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Login into WP, logged out of BBP

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  • technotip


    I have the same problem on my blog, and I was thinking its just me :-)

    Thanks jmharrington for taking time to write here.

    Can anyone help us?



    Sounds like your keys or cookie paths are out of sync between the two.

    Go into your browser’s cookie manager and watch the cookies being created in one, take a look at them, then go into the other and watch the cookies change.

    There are several settings that could be out of sync so it’s hard to guess without more info.

    You also haven’t stated what versions of each program you are using.



    I will check out the cookie thing and post here again.

    I am using WordPress 3.0 and bbpress 1.0.2, on a test site and I am facing the exact same problem as outlined by @jmharrington.

    _ck_, I have another question, for which I don’t want to open another thread – because people may get annoyed.

    I read this whole – “bbpress as standalone v/s plugin”, instead of understanding things, after some point of reading things, I got confused. I am so confused now to whether I need to wait till the plugin is released or can I go ahead and install present release? The problem is, I want to know – if I will be able to upgrade to plugin version later easily without loosing the current thread entries, users etc. ?

    I tested almost all the forum software available and have settled with bbpress because its easy for users to understand and use.



    I was able to easily solve my issue by finding one careless mistake. In my wp-config.php file I simply copied the authentication keys (4 of them) and pasted them into my bbpress’s config.php file. What I did not notice is that in wp-config.php they keys are prefixed like this:

    define(‘AUTH_KEY’,’my unique key is here’);

    While in the bbpress config.php, the keys are prefix like this:

    define( ‘BB_AUTH_KEY’,’my unique key is here’ );

    The only difference is AUTH_KEY versus BB_AUTH_KEY, but that made the difference. Hope this helps technotip…

    thanks _ck_ for emphasizing the auth keys =)




    What I did was, opened bb-config.php file and put pasted “unique keys” as in my wp-config.php file.

    That is, I copied only the “unique key” and not the whole “define(‘…’,’..’);”

    So I am very much sure that I have not messed up with this atleast.

    And are you sure your forum and wp login are now working as you intended them to work?



    As far as your question about bbpress as plugin, it’s going to be many many months before there’s an official release. If it’s done this year it certainly will be a fraction of what bbPress is currently (it’s nearly a complete rewrite).

    Back to your cookie problem, keys are not the only issue. You have to make sure your cookie path in both bbPress and WordPress are the same, depending on where each are installed. There are a few integration topics about this, though bbPress has evolved to the point where you can change things more easily now.



    I have my WP blog at and my forum at

    In wp-config.php and bb-config.php I have define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    Is this right or do I have to change the cookiepath?

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