blandow (@blandow)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: vbulletin 3.x import



    Never worked. Always crashed at the end of the import. Scrapped the whole message board in the end.

    In reply to: Updating my import



    So I made a fresh forum for testing and the posting was instant. So it looks like 1.8 Millions entries in our wp_posts table is just too big a strain. I want to try to mass delete a lot of the old stuff from years ago, but I don’t want to delete regular WP posts. So what in the SQL is unique to bbpress so I can run the correct query?

    In reply to: Updating my import



    Didn’t help, and the plugin tool didn’t show any problems. I also have removed all plug in from the site that were not needed…. Still hangs after hitting submit…. I saw someone posted 2 years ago this exact same issue but there was not a response.

    In reply to: Updating my import



    Hi. I am in the U.S. on Central Time…

    This is the only thing I have added… I ran WP Optimize yesterday to see if my database was the issue… but doesn’t seem to be.

    /* —————————————————————————-
    * bbPress
    // change avatar size to 40px
    function td_bbp_change_avatar_size($author_avatar, $topic_id, $size) {
    $author_avatar = ”;
    if ($size == 14) {
    $size = 40;
    $topic_id = bbp_get_topic_id( $topic_id );
    if ( !empty( $topic_id ) ) {
    if ( !bbp_is_topic_anonymous( $topic_id ) ) {
    $author_avatar = get_avatar( bbp_get_topic_author_id( $topic_id ), $size );
    } else {
    $author_avatar = get_avatar( get_post_meta( $topic_id, ‘_bbp_anonymous_email’, true ), $size );
    return $author_avatar;
    add_filter(‘bbp_get_topic_author_avatar’, ‘td_bbp_change_avatar_size’, 20, 3);
    add_filter(‘bbp_get_reply_author_avatar’, ‘td_bbp_change_avatar_size’, 20, 3);
    add_filter(‘bbp_get_current_user_avatar’, ‘td_bbp_change_avatar_size’, 20, 3);

    In reply to: Updating my import



    I can try late tonight when traffic is slow on the site.. but I just don’t see why it would prevent the page from refreshing… I will keep posting updates.

    I saw some older posts about this no page coming back up after hitting submit and super slow load times… I just don’t really understand what they did.

    In reply to: Updating my import



    Admin Custom Login
    AdRotate Pro
    amr shortcode any widget
    Duplicate Post (already tried disabling)
    Easy WP SMTP (already tried disabling)
    Envato WordPress toolkit
    Fast Secure Contact Form
    Foo Gallery
    FooBox Free Image lightbox
    Meta Box
    Multi Feed Reader
    Page Links To (tried disabling)
    Revolution Slider
    Rotating Tweets – Twitter widget & shortcode
    Sidebar Login
    Widget Logic
    WP All Import Pro
    WP User Avatar
    WPBakery Visual Composer

    In reply to: Updating my import



    Nothing like that… the loads times of loading posts and topics is fast, it’s just the submit is super slow and then you end up on a blank screen and have to refresh…thats really rough…

    In reply to: Updating my import



    Easy WP SMTP for the registration emailing…..

    In reply to: Updating my import



    Message Board link on top right


    In reply to: Updating my import



    Ok, I will try. Our site is live now, and whenever I hit submit to write a post, it takes 15 seconds on average before it finishes, and then I am left with a blank screen where I have to hit refresh to get back to the thread… the post is there, but the blank screen thing is a problem…. Please let me know what I can do to fix this. Thank You.

    In reply to: Updating my import



    Any luck on getting a incremental conversion?

    In reply to: Updating my import



    Could really use an answer on this one guys… site going live in 2 days



    Awesome — used the code snippet for the child’s function.php and it worked!

    Thank You

    In reply to: vbulletin 3.x import



    Just curious… Are there any data left to import after “converting anonymous reply authors”? Looks like everything is functional and looks great, but this piece is taking forever, and I was thinking about just killing it….

    In reply to: vbulletin 3.x import



    Looks like the import was a success! Great tool.

    My question now is where do I make the customizations for styling? Is it the bbpress.css file or do I have to do it in the main style.css?

    I just want to add a white background to every topic page and every forum post.

    In reply to: vbulletin 3.x import



    Ok – well it worked for a much longer this time before fail. I got about 700,000 out of 1.8M replies imported before it failed. My question is do I have to start over? Or is there a way to have it continue where it left off? All of the users and topics were done — it seems like replies is the last piece of the import?


