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Code to create topic when post is published. Working great, but one question.

  • @ghoush


    I have searched and put code together and tested. Now whenever a new post is created in WordPress a new topic is created in a specific sub-forum on my bbPress. This is working great. It brings over the tags and everything.

    The one problem I have is that the publish_post action fires every time a post is set to published. So if a post gets set back to draft or pending review, and then published again, another forum topic is created. There are problaby 2097324907629306 ways this can be solved. I am only coming up with some pretty stupid ones I think, so I was hoping someone might have a good idea here.

    Here is the code for your functions.php:

    function post_published_create_topic( $ID, $post ) {
        $author = $post->post_author;
        $name = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $author );
        $title = $post->post_title;
        $permalink = get_permalink( $ID );
        $excerpt = $post->post_excerpt;
        $subject = sprintf( '%s: %s', $name, $title );
        $message = sprintf ('[b]%s[/b]' . "\n" . 'By %s' . "\n\n" . '[i]%s[/i]' . "\n\n" . 'View: %s' . "\n\n", $title, $name, $excerpt, $permalink );
        $tags = wp_get_post_tags( $ID, array( 'fields' => 'names' ) );
        $new_post = array(
            'post_title'    => $subject,
            'post_content'  => $message,
            'post_parent' => 691,
            'post_status'   => 'publish',
            'post_type' => 'topic'
        $topic_meta = array(
        'forum_id'       => $new_post['post_parent']
        $topic_id = bbp_insert_topic($new_post, $topic_meta);
        $term_taxonomy_ids = wp_set_object_terms( $topic_id, $tags, 'topic-tag' );
    add_action( 'publish_post', 'post_published_create_topic', 10, 2 );

    Take that code and put it in your themes functions.php (hopefully you are using a child theme.) The 691 is my sub-forums ID, replace that with the right ID for yours. The format of the post and its content is done on the line that starts “$message = sprintf”.

    Now I just need to get it to stop creating a new post every time the same post is published. So far my ideas have been something like matching up the topics title with a string comparison, but that seems a bit heavy. There should be a simpler way and I am just not seeing it right now.

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  • @ghoush


    An update:

    Here is the fixed up code, all working now. This version creates a meta value for the post and checks that next time it gets published. No more duplicates if something goes published->draft/pending->published again.

    function gh_post_published_create_topic( $ID, $post ) {
        $checkduplicate = get_post_meta( $ID, 'gh_topic_created',true);
        if ( empty( $checkduplicate ) ) {
            $author = $post->post_author;
            $name = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $author );
            $title = $post->post_title;
            $permalink = get_permalink( $ID );
            $excerpt = $post->post_excerpt;
            $subject = sprintf( '%s: %s', $name, $title );
            $message = sprintf ('[b]%s[/b]' . "\n" . 'By %s' . "\n\n" . '[i]%s[/i]' . "\n\n" . 'View: %s' . "\n\n", $title, $name, $excerpt, $permalink );
            $tags = wp_get_post_tags( $ID, array( 'fields' => 'names' ) );
            $new_post = array(
                'post_title'    => $subject,
                'post_content'  => $message,
                'post_parent' => 691,
                'post_status'   => 'publish',
                'post_type' => 'topic'
            $topic_meta = array(
                'forum_id'       => $new_post['post_parent']
            $topic_id = bbp_insert_topic($new_post, $topic_meta);
            if ( !empty( $topic_id ) ) {
                add_post_meta($ID, 'gh_topic_created', 'true', true);
                $term_taxonomy_ids = wp_set_object_terms( $topic_id, $tags, 'topic-tag' );
                bbp_update_forum(array('forum_id' => 691));
    add_action( 'publish_post', 'post_published_create_topic', 10, 2 );



    Just for people who don’t notice it. The forum id is in two places now, so replace both 691’s with your own forum id.



    This is probably a stupid question but where do I get my forum id?




    Install a plugin like Reveal IDs, and when you go to Forums > All Forums in the WordPress backend you will see all the forum IDs next to each forum.

    There are other ways of getting a posts ID, but this is the easiest way.



