aravoth2011 (@aravoth2011)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @aravoth2011


    I dunno know if is using BBpress 2.2 yet, but I did notice that the path to edit a profile here is


    while on my site it is


    dunno if that is part of the problem or not.



    2 posts means that there are two posts inside of the topic, 1 voice means that only one person made both of those posts. So if you had something that said “This topic contains 15 replies, has 4 voices” etc. it would mean that the topic has 15 posts, but only 4 people posting.



    seems like spam is coming from non registered users, perhaps the best way to stop spam from coming in is to add re-captcha or something to the post box.

    If you only allow registered users to post then you could add captcha or something to the registration page.



    not really a theme compatibility issue, but bbpress post toolbar plugin does not function with bbpress 2.1, nor does bbpress qoutes, just something for the plugin authors to think about.




    Hadn’t thought about any of that actually. I suppose a person could choose what existing forum to put the posts in, make replies anonymous temporarily on bbpress when doing the conversion, so that you could post comments as replies without having to register anyone.

    Mostly I think the most important thing to transfer over would be to have the topic itself.

    Not sure how much a demand for this there would be though, I know I’m not the only one who is looking for a way to do this though. I’m hoping to use bbpress in such a way that it replaces the blogging function entirely, so hopefully i can figure this out.

    I think there might be a way to do it actually. I thought I saw something once upon a time that converted wordpress posts into bbpress topics for the standalone version. I guess once you convert to the standalone you could then convert it yet again to the plugin version.

    I’ll give it a shot and see what happens.



    what theme are you using?



    can this convert wordpress posts into bbpress posts? Cause that would be a pretty sweet idea.



    Testing this now, not having any weird compatability issues. I use a child theme of twentyeleven I made. I did notice however that I lost alot of css customizations on the forum. Did you go go with a tableless layout or something?

    I only mention it because I was using forum Icons on the main forum page, and it’s kinda hard to position them now. Not a big deal or anything.



    Yeah, bbpress 2.0 is unbelievable, love this thing. So easily customized, looks awesome, feels awesome, and it’s ability to integrate with wordpress the way it does is bad ass.



    you can see an example of what I’m trying to pull off at

    The area in question is the meta data for the post that is situated just below the featured slider. You’ll see an area that reads “posted in”. It should say “posted in General Discussion”, rather than “posted in whatever the topic title is”



    I have noticed that my permalink structure when viewing a forum topic looks like this,

    could this have something to do with it? Shouldn’t the permalink look like.. ?

    Honestly I’m kinda baffled. even bbp_get_topic_forum_title only pulls the topic title.

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