_ck_ (@_ck_)

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  • @_ck_


    Because I’ve got about a dozen projects going at any given time and if it doesn’t popup in my email or IM I usually miss it.

    (never have found an rss reader that I particularly liked either)

    I guess I could write a program that periodically scans my favorites and emails me when there is an update… but that would be a 13th project so my head would then explode… LOL!

    Ah, you know what?! Yahoo has an email-upon-rss-update notification feature that I can just plug the rss into, so I’ll just do that for now. I think it only scans once a day though.



    Updated to v0.05 with important improvements to make sure admin posts are filtered correctly, please upgrade if currently using:


    (also in the svn shortly)



    Problem fixed and plugin enhanced slightly, v0.05

    You can wait for the plugin browser to update or direct:




    Oops I’ll have to revisit that plugin, sorry.

    Can you give me a consistent text sample that causes the slashes each time? I’m not seeing it.



    It’s just a proof of concept for play. I wanted a list and “borrowing” your dataset seemed like the fastest way.

    If you changed how your class functions work it would break but I can make the source available to whomever wants.



    Thought you might like what I re-used your nifty class for:


    Makes a public (sortable) list of all available bbPress plugins.

    (Well at least the ones that are in the SVN)

    Be sure to click on the headers for javascripty-goodness.

    (this also shows off my little technique to make “views” output any page you want without hacking the core at all)



    Actually, it would be fairly easy to do.

    All we need to do is hook into the header or footer.

    My initial idea was javascript popups but those are bad because they stop all webpage loading at that point. If we hook the header we can insert a z-indexed hover div with the information.

    The service would be passed a user_id, the message, and an action url. Optionally instead of a user_id, it could be the term “administrator” or “moderator” where it would alert all at that level.

    The box would have a close button to ignore it and all the messages would then be accessible as a list under your profile under a new tab.

    You’d have an option to be emailed anytime an alert was generated but typically you can keep that off unless you don’t visit the site often.

    I was going to do this for my “report this post” plugin but I really needed the report feature right away so I got lazy and just used email.

    Sounds like I have a new plugin to code next weekend.




    If you can get to “/forums/bb-admin/” (replace forums with whatever you called it) it might be your cookies.

    You need to make sure your cookies are all pointing to the root of your website for both bbpress and wordpress. By default they are not so it’s probably preventing login?

    See here:




    and a few other threads if you search for “cookies”

    In reply to: Integrated Live Search



    That’s interesting to see.

    You should change the z-index on the results so it stays over the content below it, rather than pushing it up and down which is very distracting. Either that or stay at the maximum length and not retract until done.



    Remember that the date will be relative to worldwide visitors unless you list the timezone (which will be meaningless to people far outside the timezone).

    What I do on some code is list the freshness in plain english but make the title of the element the original time.


    <span class=timetitle title="<?php echo date("r",strtotime($topic->topic_time)); ?>"><?php topic_time(); ?></span>

    Then when you mouse over the “3 days ago” it will show you the original time (in mysql format which can be changed). Then use CSS to make a light underline so the user knows it has some kind of function.



    Looking quickly at the code, I can’t believe this a no action hook when a post is spammed or a user is bozoed. Bad planning. So we can’t make a plugin for that directly. But we could periodically scan for both situations, or check after every post is done.

    Actually what I want is more fancy, an internal popup alert system when certain actions have occurred so email isn’t even needed and is just optional. As you are browsing your site, you’d find out instantly if something like that happened and given a link to look at/take care of it. Plugin authors would be able to add to the alert queue instead of just emailing. Both mods and admin could be alerted individually based on situations.



    A really neat trick would be not to have a physical template at all but pass it data. My entire template just consists of

    <? bb_get_header();bb_list_plugins();bb_get_footer(); ?>

    Which seems silly to have a physical file.

    I guess I could try to hook it after the init and bypass the bb_load_template entirely.



    Yup! Solved it… and a nice way too…

    To have a custom template attached to a view, ie.


    function view_listplugins($view) {
    if ($view=="listplugins") {bb_load_template( 'list-plugins.php'); exit();}
    } add_action( 'bb_custom_view', 'view_listplugins' );

    function view_listplugins_filter( $views ) {
    global $views;
    $views['listplugins'] = "List Plugins Used";
    return $views;
    } add_filter('bb_views', 'view_listplugins_filter');

    Now the question is, will this work in the trunk since they completely changed how views are done…



    So we have a way to attach any custom page to bbpress.

    The only catch is it will show up in the views list.

    But you can filter the views list for admin/mods, etc.

    I think I can make my “my-views” plugin work with the trunk with this “feature”.



    s010, that’s very clever.

    Unfortunately it doesn’t work.

