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HELP: Editing post_parent directly in database not working.

  • Papat0k



    I am using WordPress 4.8 and bbPress 2.6-beta-2.

    I had to do a batch import of topics from csv, and all went well enough. The only aspect I was unable to cover was the parent forum field. I have found my parent forum id and used a mysql command to insert the forum ID (which is 290 in this case) into all rows where post_excerpt meets a condition. This all worked. For reference here is the mysql command:
    update wp_posts set post_parent=’290′ where post_excerpt=’CONDITION’;

    The issue I’m having is that although post_parent displays the correct parent forum ID within the database, on the frontend of my site none of these topics register as having a parent forum. Under “Topics” they still all say “No Forum,” and they are not listed on the forum page. Funny enough, the breadcrumbs show the correct path when looking at the individual topics (i.e., PARENT FORUM >> POST_TITLE).

    Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

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