_ck_ (@_ck_)

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  • @_ck_


    Yes, that is what my plugin attempts to do.

    You would set your regular bbPress url as HTTP but the plugin will detect when you are trying to use HTTPS and modify the internal url on the fly to HTTPS without permanently changing it.

    Then you just have to modify your login links to link via HTTPS to start the process.

    I guess I could further modify my plugin to force a HTTPS redirect when it sees the bb-login.php page.



    I have no way to test this code right now

    but try putting into a file called https-mode.php

    and put it into your my-plugins directory

    (you might have to create the directory)

    and then activate it in your control panel.

    In theory it should make bbpress internal urls HTTPS when it detects you are trying to use HTTPS:// (SSL) mode, even though your main bbpress url is HTTP://

    Plugin Name: HTTPS mode
    Description: forces internal bbPress URLs from HTTP to HTTPS only when using SSL

    add_filter( 'bb_get_uri', 'https_mode',1,3);
    add_filter( 'bb_get_option_uri','https_mode',1);

    function https_mode($uri,$resource='',$context='') {
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strpos($uri,'http://')===0) {$uri=str_replace('http://','https://',$uri);}
    return $uri;




    Did you look inside the login-form.php template?

    You might be referring to the 2nd one inside the failed login form which is probably in the core.

    A plugin might be able to fix this problem by detecting if the user is in HTTP vs HTTPS mode and filtering bb_get_option_uri – this intrigues me so I might write it and post it here shortly.



    bbPress’s filters prevent users from making multiple newlines so they can’t make 1000 of them in a row.

    However you can do tricks like putting <em> </em> in between two lines for 3 lines.



    If you want multiple lines on a regular basis as admin, my “admin can post anything” plugin might allow you to do that, though I can’t remember for certain.



    Only mods and admin can see IP addresses (though you can hack things to make only admin see them).

    There is an anonymous posting plugin available, check the extend section.



    It’s this in your style.css

    #header h1 {

    font-family: Georgia;

    font-style: italic;

    overflow: auto;

    Take out that overflow:auto; or make it overflow:hidden;

    It’s happening because you must have the H1 in a fixed width container somehow.



    Essentially any plugin that relies on specific paths,

    ie. if you see REQUEST_URI in the plugin, it is likely to have compatibility problems – also anything that refers to specific filenames in the bbpress root, bb-post.php, topic.php etc.

    Some things may simply break because of redirects to specific paths or filenames that no longer exist.

    I’ll post more things to look for as I think of them, however I can’t completely predict how Sam will change things. He needs the freedom to change whatever he needs to change to make progress (and keep performance reasonable) so I have to wait until he is done.

    Most of the plugins with problems should be fairly straightforward to fix, but the bigger problem I have to deal with is maintaining compatibility with 0.8 + 0.9 + early 1.0 alpha and then 1.0 alpha 7 and beyond. I don’t like maintaining multiple versions of a plugin to solve this because it’s tedious to apply bug fixes across them.



    Actually you want my Read-Only forums.

    It makes it so only some people can post, everyone can read.




    wp-super-cache would not be as difficult as you’d imagine to port.

    However 0.9 is so fast, it doesn’t even need it in most cases.

    That will change with bbPress 1.0 which is twice the size of 0.9 and has many more files. It will need a cache for more active sites. I might try to make the effort in a few months to convert it.

    In reply to: Let ask again …



    Let me give you a little unofficial insight (half my opinion, half fact).

    Automattic has millions in investment funding, it’s not going away, neither is bbPress.

    But right now bbPress doesn’t make any money for Matt – in fact, it’s the opposite, it costs him to pay people to code it – so you won’t see lots of money thrown into developing it. bbPress was originally written by Matt to run the WordPress.org forums but it’s new goal is apparently to eventually power TalkPress (a forums version of WordPress.com)

    Currently Sam is the only one working on bbPress but that’s only because other resources are being diverted to other projects. There have been at one time three or maybe four developers (including Matt) on bbPress. Just because there is only one person working on it now is NOT a sign that it is going away. It’s simply because Matt has only so many coders and needs them elsewhere. (You may notice Michael is temporarily MIA).

    The people complaining were obviously not around for WordPress development and haven’t read any history about it. WordPress was nearly the EXACT same way. Until there was a commercial project based on it (ie. WordPress.com) development was in bursts. Nothing for weeks, and then a frenzy, before a new release.WordPress didn’t really make it’s mark until 2.0 – 2.1, then it took off and then Matt could justify paying lots of people to support it.

