_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @_ck_


    Unlike WordPress I don’t believe bbPress has an easy way to do role management (yet). There is a privilege built-in for bb_current_user_can( 'write_topics' ) which means it is technically possible to control who can start topics by taking away that role privilege from the “member” role.

    In theory a small plugin should be able to do this – I’ll take a look at how it might be done as an exercise in learning more about bbPress roles…



    Nice clean design!



    I think this is still working for me (update: confirmed working).

    Did it stop working after you upgraded to 0.9 ?

    Oh any chance you are using hotmail and they possibly blocked your webserver address (very common).



    It seems fixed now but almost sounds like you are running separate user tables when they should both be pointing to the user table in WordPress? Are you certain you have the correct setup in bbPress pointing to WordPress?

    And I assume that’s WP 2.5 with bbPress 0.9?

    ps. be sure to check out the alternative Kakumei Blue theme (in bbPress 0.9) to match your WP’s blue colors…



    You could set “topics per page” insanely high.

    I assume this is for a fairly inactive forum or your page size will be massive.

    There’s also a plugin/method to allow different numbers of topics per type of page (front page vs forum page vs topic page).



    Sounds interesting but:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bb_option() in wp-content/plugins/bbpress-admin/bbpress-options-admin.php on line 38

    Is this for people who has bbPress running INSIDE WordPress, instead of just stand-alone integration?



    This is the plugin to do exactly what you want:


    You might also want to add my “Human Text” plugin to help stop bot (automated) registrations:




    This would be fairly straightforward to do and make a good plugin.

    Some flag could be added via the topic meta and then a list would be generated that could be placed anywhere in a template. Also in the topic meta could be placed a custom summary for the topic. As a bonus, RSS could be generated for the list.



    I am not sure why Google would be seeing redirects. bbPress only redirects after form submits via wp_redirect to the best of my knowledge. Some plugins do too, but usually again after only form submits. Even tag URLs don’t use redirects.

    Are you saying the sitemap plugin does not generate permalink urls but rather the non-slug type ie. ?topic=123 If so, it’s outdated and if you are using slugs it should be modified to generate results that take advantage of slugs.



    The Avatar Upload plugin is fairly well developed and I believe there is a hack to show them on the WordPress side as well. It does take a little bit of time to setup though.



    bbPress has a function to check for administrators.

    if (!in_array(intval($GLOBALS['forum']->forum_id), array(2,5,9)) || bb_current_user_can('administrate')) { do something here }

    where 2,5,9 is the list of forum numbers you want to restrict

    what you are trying to do is possible but very tricky

    For example the “add new” on the front page offers all the forums for posting and you’d have to write a replacement for the list (bb_new_topic_forum_dropdown)

    All the “magic” happens in post-form.php, so you could take that if statement above and wrap the entire template with that (in theory).



    I vaguely remember this as a bug and thought it had been solved in 0.9

    When you go into some of the forums do you see any sub-forums?

    If you have a topic in one of the forums, at the bottom it will give you a potential list of forums for you to move the topic to. Do the other forums that disappeared show up in that list?

    In reply to: Whitelisting



    Make sure they have not been flagged as a “bozo” by looking at their profile.

    In bbpress 0.9 you can disable the built-in bozo plugin entirely which I actually recommend as it’s more trouble than it’s worth.

    (Then use my Human Test plugin to make sure you don’t get bots registering to post spam).



    Find bb-templateskakumeifront-page.php (or the same template name in any alternate theme you might be using) and find the line that says

    <?php if ( $topics || $super_stickies ) : ?> (around line 11) and make it say

    <?php if ( 0 && ( $topics || $super_stickies )) : ?>

    which will make the if statement always fail and never show the latest discussions. If you ever want to restore it, just remove the zero &&.



    Was your bbpress setup before you installed WordPress?

    Or did WordPress exist before bbPress? If you had bbPress first, the userbase is actually inside bbPress and not WordPress. It needs to be moved to WordPress (or some different settings in WordPress to use the user db in bbPress). I call that “reverse integration”.

    But I’m missing a detail here – did you have working integration with WordPress+bbPress before you upgraded both to latest?

    This might be an issue with the two parts of the “secret key” not being setup/synced properly between the two.

    I think this is a similar problem posted here (that was never answered)




    Interesting design.

    Here’s another live demo via bbShowcase:




    This “argument” is silly.

    It would take a person reasonably knowledgeable about wordpress/bbpress internals only a few days to write an attachment plugin. It’s just that no-one has the need/desire (including myself) so it’s never been a priority. bbPress has everything needed to make this fairly easy.

