chandersbs (@chandersbs)

Forum Replies Created

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i tried this code as well, to generate a list of 10 last topics in my sidebar. But its not showing any topics at all.



I really don’t hope that too.

Wow, really hope development doesn't stop on bbPress.

In reply to: Advanced 301 technique



Thank you.

In reply to: bbPress Codex – lolz



I think it’s very cool, I love it.

In reply to: Usability ideas



The second thing would be an easier integration of wordpress themes.

This is more the back-end, I aiming more at the front-end.



Yeah, but how?



Thanks Olaf, gonna try both today.

In reply to: Usability ideas



I was thinking about adding the register form, right below the reply button for visitors who are not logged in.



I couldn’t find the plugin, but you can’t download it from this website, just search for a plugin called “Allow images”



Copy and paste this code and save it as allow-images.php



Plugin Name: Allow Images

Plugin URI:

Description: Allows <img /> tags to be posted in your forums. The image must be a png, gif or jpeg.

Author: Michael D Adams

Author URI:

Version: 0.7.1


// You can add more tags here

function allow_images_allowed_tags( $tags ) {

$tags = array(‘src’ => array(), ‘title’ => array(), ‘alt’ => array());

return $tags;


function allow_images_encode_bad( $text ) {

$text = wp_specialchars( $text );

$text = preg_replace(‘|
|’, ‘
‘, $text);

foreach ( bb_allowed_tags() as $tag => $args ) {

if ( ‘br’ == $tag )


if ( $args )

$text = preg_replace(“|<(/?$tag.*?)>|”, ‘<$1>’, $text);


$text = preg_replace(“|<(/?$tag)>|”, ‘<$1>’, $text);


$text = preg_replace(“|(.*?)|se”, “‘' . encodeit('$1') . '‘”, $text);

return $text;


function allow_images( $text ) {

if ( preg_match_all(‘/<img(.+?)src=(“|’)(.+?)\2(.+?)>/i’, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER ) )

foreach( $matches as $match )

if (

preg_match(‘/src=/i’, $match[4]) // multiple src = someone’s trying to cheat


!in_array(substr($match[3], -4), array(‘.png’, ‘.jpg’, ‘.gif’)) // only match .jpg, .gif, .png


‘.jpeg’ != substr($match[3], -5) // and .jpeg


$text = str_replace($match[0], ”, $text);

return $text;


remove_filter( ‘pre_post’, ‘encode_bad’ );

add_filter( ‘pre_post’, ‘allow_images_encode_bad’, 9 );

add_filter( ‘pre_post’, ‘allow_images’, 52 );

add_filter( ‘bb_allowed_tags’, ‘allow_images_allowed_tags’ );


Upload it to your my-plugins folder, create if it doesn’t exist. And activate it.



Unzip and upload it to your bb-templates folder, login as admin and go to Appearance, there you will see all your uploaded themes, click to activate.



I think this is a very nice idea, it makes it more interesting for users to want to participate. The easier it is to register + leave a reply, the more interesting.



I thought the default Kakumei already had this



I’m sure it has to do with if and else things but how to code it :(



I mean, i just want two fields during the registration, but the user should have the option to edit their profile and add more info, like interest, website etc.

i tried this plugin, and it removes the extra fields during the registration, which is great, but the problem is, there is no way you can add more info to your profile, since the fields are disabled by this plugin.



It’s working, but how to hide the fields during the registration? Leaving only the required ones.

In reply to: Events plugin needed



Too bad.

Just so you know, I’m not using WordPress. It’s just bbPress only.



It’s looking good.



You mean the last 10 replies?



I don’t think there is a plugin that only shows newest members, there is one plugin though that generates a lot of useful information about your forum.

I think this plugin might help you:

Maybe you can find a way to pull the data it generates and insert it wherever you want it.

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