    Like I keep saying but no one listens, bbPress is PRE-RELEASE software. It’s not even 1.0 yet. And just like WordPress, people who come onboard someday at version 2.0 – 2.1 will wonder what the heck you were complaining about.

    If you are using bbPress right now, you are an EARLY ADOPTER.

    You are experiencing EARLY ADOPTER BLUES.

    Some people complain, some people try to contribute, some people go elsewhere.

    In reply to: Let ask again …



    The biggest problem I have with people hassling Sam is that you are distracting him from other work he can be doing to help us all, especially when for now he is the only main developer on the project. He shouldn’t have to stop to answer end-user questions each week (unless he wants to).

    It’s easy to burn out on large programming projects which is why he moves around to working on different parts of bbPress at different times and I have a low tolerance for people who can’t see the major effort he has done and just want things done yesterday, especially when it is completely free and you have plenty of other choices.

    Try writing a plugin someday and you’ll get an appreciation for what kind of concentration and knowledge it takes to develop good code. Sam has done a massive amount of work on bbPress 1.0 and should be left alone to continue in whatever pattern suits him best.

    If you have bug reports or feature ideas, make a quality report in TRAC and Sam will get to them when he gets to them. Don’t pester him here unless he solicits for the input.



    Once 1.0 beta is released things will be far more solid.

    You have to understand that 1.0 is almost a 75% re-write (or re-structuring) of 0.9 so many things have changed. To an end user it seems the same but that’s because of much backwards compatibility work by Sam.

    bbPress 1.0 is 150% the code size of 0.9

    So when 1.0 goes beta, that would be a good time to start documentation.

    In reply to: Let ask again …



    I encourage both of you to adopt one of the many other forum programs.

    There is no timetable for bbPress, Sam works on it at his own schedule.

    If you are in a rush, there are plenty of other options.

    It’s done when it’s done. You shouldn’t be using the alpha on a live site.

    The next alpha will break many plugins because of the change to an internal rewrite engine so don’t count on using it unless you don’t use any of my plugins.



    You can’t document something until it’s in a stable state.

    bbPress 1.0 is twice the size of bbPress 0.9 and constantly changing, even in the alpha.

    Database functions have been mostly the same except the entire meta changed.

    But the fundamentals are identical to how WordPress works so you can use the WP codex for that.

    Oh and WordPress didn’t have decent documentation until many years after it was around, don’t expect bbPress to be any different. Unless someone volunteers for free, Matt is unlikely to waste paid employee time on documentation.



    You can also compress the middle.

    Knowing CSS will help a lot.



    You need to move the hot-tags area to get back the width.



    This is already how wp-super-cache works. Just port it to bbPress.



    Sorry I missed the earlier questions.

    And to post code, make sure you put it between backticks `



    Simply look at how hot-tags are done on the front page in kakumei.

    There is a #main wrapper for all the content and then hot-tags is on the left.

    You can move the tags below and use the area on the left as a side bar.

    If you look in header.php you’ll see where #main opens.

    You can make a sidebar below there.



    They completely broke the pagination formatting in 1.0 in all themes. It was reckless.



    Apparently it’s still not fixed in the 1.0a trunk so I will put it into trac.



    Looks like the forum ate your code but to display the forum name when you only have the id, you can use the built in bbpress functions

    echo get_forum_name($result->forum_id);


    echo "Posted by $result->topic_poster_name in ".get_forum_name($result->forum_id);


    echo "Posted by <a href='".bb_get_profile_link($result->topic_poster)."'>$result->topic_poster_name</a>
    in <a href='".get_forum_link($result->forum_id);."'>".get_forum_name($result->forum_id)."</a>";



    Of course things will break when you use the alpha (which you failed to mention).

    I’ve updated it to 0.0.2 to deal with the mess in bbPress 1.0



    It’s really not worth the effort and you shouldn’t hack the core.

    Just disable them entirely for the fastest possible page loads.

    There are plenty of other areas of bbPress you will need to spend that kind of valuable time on.



    I guess I should have added the word CURRENTLY.

    Not CURRENTLY possible to change via a plugin.

    But you won’t see them do it via a plugin at any time anyway.

    Translation hooks can already do it, it’s just a pain to do.

    Right now there is only one person working on the bbPress core and I wouldn’t go distracting him with stuff like this when there is plenty of far more serious work to be done.

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