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Newly created topics being sent to all forums I post?

  • @cordilycom


    My website is I created a couple topics, and during editing I made sure it was for a specific animal. BUT, when I go under my dog forums lets say, I see topics that are for rats. When I click on ‘dogs’ for example, it says there’s a total of 1 topics under ‘diet’. But when I click on ‘diet’, it comes up with 2 topics. 1 of them is for dogs and the other is for rats. Same thing when I click on rats & mice, but this forum has 3 topics listed, 2 for rats and 1 for dog. Check it out. How do I fix this?

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  • @cordilycom


    It’s basically sending all my topics I’ve created to all animal forums. For example: I created a respiratory infection topic, I want it under rat & mice ‘health’. Instead, it sends it to all the animals ‘health’ topics. Even though I specifically targeted it for Rats & Mice ‘health’ section upon creating.



    You have two topics with the “super sticky” status, which shows a topic on all forums. Instead edit each topic, or view and unstick then and make them sticky instead by either changing the status in the dropdown or clicking the stick admin link. Be careful not to hit the super sticky admin link again while doing this, the super sticky admin link displays as “(to front)”.



    OMG thank you! Lol, I would have never thought of that, to be honest…I always wondered what the different of sticky and super sticky was, now I know! I appreciate your help

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