    I got the id from the Reveal ID’s thank you for that. I am trying to get this to work on my website which currently is on a localhost so can’t send you to it. I have put the code in the functions and changed the number to 72 (my forum id), however, when I post it does not create a new topic in that forum. I have been poking around trying to get it to work and have found that some places say the publish_post is deprecated and others that say to ignore that it still works. I’m currently using wordpress version 4.2.4 and here is the code I put in my functions.

    function gh_post_published_create_topic( $ID, $post ) {
        $checkduplicate = get_post_meta( $ID, 'gh_topic_created',true);
        if ( empty( $checkduplicate ) ) {
            $author = $post->post_author;
            $name = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $author );
            $title = $post->post_title;
            $permalink = get_permalink( $ID );
            $excerpt = $post->post_excerpt;
            $subject = sprintf( '%s: %s', $name, $title );
            $message = sprintf ('[b]%s[/b]' . "\n" . 'By %s' . "\n\n" . '[i]%s[/i]' . "\n\n" . 'View: %s' . "\n\n", $title, $name, $excerpt, $permalink );
            $tags = wp_get_post_tags( $ID, array( 'fields' => 'names' ) );
            $new_post = array(
                'post_title'    => $subject,
                'post_content'  => $message,
                'post_parent' => 72,
                'post_status'   => 'publish',
                'post_type' => 'topic'
            $topic_meta = array(
                'forum_id'       => $new_post['post_parent']
            $topic_id = bbp_insert_topic($new_post, $topic_meta);
            if ( !empty( $topic_id ) ) {
                add_post_meta($ID, 'gh_topic_created', 'true', true);
                $term_taxonomy_ids = wp_set_object_terms( $topic_id, $tags, 'topic-tag' );
                bbp_update_forum(array('forum_id' => 72));
    add_action( 'publish_post', 'post_published_create_topic', 10, 2 );

    Any help on why this wouldn’t work for me would me much appreciated.



    yeah I can’t get it to work either.

    I think you could also just use the plugin bbPress Topics for posts for this kind of functionality though.



    Are you getting any error messages in your error logs? This code, unmodified, is working fine for me on 4.2.4.



    I’m getting this error:

    PHP Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function ‘post_published_create_topic’ not found or invalid function name in C:\xampp\htdocs\alpa\wp-includes\plugin.php on line 496



    Log’s who knew? From further examination due to the log telling me to look I found that I have a gh_ in front of the function name when declaring it. There error is also in your updated code above. Now that I took that out it works great. Here is the code without the minor syntax error and thank you for this.

    function post_published_create_topic( $ID, $post ) {
        $checkduplicate = get_post_meta( $ID, 'gh_topic_created',true);
        if ( empty( $checkduplicate ) ) {
            $author = $post->post_author;
            $name = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $author );
            $title = $post->post_title;
            $permalink = get_permalink( $ID );
            $excerpt = $post->post_excerpt;
            $subject = sprintf( '%s: %s', $name, $title );
            $message = sprintf ('[b]%s[/b]' . "\n" . 'By %s' . "\n\n" . '[i]%s[/i]' . "\n\n" . 'View: %s' . "\n\n", $title, $name, $excerpt, $permalink );
            $tags = wp_get_post_tags( $ID, array( 'fields' => 'names' ) );
            $new_post = array(
                'post_title'    => $subject,
                'post_content'  => $message,
                'post_parent' => 72,
                'post_status'   => 'publish',
                'post_type' => 'topic'
            $topic_meta = array(
                'forum_id'       => $new_post['post_parent']
            $topic_id = bbp_insert_topic($new_post, $topic_meta);
            if ( !empty( $topic_id ) ) {
                add_post_meta($ID, 'gh_topic_created', 'true', true);
                $term_taxonomy_ids = wp_set_object_terms( $topic_id, $tags, 'topic-tag' );
                bbp_update_forum(array('forum_id' => 72));
    add_action( 'publish_post', 'post_published_create_topic', 10, 2 );



    @leng7881’s code worked for me @ghoush



    Yep, I did that. Nice. Thanks for posting that fix. I thought I had edited that out.

    I can’t edit my earlier posts it seems, they are too old, could a mod maybe make that fix for us?

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