    Not certain if slugs would translate either,

    ie. /action/listplugins

    I think the shortest shortcut is a universal loader could be made for all future extensions, ie.


    where option is really option.php in the bbpress root and it just passes to the template listplugins.php

    This would have to be made in the the bbpress core of course.

    ooooh I just had an idea… where is the hook for bbpress’s internal 404…

    er, no i guess that won’t work either…. BUT

    take a look at view.php in the bbpress root

    you can hook bb_custom_view

    basically since there will not be any view name, it won’t do the mysql call, then after you catch it on the do_action(‘bb_custom_view you can exit() after your own custom page load.

    ie. /forums/view/listplugins

    Let me try to code something working…



    Yeah you should always create a non-moderator test user to see how other things interact compared to mod/admin. It’s important to see what’s hidden from regular members and sometimes admin can do things we take for granted that regular members cannot (ie. like my admin-can-post-anything plugin)



    Just remember some people use the bbcode plugin so it would have to peacefully get along with that.



    Well you’d have to use an existing html tag like blockquote and map it to a bbcode tag via another plugin.

    But blockquote can have made-up attributes.


    <blockquote post="1824" author="_ck_">blah blah</blockquote>

    But it’s much more simple to start with non-intelligent quoting. You can place the post reference but to look for it and analyse it is much more difficult.

    Stripping nested blockquotes will be very easy.

    Well fairly easy.



    Oh wait, there’s a plugin that does this already, though it needs to be seriously enhanced:


    And they came to the same conclusions that I did, you have to place the “quote” link and insert the quoted text the exact way I described.



    Look again at this tonight I see all the magic would have to happen in “post-form.php” and unfortunately it would need a simple edit.

    <textarea name="post_content" cols="50" rows="8" id="post_content" tabindex="3"></textarea>

    would have to be edited to something like

    <textarea name="post_content" cols="50" rows="8" id="post_content" tabindex="3"><? quote_post(); ?> </textarea>

    Even though there is do_action( 'post_form_pre_post' ); just above it, there is no way to manipulate the textarea content without javascript. It’s a shame they didn’t think of that.

    So quote_post() could just look for the added arg to the URL and insert the formatted quoted text in the textarea. Then a simple quote button on each post in the topic to trigger the new post.



    If you don’t write it, I’ll take a shot at it.

    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls



    My new version 0.25 should still work with your plugin.

    It unhooks after the first run.

    But still, topicmeta should not fire more than once per topic page IMHO.

    Alright, signing out for the day, have fun!

    ps. make me some nice css skins!



    Are you using php5? Server runs linux or windows?

    The second error is caused by the first.

    I’ll if I can do a quick fix, thanks for the report.

    Please try this version and see if it makes the error go away:


    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls



    Oh that was immediately more helpful than anything else I’ve asked or you’ve answered. There is something really strange going on in that the code is being inserted twice. Some hook is firing twice when it should only be once. I have to investigate.

    Er, What other plugins do you have running?

    I see your bbmenu in there.

    Can you try deactivating everything?

    Also, post your post.php template in code tags here – are you positive it’s stock?

    I think I know exactly what is happening but I don’t know why.

    My plugin hooks topicmeta


    Topicmeta can only happen once on a topic page.

    Somehow it’s firing more than once on your page.

    Deactivate all other plugins for a minute just to make sure something doesn’t have a major bug.

    Try this experimental fix which unhooks itself after the first execute to prevent a second run:




    I doubt I will add lines/characters countdown meters anytime soon but will keep them in mind. The Polls plugin is my top priority for now as I don’t even allow signatures on my own sites.

    I’ll look into the stylesheet bug though.

    To see a signature somewhere else you’d have to call

    echo add_signature_to_post('');

    which might work but won’t apply other bbpress filters to it. It also needs to know the post and user id from $bb_post so if it’s outside the loop it won’t work at all.

    I only worked on signatures for a day or two, it’s very very beta.

    In reply to: plugin: bb-Polls



    Null, I am testing using opera 9 on windows.

    I am using 0.24 of the plugin on the bbpress trunk.

    I am able to create a new poll & vote with no alerts.

    There is no problem with the css layout.

    Make sure you create a NEW poll for testing with 0.24

    Wait I just thought of something.

    Are you using a personal firewall like Norton?

    They sometimes filter javascript in bad ways.

    I am also starting to think that php 5 is doing something weird with the data escaping since you say you get it in all browsers. Unfortunately I do not have a php 5 server to test on.

    Can anyone else reproduce what Null is reporting or does it work?

    ps. you can turn off ajax if you want to test it normally by changing the “use_ajax” option near the top of the code. Set it to “false”.

    pps. Null, is this off the site in your profile?

    Can you create a poll for me to see off one of the pages so I can see the bug in action?



    1. insert “quote” button on every post like my “report” button

    2. don’t use javascript, use the arg add function and build a simple url for each quote button which references the source post id #

    3. clicking said url button does a get from the server/bbpress

    4. look for and capture the $_GET (ie. &quotepost=1327)

    5. now the hard part, tell bbpress to start a new reply post in the topic and insert the formatted text from the quoted post. I have no clue how to pass bbpress existing text to a new post. Not even sure it has the action/filter to do it. I would bet not :-(

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