Graeme (@agentmaximus)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @agentmaximus


    I can vouch for ThemePress. It is an excellent solution imho. I am using it on a site that is still in the development stage. It is quite easy to use. It is also much better than trying to make separate bbPress and wordpress themes similar.



    There is a facility in the plugin to enter additional URLs that will be generated into the sitemap. This is a way to point google at “/forums/” for a bbPress installation that falls under a wordpress main site. If the sitemap is not valid then I expect it is unlikely that the sitemap will be crawled.

    There are also other tools around for validating sitemaps but the google webmaster tools would be the one to trust.

    In reply to: rss result is empty



    I have tried a number of things:

    • slashed out the extra slash
    • progressively deactivated plugins to see of a plugin was at fault
    • tried switching to the default theme

    Each was unsuccessful in resolving the problem.






    Last resort is to build a time machine or ask your webhost. If you ask nicely they may retrieve a backup for you … ?



    I noticed that your site has a sitemaps.xml. It may not be valid. You can use Google Webmaster Tools to submit and/or validate your google sitemap. I suggest you check it.

    You will also find that there is a newer version of the google sitemaps plugin available (3.0.3) than the current one you are using (2.7.1). 2.7.1 may not generate correct sitemap for a wordpress 2.3.2 site. Downloading the updated plugin from the plugin’s site may help.



    I just reset my password on this site and noticed that this message appeared as well. This must be a general problem.



    A great looking theme! I noticed that the font resizing buttons do not work in Safari browser. There is a windows version of safari is available if you want to test on that platform.

    Link to download page: Safari Download.



    Yes you can however it is fiddly as it requires coding! It involves crafting a bbPress theme manually to make use of the same stylesheet and page structure as your WordPress theme. Your theme stylesheet will also need certain rules for bPress.

    I found when developing my themes that bbPress will use template files from the default theme if they are non-existent in a theme. This means that you can keep the number of .php template files in the theme to a minimum of 3 php files for a 1 column theme or 5 php files for a 2 column theme (i.e. with sidebar).

    If you had someone create your WordPress theme for you, then direct theme to since these themes are a bare-bones starting point for creating a new bbPress theme. They save some time in stripping down a bbPress theme to its bare essentials.



    What version of bbPress are you using?

    What were you trying to do when you encountered the error?

    Were you upgrading to the new version (

    What plugins do you have installed?



    If you have created a theme based on one of my raw themes at you may not need to change it (see this post).

    This will ultimately depend on any changes you made to the php files of the blank theme you downloaded.



    Most bb themes right now are hand-rolled.

    I have created some “blank” themes which are a good starting point for hand-rolling your own theme. These are at my site



    You may be missing some files in your installation….?

    My preferred technique for installing is to upload the zip/tarball to the server and then use either command line (i.e. ssh) or a web file manager on my webhost to extract the zip/tarball.

    If you extract the zip/tarball on your own computer and then use FTP to upload the bbPress directory tree then sometimes the FTP client can miss some files if it gets interrupted.

    In reply to: CSS



    Did you copy all of the rules?

    You should have copied all of these rules:

    /* Default table structure
    =================================== */

    /* 100% is a good starting width for most tables - this is a forum! */
    table { width: 100% }

    /* Login form (header.php)
    =================================== */

    .login {


    .login p {


    .login label {


    .login #submit {


    p.login {


    form.login input {


    /* Breadcrumbs (most templates)
    =================================== */
    .bbcrumb {


    /* Notice (profile.php)
    =================================== */

    .notice {


    .notice p {


    /* Front Page
    =================================== */

    #front-page #hottags {


    #front-page #discussions {


    /* hot tags! */
    .frontpageheatmap {


    #front-page #main h2, #forum-page #main h2,, #userlogin, #currentfavorites, #register {


    #front-page #discussions ul {


    .sticky {
    background-color: #ffffd0;

    /* Topic Page (topic.php)
    =================================== */

    /* wrapper for topic */
    .infobox {
    border-top: 1px solid #eeeeee;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #eeeeee;

    ul.topicmeta {
    display: block;
    margin-left 1.0; padding-left: 0em;

    .topicmeta li {
    display: list-item;
    list-style: square inside;

    #topic-info h2 {
    border: 0px;
    margin: 0px;

    #topic-info {
    float: left;

    #topic-tags {
    top: 1.0em;
    margin-top: 2.0em;
    float: right;

    /* .nav used by topic.php & tag-single.php */
    .nav {


    .nav span {


    .nav span, .nav a {


    #thread {


    #thread li {
    margin-bottom: 1.0em;

    #thread li ol, #thread li ul {


    #thread li ol li, #thread li ul li {


    /* following are used by post.php */
    .threadauthor {
    margin-left: -0px;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 115px;
    position: absolute;

