Internet, the hardware they are using, the number of other websites on the shared machine? Do you have a link to your forum so others can see the speed you’re seeing? So you have shell access where you can run a command like
?In reply to: Protection against human spamming and double e-mailHow about this from Trent: