AAShepAA (@aashepaa)

Forum Replies Created

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  • AAShepAA



    Can you explain further how to implement this in the functions.php – please.



    Spence – I just abandoned the previous theme (after it costing me $35 :) I am now on a theme that supports the styling to my liking :)

    Again, thank you for all your help!




    Just sent again..






    The other was the functions.php that I had copied over to my child theme FROM bbPress plugin. This one is the one from the Myriad “mother” theme.


    Again – thank you very much.



    You bet – here they are:

    header.php – http://pastebin.com/d7s4Qnjb

    funtions.php – http://pastebin.com/8Uw8KuYG

    (see above for clarity.)

    And “Thanks” John for being nice about it. (I have never used pastbin before).



    functions.php are also standard twentyten:



    * Functions of bbPress’s Twenty Ten theme


    * @package bbPress

    * @subpackage BBP_Twenty_Ten

    * @since Twenty Ten 1.1


    // Exit if accessed directly

    if ( !defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) ) exit;

    /** Theme Setup ***************************************************************/

    if ( !class_exists( ‘BBP_Twenty_Ten’ ) ) :


    * Loads bbPress Twenty Ten Theme functionality


    * Usually functions.php contains a few functions wrapped in function_exisits()

    * checks. Since bbp-twenty-ten is intended to be used both as a child theme and

    * for Theme Compatibility, we’ve moved everything into one convenient class

    * that can be copied or extended.


    * See @link BBP_Theme_Compat() for more.


    * @since bbPress (r3277)


    * @package bbPress

    * @subpackage BBP_Twenty_Ten


    class BBP_Twenty_Ten extends BBP_Theme_Compat {

    /** Functions *************************************************************/


    * The main bbPress (Twenty Ten) Loader


    * @since bbPress (r3277)


    * @uses BBP_Twenty_Ten::setup_globals()

    * @uses BBP_Twenty_Ten::setup_actions()


    public function __construct() {





    * Component global variables


    * @since bbPress (r2626)

    * @access private


    * @uses plugin_dir_path() To generate bbPress plugin path

    * @uses plugin_dir_url() To generate bbPress plugin url

    * @uses apply_filters() Calls various filters


    private function setup_globals() {

    global $bbp;

    // Theme name to help identify if it’s been extended

    $this->name = ‘bbPress (Twenty Ten)’;

    // Version of theme in YYYMMDD format

    $this->version = ‘20110921’;

    // Setup the theme path

    $this->dir = $bbp->themes_dir . ‘/bbp-twentyten’;

    // Setup the theme URL

    $this->url = $bbp->themes_url . ‘/bbp-twentyten’;



    * Setup the theme hooks


    * @since bbPress (r3277)

    * @access private


    * @uses add_filter() To add various filters

    * @uses add_action() To add various actions


    private function setup_actions() {

    // Add theme support for bbPress

    add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, array( $this, ‘add_theme_support’ ) );

    // Enqueue theme CSS

    add_action( ‘bbp_enqueue_scripts’, array( $this, ‘enqueue_styles’ ) );

    // Enqueue theme JS

    add_action( ‘bbp_enqueue_scripts’, array( $this, ‘enqueue_scripts’ ) );

    // Enqueue theme script localization

    add_filter( ‘bbp_enqueue_scripts’, array( $this, ‘localize_topic_script’ ) );

    // Output some extra JS in the <head>

    add_action( ‘bbp_head’, array( $this, ‘head_scripts’ ) );

    // Handles the ajax favorite/unfavorite

    add_action( ‘wp_ajax_dim-favorite’, array( $this, ‘ajax_favorite’ ) );

    // Handles the ajax subscribe/unsubscribe

    add_action( ‘wp_ajax_dim-subscription’, array( $this, ‘ajax_subscription’ ) );



    * Sets up theme support for bbPress


    * Because this theme comes bundled with bbPress template files, we add it

    * to the list of things this theme supports. Note that the function

    * “add_theme_support()” does not /enable/ theme support, but is instead an

    * API for telling WordPress what it can already do on its own.


    * If you’re looking to add bbPress support into your own custom theme, you’ll

    * want to make sure it includes all of the template files for bbPress, and then

    * use: add_theme_support( ‘bbpress’ ); in your functions.php.