    .threadpost {
    margin-left: 130px;
    width: 370px;
    background-color: #f5f5f5;
    padding: 10px;

    .poststuff {
    font-size: 0.8em;
    border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5;

    .num, #forumlist small {


    .postform {
    background: #f0f0f0;
    padding: 1em;
    margin-bottom: 1em;

    .postform textarea {
    height: 12em;
    margin: 5px 0;
    padding: 5px;
    width: 96%;
    display: block;

    .postform label { display: block; }

    .rssfeed { line-height: 20px; padding-left: 23px; background: url( "images/feed-icon-16x16.png" ) center left no-repeat; }

    #manage-tags {


    #manage-tags li {


    .submit {


    .topiclink {


    .topictitle {


    #topic-move {
    margin-bottom: 1.0em;

    /* Content - specific to the main content div
    =================================== */

    #content .frontpageheatmap a {


    #content .infobox li {


    #content .nav a {


    #content .nav a:hover {


    #content a:visited {


    /* Profile Page
    =================================== */

    #profile-menu {
    padding-top: 0.5em;
    list-style: none;
    border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc;


    #profile-menu ul {

    #profile-menu li {
    font-size: 1.1em;
    background-color: #eee;
    padding: 4px 7px;
    margin: 0px;
    display: inline;
    position: relative;
    top: -3px;

    #profile-menu li.current {
    background-color: #ccc;

    #userinfo {


    #userinfo dt {


    #userinfo dd {


    #useractivity {


    .user-recent {


    .user-recent .alt {
    background-color: transparent;

    .user-recent ol {


    .user-recent ol li {


    /* Profile Edit
    =================================== */

    fieldset {


    legend {


    fieldset table {


    fieldset table td {


    fieldset p {


    /* Other
    =================================== */

    #front-search {


    #latest td, #forumlist td, #favorites td {
    border: 1px solid #f5f5f5;

    #forumlist tr td div.nest {


    #latest tr:hover, #forumlist tr:hover, #favorites tr:hover {


    #latest th, #forumlist th, #favorites th {
    background-color: #e9ede8;
    border: 1px solid #f5f5f5;

    #latest, #forumlist, #favorites {


    .alt {
    background-color: #f9f9f9;

    .bozo {


    .alt.bozo {


    .deleted {


    .alt.deleted {




    Try editing topic.php in the default template and replace:

    <?php post_form(); ?>


    <?php post_form('Reply to this topic:'); ?>

    This is a simple way to make the change you want.

    Note that rather than editing the default template, you can make use of the powerful templating behaviour of bbPress if you create your own theme. With custom themes, bbPress will always pick up missing template files from the default kakumei theme! That means custom themes can be quite simple!

    1. Create a directory called my-templates.
    2. Create a directory in that directory called myfirsttheme.
    3. Copy style.css, screenshot.png and topic.php from bb-templates/kakumei to your my-templates/myfirsttheme directory.
    4. Edit my-templates/myfirsttheme/style.css and change:
      Theme Name: Kakumei


      Theme Name: myfirsttheme

    5. Change my-templates/myfirsttheme/topic.php with the change described above to topic.php.
    6. At this point you should see your own custom template in the admin backend.

    That allows you to setup your own theme. Then when new versions of bbPress come along you may not have to reedit the default templates – just copy your custom theme into the new/upgraded bbPress installation.

    I hope that makes sense.


    Sometimes new functionality in bbPress will mean that it is best to copy the default template files and re-apply your changes in your custom theme.



    I’ve just posted some updates. See this post on my site.

    I will tidy up the downloads page so you can still get to old versions. For now you can only access links to the latest themes.

    In reply to: CSS



    You appear to be using identical style.css files for the wordpress and bbpress sections of your site. You can fix this by copying some CSS rules from one of my theme downloads.

    I have just updated the blank bbPress themes at with new versions that have a forum-like tabular style.

    You can see them in action via the theme switcher at the bottom of the forums page.

    To solve your problem, I suggest you download one of the themes and copy all of the rules below:

    /* Global Styles

    =================================== */

    hr {

    display: none;


    into the bottom of your bbPress theme stylesheet. This will allow you to pick up all the bbPress CSS rules that are applied by these themes. Tweak these CSS rules in order to change the appearance of the forums.




    I’ve now installed the theme switcher plugin on forums. Use the drop-down list at the bottom of the page to view each of the available raw / blank bbpress forum themes.



    Thanks for the suggestion. I was planning to put up some screenshots but this is simpler / quicker. I’m aiming to make some time to install that later today.



    Thanks for your kind feedback! I hope you find them useful!

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