_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Hot Tags Filter/Editor



    There should be a destroy tag button when you are looking at the page for an individual tag at the bottom when you are logged in as admin.



    Sorry I thought you were asking about any potential advantages/disadvantages of a wordpress plugin vs standalone forums.

    Actually the three messages before me all mentioned performance too?

    But am I missing something or isn’t bbPress standalone dead with 1.1 ?

    Your questions is well stated and laid out, but isn’t the point moot?

    Or is this just hypothetical?

    In reply to: Registration Email



    Oh sorry, I lost track, too many things going on everywhere.

    Save it into a plugin (ie. custom-registraton-email.php) put it into your my-plugins/ directory and activate.




    I guess all your plugins are tagged https://bbpress.org/plugins/tags/_ck_


    And I believe even your updated plugins support 0.9 ?

    Unfortunately the plugin section is still broken and does not import tags so the _ck_ tag is no longer complete there (update: someone appears to have fixed it in the past 24 hours)

    For now this is the only way to find them all:


    Virtually 100% my plugins will support 0.9 (except ones specifically made to “fix” 1.x)

    <cite>Mark McWilliams</cite>

    Not with WordPres 3.0 anyway, 1 install, multiple sites! :)

    Well, multiple BLOGS, I am not sure if they can get multiple forums going on the first version, we’ll see. But I am sure it’s a goal of Matt’s so they can use it on WordPress.com



    WordPress today cannot run a live site without caching.

    You’ll get kicked off any shared hosting in a heartbeat.

    This is a HUGE regression because there are times when a page cannot be cached. I was looking at mashable the other day – it uses over ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY queries per page. It would be slaughtered without a super dooper amount of caching.

    But bbPress 0.9 is fully capable of taking loads without any caching at all. I know of a few large sites that use it without any caching, it just doesn’t need it if properly configured until you get to slashdot level loads.

    So in what fantasy world does anyone believe that adding the load of bbPress as a plugin to WordPress’s existing burden will ever make it faster than 0.9 ?

    WP 3.0 already requires the increase of PHP’s default memory allocation per instance (over 32M in some cases). bbPress 0.9 runs in less than 1M (with a whole bunch of plugins at that).

    If being more attractive to the WP masses was important, what should have been done is a project to make standalone bbPress’s integration with WP easier. Perhaps mimic WP’s template actions, etc. so WP templates could be used with less modification.

    But like backPress, I’m afraid it’s probably too late.

    I’m not saying this to be mean Matt, but the reality is Automattic is becoming a one-hit-wonder with everything being folded back into WordPress.

    (and if a bbPress as plugin with WordPress backend goes down for any reason, failed upgrade, security hit, etc. now so will your forum)

    In reply to: Headline plugin?



    Personally I would find that kind of nagging banner to be annoying but it’s rather straightforward to do via a plugin with some javascript.



    You don’t even need a plugin for this.

    You just need to fix your cookie settings and it will work instantly.

    Set all cookie paths to the root /

    and make sure they are all using the same key/hash which is likely the problem.

    You didn’t say which version of bbPress you are using, it appears to be 1.0.2

    I don’t think I’ve ever bothered to figure out all the new variable names under 1.x which is why you can’t find them around here.



    Yes, there are already sites using it that way.

    In fact if they are all using the same domain “example.com” then you don’t even need an extra plugin to do it.

    Set all the cookie paths to the domain root. /

    Point all the user tables to the same db.

    Setup the same cookie keys/hash and done.

    This wasn’t really a question for Matt unless in general people want to know how a bbpress plugin would handle multiple installs. As far as I could guess, you’d have to install multiple copies of WP.



    Yeah I suspected as much. Thanks for switching it on Otto!

    Sam did some work and then a great deal was copied over for bbpress.org 2.0

    I noticed the xml generator was there and the flash element was on bbpress.org too.

    Now if we could just get DD32 (Dion) to document the darn API for it as I have no clue how to use it and can’t find anything via google (other than downloading the ENTIRE dataset). https://api.wordpress.org/plugins/info/1.0/

    Oh wait, here’s something http://wordpress.pastebin.com/raw.php?i=7Ji8rD2P

    bingo – docs: http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2009-January/023505.html

    Doesn’t seem to be on the bbPress side anyway after all that, oh well.

    ps. I don’t suppose you can get tags working again in the plugin section – they are not being imported from the readme.txt file anymore. Is it because of the tag api name changes from bbpress 0.9 -> 1.0 ?

    ie. add_topic_tags became bb_add_topic_tags

    but that’s in the deprecated support, so not sure what else it might be



    Whew. Sorry I didn’t think to check the version here vs. mine!

    Thanks for your patience.



    Once you get that settled, I’ll point out how year-long-cookies never executes, even though you have it installed. So just delete that old plugin.

    So to make longer cookies when “remember me” is set, you’d have to edit the freshly-baked-cookies plugin, search for the number 1209600 and change it to 31536000 which is a year. Optionally you could set it smaller like 111600 which is 31 days.



    Oh wow. I’m an idiot.

    Very sorry to put you through that – the version on bbpress.org is out of date!

    It only does version 1, not version two.