    * @since bbPress (r2652)


    public function add_theme_support() {

    add_theme_support( ‘bbpress’ );



    * Load the theme CSS


    * @since bbPress (r2652)


    * @uses wp_enqueue_style() To enqueue the styles


    public function enqueue_styles() {

    // Right to left

    if ( is_rtl() ) {

    // TwentyTen

    wp_enqueue_style( ‘twentyten’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’, ”, $this->version, ‘screen’ );

    wp_enqueue_style( ‘twentyten-rtl’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/rtl.css’, ‘twentyten’, $this->version, ‘screen’ );

    // bbPress specific

    wp_enqueue_style( ‘bbp-twentyten-bbpress’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/css/bbpress-rtl.css’, ‘twentyten-rtl’, $this->version, ‘screen’ );

    // Left to right

    } else {

    // TwentyTen

    wp_enqueue_style( ‘twentyten’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’, ”, $this->version, ‘screen’ );

    // bbPress specific

    wp_enqueue_style( ‘bbp-twentyten-bbpress’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/css/bbpress.css’, ‘twentyten’, $this->version, ‘screen’ );




    * Enqueue the required Javascript files


    * @since bbPress (r2652)


    * @uses bbp_is_single_topic() To check if it’s the topic page

    * @uses get_stylesheet_directory_uri() To get the stylesheet directory uri

    * @uses bbp_is_single_user_edit() To check if it’s the profile edit page

    * @uses wp_enqueue_script() To enqueue the scripts


    public function enqueue_scripts() {

    if ( bbp_is_single_topic() )

    wp_enqueue_script( ‘bbp_topic’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/js/topic.js’, array( ‘wp-lists’ ), $this->version );

    if ( bbp_is_single_user_edit() )

    wp_enqueue_script( ‘user-profile’ );



    * Put some scripts in the header, like AJAX url for wp-lists


    * @since bbPress (r2652)


    * @uses bbp_is_single_topic() To check if it’s the topic page

    * @uses admin_url() To get the admin url

    * @uses bbp_is_single_user_edit() To check if it’s the profile edit page


    public function head_scripts() {

    if ( bbp_is_single_topic() ) : ?>

    <script type=’text/javascript’>

    /* <![CDATA[ */

    var ajaxurl = ‘<?php echo admin_url( ‘admin-ajax.php’ ); ?>’;

    /* ]]> */


    <?php elseif ( bbp_is_single_user_edit() ) : ?>

    <script type=”text/javascript” charset=”utf-8″>

    if ( window.location.hash == ‘#password’ ) {








    * Load localizations for topic script


    * These localizations require information that may not be loaded even by init.


    * @since bbPress (r2652)


    * @uses bbp_is_single_topic() To check if it’s the topic page

    * @uses is_user_logged_in() To check if user is logged in

    * @uses bbp_get_current_user_id() To get the current user id

    * @uses bbp_get_topic_id() To get the topic id

    * @uses bbp_get_favorites_permalink() To get the favorites permalink

    * @uses bbp_is_user_favorite() To check if the topic is in user’s favorites

    * @uses bbp_is_subscriptions_active() To check if the subscriptions are active

    * @uses bbp_is_user_subscribed() To check if the user is subscribed to topic

    * @uses bbp_get_topic_permalink() To get the topic permalink

    * @uses wp_localize_script() To localize the script


    public function localize_topic_script() {

    // Bail if not viewing a single topic

    if ( !bbp_is_single_topic() )


    // Bail if user is not logged in

    if ( !is_user_logged_in() )


    $user_id = bbp_get_current_user_id();

    $localizations = array(

    ‘currentUserId’ => $user_id,

    ‘topicId’ => bbp_get_topic_id(),


    // Favorites

    if ( bbp_is_favorites_active() ) {

    $localizations = 1;

    $localizations = bbp_get_favorites_permalink( $user_id );

    $localizations = (int) bbp_is_user_favorite( $user_id );

    $localizations = __( ‘favorites’, ‘bbpress’ );

    $localizations = __( ‘?’, ‘bbpress’ );

    $localizations = __( ‘This topic is one of your %favLinkYes% [%favDel%]’, ‘bbpress’ );

    $localizations = __( ‘%favAdd% (%favLinkNo%)’, ‘bbpress’ );

    $localizations = __( ‘×’, ‘bbpress’ );

    $localizations = __( ‘Add this topic to your favorites’, ‘bbpress’ );

    } else {

    $localizations = 0;


    // Subscriptions

    if ( bbp_is_subscriptions_active() ) {

    $localizations = 1;

