apocalyptictomorrow (@apocalyptictomorrow)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Integration questions



    Any news on this? I have the Simple:Press plugin but I love BBpress better (even though Simple:Press wraps around my WPMU/BuddyPress site perfectly…)



    chrishajer is right. Anyway, if you want to restrict registrations on both WordPress and bbPress you need to disable new registrations on each on them since at the moment their is no option to do both at once.

    In reply to: phpBB3.0-style theme



    Yes, a public version would be nice! Good work!



    A demo would be nice. :)

    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!



    I started playing with WordPress on December 25th. ApocalypticTomorrow was born on the next day. On that same day, I discovered bbPress and it was then integrated with WP. At the mement it has the included default “blue” theme and not many plugins but as the days go by, I will be modifying it and adding plugins as well as changing the look and feel.

    Check it out at http://apocalyptictomorrow.com/bbpress (feel free to join and be one of the first ones in the newly-made community!)

    By the way, you can shameless self-promote your personal website at:


    In reply to: Enhanced Profile



    Is your website down? Safari gives me the following message:

    Safari can’t find the server.

    Safari can’t open the page “http://mike.ryannewmaninfo.info/topic.php?id=3” because it can’t find the server “mike.ryannewmaninfo.info”.

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