    I’ve just posted 0.0.4 which does version 2 (now set to default)

    don’t forget to copy over the four define lines!

    This is always updated faster than the copy in the plugin section.




    KB: “after that they are just unable to set cookies integration over multiple boards”

    My cross-cookie plugin allows you to set cookies over multiple domains running bbPress and WordPress. There are a few sites using it to share a cookie over several installs.



    If your server uses a version of PHP less than 5.1.2 there is a possibility there is a slight incompatibility with the replacement hash_hmac between WP 3 and bbPress 0.9

    PHP 5.1.2 or higher, that wouldn’t be the problem.

    but since other people seem to have this working, let’s be sure…



    Hey stats are working in the plugin section, awesome. Thank Matt.

    Now just get tag import working again (from the readme.txt) and the plugin section practically back to 100%



    Oh come on. Is it even a question that as a plugin for the largest blog software (both in memory/disk size and number of users) it will be popular? I mean was that honestly a worry?

    You’ll probably exceed bbPress standalones 3-year download numbers for BOTH versions combined in just a few months with front-page advertising on wordpress.org

    But you certainly are not going to get anyone who is NOT using WordPress to install WordPress just to create a forum. There are far better options out there.

    I mean the hosting requirements alone for someone running WP + bbpress plugin will be significant. There is absolutely no way they will be able to run an active forum without caching.

    I fully expect Automattic to acquire a caching plugin and start including it with the core in 2010, especially since it meets Matt’s 80% use requirement.



    Hey good work.

    Let me make a strong suggestion in your code technique.

    All those variable names being tossed around as globals is somewhat dangerous – someone is going to accidentally “step” on one someday.

    Instead how about an array or object instead?




    global $topic_add_quotes;
    global $topic_add_sticky;
    global $topic_add_sticky_label;

    instead becomes


    and then no matter how many items you just pass one pointer in your functions

    global $kjg_seo;

    The added benefit is you can later loop through all the elements if you make an admin menu.

    Also, when switching based on page type, constantly calling all the different functions, ie is_forum, is_front, is_topic etc is “expensive” because of how bb_get_location works

    Instead just $location=bb_get_location();

    and then look at what it sends you in the string which is ultra fast for each of the comparisons.



    Actually, there’s a super simple compromise.

    Ship the most popular plugins with the program instead of folding the plugins into the core.

    Focus on just making the core the best core it can be.

    However this will never happen and it’s not for logical reasons, it’s “politics”.

    Hence I’m not touching it further, it’s a moot point anyway, firm decisions have already been made.


    (KJG on WP3) Not sure about you, but I think it’s the smoothest, least-buggy, most impressive release in a long long time.

    I immediately had upgrade problems. So severe I had to nuke my entire install to get it going again, I literally could not solve it myself (imagine that).

    In reply to: Registration Email



    There is a filter on the $message

    $message = apply_filters( 'bb_send_pass_message', $message, $user, $pass );

    So yes, you can change it now without hacking the core.

    Plugin Name: New User Email Message
    function new_user_email_message($message,$user) {

    $message.="n You can also change your password at any time by editing your profile. n";

    return $message;



    As far as your question about bbpress as plugin, it’s going to be many many months before there’s an official release. If it’s done this year it certainly will be a fraction of what bbPress is currently (it’s nearly a complete rewrite).

    Back to your cookie problem, keys are not the only issue. You have to make sure your cookie path in both bbPress and WordPress are the same, depending on where each are installed. There are a few integration topics about this, though bbPress has evolved to the point where you can change things more easily now.



    I greatly appreciate the consideration of using 2.0 instead of 1.2 which will at least slow down some confusion and make people realize the true weight of it as more than an update (and entirely different program).

    I have to be honest though, I’ll probably be just going on my way once that plugin version is officially released to gold and the standalone versions become legacy.

    You had a brilliant creation with 0.7, extremely lightweight and had the potential to be a pure framework and circumvent much of the legacy which shackles WP, but it’s all come full circle now and I simply cannot get behind such a radical reversion.



    I began to write several different replies to this but decided not to post it because technically this is not really a discussion or will change anything.

    Let’s just say I completely disagree and leave it at that.



    Ah, your server has some kind of security option that does not allow code to execute directly from chmod 777 directories.

    The first option would actually work better as far as not knowing the real directory or if you ever changed servers or directory names

    ie. $browsertimer['log']=dirname(__FILE__).'/browsertimer.log';

    Sorry this took so long to get going for you but don’t forget to work on why the queries are so high, that’s far more important.



    Oh and it just dawned on me.

    If you have an empty log (ie. no visitors) you’ll always get an open log error.

    So be sure to load the front page as a test first.



    Okay let’s assume the host is doing something weird.

    Make a temporary file in the same directory that you want the log to be.

    ie. test.php

    put this in the file

    <?php echo __FILE__; ?>

    Then access it from the web, ie. example.com/my-plugins/browser-timer/test.php

    Whatever it shows you, change the ending test.php part to browsertimer.log

    and then put it inside

    $browsertimer['log']='full line here';

    Now that has to work, as long as the my-plugins/browser-timer/ directory is chmod 777.

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