    In reply to: vbulletin 3.x import



    Well I am VERY HAPPY to say that I am now successfully importing from vBulletin 3.8.4 to our new WordPress site. I can already browse through the topics and some posts, users, etc. Looks great. I just had one question:

    The import is still occuring, and I know with 1.8 million posts it will take while. It already converted users and topics. Now it is creating a series of dashed lines. ———————-
    Is this the posts themselves converting? Just curious how long this might take until finished. Just a rough estimate would be great. Thanks!

    In reply to: vbulletin 3.x import



    Been 5 days and no response. I was really hoping for some help here.

    In reply to: vbulletin 3.x import



    Unfortunately the same result…no forums to convert, no users, etc..

    In reply to: vbulletin 3.x import



    Thanks Stephen. I am choosing vBulletin3

    In reply to: vbulletin 3.x import



    Tried again and it just said nothing to import …. topics, threads, etc….

    Not sure what I am doing wrong… I noticed the table prefix in my config.php is just ”

    Is this an issue? Sorry I just haven’t messed with this before.. Thanks again in advance!

    In reply to: vbulletin 3.x import



    I forgot to put the domain name in – starting it again..

    In reply to: vbulletin 3.x import



    So it didn’t work…
    (The results I get when I start the import is no topics to import, no threads to import, etc)

    This is my config.php file:

    || #################################################################### ||
    || # vBulletin 3.7.1 Patch Level 1 – Licence Number REDACTED
    || # —————————————————————- # ||
    || # All PHP code in this file is ©2000-2008 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. # ||
    || # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
    || # —————- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE —————- # ||
    || # | # ||
    || #################################################################### ||

    | If you get any errors while attempting to connect to |
    | MySQL, you will need to email your webhost because we |
    | cannot tell you the correct values for the variables |
    | in this file. |

    // ****** DATABASE TYPE ******
    // This is the type of the database server on which your vBulletin database will be located.
    // Valid options are mysql and mysqli, for slave support add _slave. Try to use mysqli if you are using PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1+
    // for slave options just append _slave to your preferred database type.
    $config[‘Database’][‘dbtype’] = ‘mysql’;

    // ****** DATABASE NAME ******
    // This is the name of the database where your vBulletin will be located.
    // This must be created by your webhost.
    $config[‘Database’][‘dbname’] = ‘insidestlforums_beta’;

    // ****** TABLE PREFIX ******
    // Prefix that your vBulletin tables have in the database.
    $config[‘Database’][‘tableprefix’] = ”;

    // ****** TECHNICAL EMAIL ADDRESS ******
    // If any database errors occur, they will be emailed to the address specified here.
    // Leave this blank to not send any emails when there is a database error.
    $config[‘Database’][‘technicalemail’] = ‘’;

    // ****** FORCE EMPTY SQL MODE ******
    // New versions of MySQL (4.1+) have introduced some behaviors that are
    // incompatible with vBulletin. Setting this value to “true” disables those
    // behaviors. You only need to modify this value if vBulletin recommends it.
    $config[‘Database’][‘force_sql_mode’] = true;

    // This is the hostname or IP address and port of the database server.
    // If you are unsure of what to put here, leave the default values.
    $config[‘MasterServer’][‘servername’] = ‘localhost’;
    $config[‘MasterServer’][‘port’] = 3306;

    // This is the username and password you use to access MySQL.
    // These must be obtained through your webhost.
    $config[‘MasterServer’][‘username’] = ‘redacted’;
    $config[‘MasterServer’][‘password’] = ‘redacted’;

    // This option allows you to turn persistent connections to MySQL on or off.
    // The difference in performance is negligible for all but the largest boards.
    // If you are unsure what this should be, leave it off. (0 = off; 1 = on)
    $config[‘MasterServer’][‘usepconnect’] = 1;

    // If you have multiple database backends, this is the information for your slave
    // server. If you are not 100% sure you need to fill in this information,
    // do not change any of the values here.
    $config[‘SlaveServer’][‘servername’] = ”;
    $config[‘SlaveServer’][‘port’] = 3306;
    $config[‘SlaveServer’][‘username’] = ”;
    $config[‘SlaveServer’][‘password’] = ”;
    $config[‘SlaveServer’][‘usepconnect’] = 0;

    // This setting allows you to change the name of the folders that the admin and
    // moderator control panels reside in. You may wish to do this for security purposes.
    // Please note that if you change the name of the directory here, you will still need
    // to manually change the name of the directory on the server.
    $config[‘Misc’][‘admincpdir’] = ‘admincp’;
    $config[‘Misc’][‘modcpdir’] = ‘modcp’;

    // Prefix that all vBulletin cookies will have
    // Keep this short and only use numbers and letters, i.e. 1-9 and a-Z
    $config[‘Misc’][‘cookieprefix’] = ‘bb’;