    $localizations = (int) bbp_is_user_subscribed( $user_id );

    $localizations = __( ‘Subscribe’, ‘bbpress’ );

    $localizations = __( ‘Unsubscribe’, ‘bbpress’ );

    $localizations = bbp_get_topic_permalink();

    } else {

    $localizations = 0;


    wp_localize_script( ‘bbp_topic’, ‘bbpTopicJS’, $localizations );



    * Add or remove a topic from a user’s favorites


    * @since bbPress (r2652)


    * @uses bbp_get_current_user_id() To get the current user id

    * @uses current_user_can() To check if the current user can edit the user

    * @uses bbp_get_topic() To get the topic

    * @uses check_ajax_referer() To verify the nonce & check the referer

    * @uses bbp_is_user_favorite() To check if the topic is user’s favorite

    * @uses bbp_remove_user_favorite() To remove the topic from user’s favorites

    * @uses bbp_add_user_favorite() To add the topic from user’s favorites


    public function ajax_favorite() {

    $user_id = bbp_get_current_user_id();

    $id = intval( $_POST );

    if ( !current_user_can( ‘edit_user’, $user_id ) )

    die( ‘-1’ );

    if ( !$topic = bbp_get_topic( $id ) )

    die( ‘0’ );

    check_ajax_referer( ‘toggle-favorite_’ . $topic->ID );

    if ( bbp_is_user_favorite( $user_id, $topic->ID ) ) {

    if ( bbp_remove_user_favorite( $user_id, $topic->ID ) ) {

    die( ‘1’ );


    } else {

    if ( bbp_add_user_favorite( $user_id, $topic->ID ) ) {

    die( ‘1’ );



    die( ‘0’ );



    * Subscribe/Unsubscribe a user from a topic


    * @since bbPress (r2668)


    * @uses bbp_is_subscriptions_active() To check if the subscriptions are active

    * @uses bbp_get_current_user_id() To get the current user id

    * @uses current_user_can() To check if the current user can edit the user

    * @uses bbp_get_topic() To get the topic

    * @uses check_ajax_referer() To verify the nonce & check the referer

    * @uses bbp_is_user_subscribed() To check if the topic is in user’s

    * subscriptions

    * @uses bbp_remove_user_subscriptions() To remove the topic from user’s

    * subscriptions

    * @uses bbp_add_user_subscriptions() To add the topic from user’s subscriptions


    public function ajax_subscription() {

    if ( !bbp_is_subscriptions_active() )


    $user_id = bbp_get_current_user_id();

    $id = intval( $_POST );

    if ( !current_user_can( ‘edit_user’, $user_id ) )

    die( ‘-1’ );

    if ( !$topic = bbp_get_topic( $id ) )

    die( ‘0’ );

    check_ajax_referer( ‘toggle-subscription_’ . $topic->ID );

    if ( bbp_is_user_subscribed( $user_id, $topic->ID ) ) {

    if ( bbp_remove_user_subscription( $user_id, $topic->ID ) ) {

    die( ‘1’ );


    } else {

    if ( bbp_add_user_subscription( $user_id, $topic->ID ) ) {

    die( ‘1’ );



    die( ‘0’ );




    * Instantiate a new BBP_Twenty_Ten class inside the $bbp global. It is

    * responsible for hooking itself into WordPress where apprpriate.


    if ( ‘bbPress’ == get_class( $bbp ) ) {

    $bbp->theme_compat->theme = new BBP_Twenty_Ten();






    Spence – I really do appreciate you trying to help me on this.

    I am using a child theme >themes>>myriad-custom with myriad being in the same directory. There is no header.php in the child theme but this is the content of the header.php of “mother” theme myriad:



    * Header Template


    * @package Mysitemyway

    * @subpackage Template


    ?><!DOCTYPE html>

    <!–[if lt IE 7]> <html class=”ie ie6 lte9 lte8 lte7″ <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]–>

    <!–[if IE 7]> <html class=”ie ie7 lte9 lte8 lte7″ <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]–>

    <!–[if IE 8]> <html class=”ie ie8 lte9 lte8″ <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]–>

    <!–[if IE 9]> <html class=”ie ie9 lte9″ <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <![endif]–>

    <!–[if gt IE 9]> <html> <![endif]–>

    <!–[if !IE]><!–> <html <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <!–<![endif]–>


