_ck_ (@_ck_)

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  • @_ck_


    Do you possibly have rewrite rules in a higher level directory that are interfering with the bbpress rules?

    When you say they don’t work, did you get a specific error?

    It’s really entirely up to apache and the httpd.conf settings, the host OS should not matter too much…

    Your version of bbPress is a big outdated (though I run elsewhere myself) but it should still work fine for permalinks.



    I’ve never figured out why the default theme doesn’t have a link to the search page. It’s some kind of weird oversight or maybe the designer was anti-search, pro-tags.



    You don’t have to wait for 0.9 official release, the beta is very stable:


    Just make sure to update it to final when it’s available.



    Should be fairly straightforward to mimic.

    I might give it a try sometime this month if they don’t release it.



    Well that was a sneaky WordPress release.

    They usually seem to wait for Mondays.

    If you don’t want to wait for the formal official release of bbPress 0.9 , this is technically 0.9 beta (or release candidate) directly from the trac/svn:


    You’ll need it to match the new password method in WordPress 2.5

    There are a TON of subtle (and not so subtle) bug fixes in bbPress 0.9 – Sam and MDA have been hard at work.



    I believe on bbPress users can only edit their own tags.

    But that’s a good point where keymasters should be able to edit anyone’s tags – I’ll have to see if that’s the behavior in 0.9 and if not, I’ll put a ticket in trac.

    eta: on 0.9 (not sure about previous versions)

    keymasters can remove anyone’s tags



    That’s probably going to be far too specific for anyone to address, you might have to make it yourself.

    Basically you’d need to add an extra field in their profile which would also ask for it on signup, for their “360 gamertag” (I assume that’s some kind of nickname) and then you’d need to edit the post.php template.

    It’s actually fairly straightforward if you know a little php and want to give it a try, I can give you some pointers.



    41 ;-)


    whoops, looks like I need to fix the plugin status for 0.9



    Nice work and thanks for sharing…

    I just knew that using phpbb as an inbetween standard is a good idea…

    ps. you might want to fix the tags on this to separate words

    In reply to: 404 Plugins repository



    It’s been working for me all day… (and now)



    You need the plugin to allow spaces and other characters in usernames.

    Not in the plugin browser though, let me find it…

    Here you go:


    I think 0.9 fixes this issue



    If this is known working, it’s useful as a few people have requested the ability to remove /forum/ and /topic/

    The author should be encouraged to add this to the plugin browser:




    Yeah that looks okay. Someone more knowledgeable than me is going to have to trace this. I get as far back as the ajax xml generation code but that’s useless without knowing what’s triggering the error. Maybe ask Sam or MDA on the irc or perhaps turn to other WPMU folks to see if they encounter this?



    WPMU users really are kinda out there on their own right now, sorry. Using 0.9 is probably not an option anyway for you since WPMU uses different style cookies unless there is a plugin to solve that (and there might be, I am not sure).

    I assume you looked at the user meta directly to ensure the roles are set correctly for bbpress?



    Just a thought but I would look at the wp nonce if it’s only happening with ajax. If it’s not being sent or interpreted correctly, I don’t think bbpress will let you do admin actions, even if you are admin.

    (Oh and the newest Suhosin has the option to hide itself in phpinfo)



    Well I very much appreciate the donation (though unnecessary) but you’ve only half fixed your problem by disabling the pretty permalinks you used to have. I figured your priority was getting back online asap.

    You need to check that your don’t have any higher htaccess rules interfering with your bbpress htaccess, and that bbpress’s htaccess rules are fresh and correct. Don’t use multiviews in your htaccess on godaddy, make sure you go here and get the proper rules to copy into the /forums/.htaccess


    I also am concerned that you mention using the word “slug” (singular) in your bb-config.php when it should be

    $bb->mod_rewrite = slugs;




    Turn off slugs until you fix your htaccess file and you’ll be back online instantly.



    Separate db vs one table is something new for 0.9 I believe.

    Those are constants that have to be defined in bb-config.php just like any of the other constants. ie.


    If you are just now installing bbpress and not already integrating an existing install, if you wait for the 0.9 release on monday, it will do most of the integration for you.

    There are endless instructions for integration, I’ve gathered most of them here (though that list is getting outdated for 0.9)




    WP 2.5 has been moved apparently to Monday the 17th,

    so the assumption is bbPress 0.9 will be too.

    I think upgraders will be quite pleased with all the subtle bug fixes by Sam and MDA, and new installers will be helped along nicely by the much enhanced installer (with built in integration!)



    As far as third party plugins, I can see that

    Avatar Upload

    Topic Views

    still work properly under bbPress 0.9



    All of my plugins are 0.9 compatible – if not, I will make them so, just give me a bug report. You should always be using the newest version of my plugins BEFORE you upgrade.

    Virtually all of them tested working under the current beta. “Admin Instant Menus” may stop working if the WP menu system is folded into bbPress before release.

    “Year Long Cookies” should not really be necessary any more because of the new 0.9 “Remember Me” option on login, unless perhaps one has a forum on an intranet and you don’t want to bother people with logins, ever.

    In reply to: Green Home Forums



    Very nice design and good forum concept.

    Personally I’m skipping CFLs myself because of the tricky mercury issues and false advertising about their long-life and going straight to LEDs to solve both problems (though the cost is much higher). LEDs also dim properly and safely. I guess it’s easier for me as I only need a few bulbs. I’m going to probably order from dealextreme as they are still too expensive on Amazon.



    The auto-close-tags was broken in earlier versions of bbPress but if I am not mistaken, this is possibly fixed in 0.9 (out any day now).

    I just tested it on bbshowcase.org and leaving off the end tick simply treats the open tick like any other character (ie. no text is converted to code)



    This indeed is a very tricky problem because everything about a browser’s security is designed to prevent this from happening.

    WordPress.com addresses it in one possible way (across multiple domain names) via I believe a hidden iframe (as Sam suggests).

    I’ve noticed cookies are still sent with images loaded from another domain so that might be another way but you’ll still not be able to read them on the server since it’s not the local domain.

    In reply to: Profile link?



    I think it will be something like this

    <?php echo '<a href="'.get_profile_tab_link( bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' ), "edit" ).'">edit your profile</a>' ?>

    (untested) the “edit” part is just a guess…

    get_user_profile_link(bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' )) will get the profile link for general stuff, not the edit tab.

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