    // ******** FULL PATH TO FORUMS DIRECTORY ******
    // On a few systems it may be necessary to input the full path to your forums directory
    // for vBulletin to function normally. You can ignore this setting unless vBulletin
    // tells you to fill this in. Do not include a trailing slash!
    // Example Unix:
    // $config[‘Misc’][‘forumpath’] = ‘/home/users/public_html/forums’;
    // Example Win32:
    // $config[‘Misc’][‘forumpath’] = ‘c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\vb3’;
    $config[‘Misc’][‘forumpath’] = ”;

    // The users specified here will be allowed to view the admin log in the control panel.
    // Users must be specified by *ID number* here. To obtain a user’s ID number,
    // view their profile via the control panel. If this is a new installation, leave
    // the first user created will have a user ID of 1. Seperate each userid with a comma.
    $config[‘SpecialUsers’][‘canviewadminlog’] = ‘1’;

    // The users specified here will be allowed to remove (“prune”) entries from the admin
    // log. See the above entry for more information on the format.
    $config[‘SpecialUsers’][‘canpruneadminlog’] = ‘1’;

    // The users specified here will be allowed to run queries from the control panel.
    // See the above entries for more information on the format.
    // Please note that the ability to run queries is quite powerful. You may wish
    // to remove all user IDs from this list for security reasons.
    $config[‘SpecialUsers’][‘canrunqueries’] = ”;

    // The users specified here will not be deletable or alterable from the control panel by any users.
    // To specify more than one user, separate userids with commas.
    $config[‘SpecialUsers’][‘undeletableusers’] = ”;

    // ****** SUPER ADMINISTRATORS ******
    // The users specified below will have permission to access the administrator permissions
    // page, which controls the permissions of other administrators
    $config[‘SpecialUsers’][‘superadministrators’] = ‘1’;

    // Here you can configure different methods for caching datastore items.
    // vB_Datastore_Filecache – to use includes/datastore/datastore_cache.php
    // vB_Datastore_APC – to use APC
    // vB_Datastore_XCache – to use XCache
    // vB_Datastore_Memcached – to use a Memcache server, more configuration below
    // $config[‘Datastore’][‘class’] = ‘vB_Datastore_Filecache’;

    // ******** DATASTORE PREFIX ******
    // If you are using a PHP Caching system (APC, XCache, eAccelerator) with more
    // than one set of forums installed on your host, you *may* need to use a prefix
    // so that they do not try to use the same variable within the cache.
    // This works in a similar manner to the database table prefix.
    // $config[‘Datastore’][‘prefix’] = ”;

    // It is also necessary to specify the hostname or IP address and the port the server is listening on
    $config[‘Datastore’][‘class’] = ‘vB_Datastore_Memcached’;
    $i = 0;
    // First Server
    $config[‘Misc’][‘memcacheserver’][$i] = ‘’;
    $config[‘Misc’][‘memcacheport’][$i] = 11211;
    $config[‘Misc’][‘memcachepersistent’][$i] = true;
    $config[‘Misc’][‘memcacheweight’][$i] = 1;
    $config[‘Misc’][‘memcachetimeout’][$i] = 1;
    $config[‘Misc’][‘memcacheretry_interval’][$i] = 15;

    // ****** The following options are only needed in special cases ******

    // ****** MySQLI OPTIONS *****
    // When using MySQL 4.1+, MySQLi should be used to connect to the database.
    // If you need to set the default connection charset because your database
    // is using a charset other than latin1, you can set the charset here.
    // If you don’t set the charset to be the same as your database, you
    // may receive collation errors. Ignore this setting unless you
    // are sure you need to use it.
    // $config[‘Mysqli’][‘charset’] = ‘utf8’;

    // Optionally, PHP can be instructed to set connection parameters by reading from the
    // file named in ‘ini_file’. Please use a full path to the file.
    // Example:
    // $config[‘Mysqli’][‘ini_file’] = ‘c:\program files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\my.ini’;
    $config[‘Mysqli’][‘ini_file’] = ”;

    // Image Processing Options
    // Images that exceed either dimension below will not be resized by vBulletin. If you need to resize larger images, alter these settings.
    $config[‘Misc’][‘maxwidth’] = 2592;
    $config[‘Misc’][‘maxheight’] = 1944;

    || ####################################################################
    || # Downloaded: 16:07, Tue Jun 17th 2008
    || # CVS: $RCSfile$ – $Revision: 26534 $
    || ####################################################################

    In reply to: vbulletin 3.x import



    I will try that – thank you.

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