    If I get bored and have some time this month I might look at the issue. But attachments are very straightforward. They would be similar to the “avatar upload” plugin but the files would be tied to posts instead the user. Since there is no post metadata, the topic or user meta would have to be used instead (I recommend usermeta since posts one day could be moved around to other topics via a moderation plugin like move-it).

    Attachments open big security issues which is another reason why I have not been in any hurry to make such a plugin – I simply don’t want the responsibility. I was also hoping that by now there would be other plugin developers around to make some of these things. With 0.9 being so solid, perhaps it won’t be long before there are more to tackle these requests.



    As fascinating as it is, unfortunately the setup that automattic uses can’t be compared in any way to a single stand alone server (or VPS) running it’s own mysql processes since you can use a radical amount of caching ram on the dedicated db servers.

    However bbPress could benefit someday from a port of wp-super-cache (or even just wp-cache2) to send non-logged in/non-members cached pages. There’s a big difference between a forum with 1000 active logged-in users where pages have to be customised via the core and plugins vs. 1000 guests/bots who all see the same pages.

    It bothers me that my fully loaded demo at bbshowcase.org has now beached the 100ms mark for front-page generation (bare bbPress is like 40ms) but I can’t think of any easy ways to speed that up further without removing features. Maybe when PHP 5.3 comes out which seems to promise a 10-15% code speedup.



    Your bbpress htaccess in /forum/ looks fine EXCEPT for what I hope is just a manual typo

    <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c>

    case matters in htaccess if I recall correctly

    It should be

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

    note the IfModule

    (eta: the apache manual does say “Directives in the configuration files are case-insensitive” but give it a shot anyway – bbPress doesn’t generate it like that so I am not sure why it’s lower case in your setup?)

    If changing that does nothing, the htaccess in the webroot that runs wordpress is also bit messy and my bet would be it’s got rules conflicting with bbpress’s

    Is your site active or can you temporarily rename/delete the htaccess in the webroot and see if suddenly the bbpress slugs start working correctly? MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP THE FILE FIRST.

    ps. next time use something like pastebin.com for that long of a copy/paste and just post the link



    Let’s put it this way – bbPress is running with slugs and rewrite rules on literally thousands of servers, so the problem is likely your setup, not necessarily bbPress.

    mod_rewrite should be virtually 100% internal to apache and not really depend on the OS/filesystem underneath but there’s always a chance for something to be interfering.

    If you are using the bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php in your htaccess and you have slugs turned on and it doesn’t work, then I would bet that you have another mod_rewrite rule somewhere that is conflicting, either in the same htaccess file or in a directory above it. Do NOT use multiviews. I cannot help you if you are using multiviews.

    I need much more information, like your htaccess file, and any htaccess file in directories above your forum. Is bbpress running in /forums/ or in the webroot (ie. / )

    Also are you running wordpress at the exact same time as bbpress? I don’t mean standalone integration, I mean loading within each other. Because I am not sure how that would be handled and I never recommend it.



    I think they mean the block words would not be visible to non-members that aren’t logged in. Not to allow anonymous posting.

    A weird request but easily doable – you just take the word censoring plugin and add a if ( !bb_is_user_logged_in() ) { add_filter(blah blah blah)} to it’s add_filter.



    The bb->load_options = true brought the load of the cpu to 5 times that of the one with 30+ queries but I guess that comes from not having that many topics in the newly installed Db so I really don’t know what to make of this.

    Turn on (or increase) your mysql caching. It’s fairly obvious you are running either without any or not enough of it if you can detect any load increase with load_options=true. The query to load all options would be exactly the same across all instances for all users and mysql would pick up on that immediately and keep it in the cache, always. At least that’s what happens on my installs. I don’t have a site with 50k views a day but I have a version with 15k views a day and it runs very fast.

    Also make sure you use a php opcode cache like eaccelerator, xcache, etc. Best thing you can do for bbPress or WordPress.

    0.9 of bbPress is not some kind of radically different change since 0.8 – there are many bug fixes and a few features added but the db calls are almost identical (some plugins however can be sloppy about not caching queries so that can cause issues).

    Try my bb-benchmark if you want to see what happening behind the scenes for each page generated.



    Don’t use multiviews, it’s slower and unpredictable.

    Always try to use real mod_rewrite rules when possible instead.



    For those that already downloaded 0.9 there is only one file that changed (pluggable.php)


    If you already had 0.9 you only need to replace these two files to move to (and the second is just for the version number change)





    Many thanks Sam and MDA for all the bug fixes

    and feature enhancements.

    0.9 is a big leap IMHO for bbPress, really makes it solid.

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