    <meta charset=”<?php bloginfo( ‘charset’ ); ?>” />

    <title><?php mysite_document_title(); ?></title>

    <link rel=”profile” href=”http://gmpg.org/xfn/11&#8243; />

    <link rel=”pingback” href=”<?php bloginfo( ‘pingback_url’ ); ?>” />

    <?php mysite_head(); ?>

    <?php wp_head(); ?>


    <body class=”<?php mysite_body_class(); ?>”>

    <div class=”multibg”><div class=”multibg”></div></div>

    <div id=”body_inner”>

    <?php mysite_before_header();

    ?><div id=”header”>

    <div id=”header_inner”>

    <?php mysite_header();

    ?></div><!– #header_inner –>

    </div><!– #header –>

    <?php mysite_after_header();

    ?><div id=”content”>

    <div id=”content_inner”>

    <?php mysite_before_main();

    ?><div id=”main”>

    <div id=”main_inner”>

    <?php mysite_before_page_content(); ?>

    As far as the setup pf bbPress – it is standard – all of the >plugins>bbPress>bbp-themes>bbp-twentyten “contents” copied over to the child theme of myriad-custom.

    I hope that helps you enough to help me :)





    Sorry – you can access them now. And thank you.



    I fixed the other one (work-around) – here is what I am talking about: http://stratoliner.me/topic/adding-or-changing-your-avatar/



    I had the same issue – just with another plugin. Glad you got it working.



    I have this same problem with a few pages. Can you please explain what you mean by float:right?

    I know what it means – but where does it go and what is the syntax?

    In reply to: No post content! Help.



    [RESOLVED] – It was the plugin bbPress Shortcode Whiteist that was causing the problem. Deactivated and I am good to go.



    [SOLVED] for me at least.

    It was the plugin bbPress Shortcode Whitelist that was causing the issues! Deactivated and I am good to go!




    Just to add to this post – it doesn’t matter what theme I use – I have no posts/replies being listed – even if I use the stock bbPress TwentyTen.

    I really need help getting this back online.



    I just updated the the current WordPress and current bbPress and have the same thing. Did you find any solutions?



    Thanks man – I just found that like after a day of working on this thing. LOL

    I really do appreciate your help and reply!



    Guys, I am not seeing anything that says “sticky” – when I sticky a post. I am also not getting any color-change – or anything else to indicate that it is a sticky. I am guessing that it has something to do with the <?php bbp_topic_class(); ?> mentioned by Jaja – but I have no clue where to start.

    Can you point me in the right direction?



    How do I change those links in Admin? That is what I need help with. The links you gave both work from the Admin page.



    Where does it get put. I would like to offer that RSS feed to my users also.



    Wout_m – you are a lifesaver! That stopped the error for me also.

    Again, thank you for taking the time to reply and help me out.




    The problem seems to be here in /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-includes – however I do not know how to solve it:

    /** Reply Content *********************************************************/

    if ( !empty( $_POST ) )

    $reply_content = $_POST;

    // Filter and sanitize

    $reply_content = apply_filters( ‘bbp_new_reply_pre_content’, $reply_content );

    // No reply content

    if ( empty( $reply_content ) )

    bbp_add_error( ‘bbp_reply_content’, __( ‘ERROR: Your reply cannot be empty.’, ‘bbpress’ ) );

    Why is it NOT picking up the content of the edited post?




    This may help someone. I had not deactivated all the plugins from both bbPress installations. When I did, it imported, with a few errors as it did create by users and users meta tables. Fortunately I had done my own backup of the database. So, I pulled those two sections of the backup and imported them back into the database. Users, meta, and login are now working.

    I still have a problem with the admin side of things though. When I select “Forums” – it gives me this incorrect link http://stratoliner.me/wp-admin/admin.php?page=edit.php?post_type=forum when it should be http://stratoliner.me/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=forum. The first errors with insufficient permissions and the latter goes to the forums.

    I have disabled any and all plugins to test and I still get the first error!

    I sure could use some help.

    In reply to: bbPM blank page



    I am installed – can send and receive PM’s but the messages are blank – no text.

    I have gone into the database and the PM’s are in the database.

    Everything is up to date (theme, bbPress, and plugin.) Theme is MT-Dark

    Any help is appreciated


    In reply to: Quoting comment



    Is there any way to get this plugin to quote the text in a different font or say a table with a different color background – or at the very least ?


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