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Finding .css style file

  • @tonydes


    Hi guys,

    I apologize in advance, my skills are pretty minimal and I couldn’t find a solution to my problem. I just installed the forum on my site, but the pictures (avatars) for ‘last updated by’, started by’ are huge! Where do I find the.css file to edit them, and what code do I use?

    Thanks in advance for the help!

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  • @robkk


    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 2

    heres is a straight link to where you need to be, but reading the whole page isnt bad too



    Thanks for the reply @robkk. Quick question though, if I use a child theme do I create a folder and copy the css file there or to the parent theme? Also once I copy it, do I add relevant code to the file itself or to the custom css editor on wordpress?

    Thanks again!



    @tonydes child theme

    you put it either one i guess,

    i copy most of my code into my custom css editor in my theme because it works automatically for me

    but if i have to put the code into my bbpress.css in my child theme , i have to add !important alot



    @Robkk Thanks for the response, but I moved the file to both locations, and edited the css but nothing worked. I used this code to resize the images:

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-template-notice img.avatar, #bbpress-forums p.bbp-topic-meta img.avatar {
    width: 20px !important;
    height: 20px !important;

    I’m pretty sure my theme does not use a conventional style sheet so I may have to edit this in the root folder?



    give me a link to your site

    so i can see if its a special code in your template making the avatars huge
    if its a .avatar css rule making all the avatars on your site big
    or if i could find something else.

    Iโ€™m pretty sure my theme does not use a conventional style sheet so I may have to edit this in the root folder?

    thats not a good idea , it will be lost next upgrade.



    So the css editor works, and this code got rid of all my avatars, but I’d like to keep the one in the post itself;

    .bbp-author-avatar {
    display: none;

    Here’s a link to the over sized pictures:

    Thanks for taking a look at it! Much appreciated!



    @tonydes you dont know how much im laughing, its like your forum is bombarded with a gallery of your self portrait. xD

    do you want the started by and freshness authors still if they were just a smaller size??

    and also the notice author image if it was a smaller size??

    but first try this if you dont want any of those avatars, see if this code works.

    .avatar-14 { display: none !important; }



    @robkk haha I know, the images are absurdly huge! I tried the code but unfortunately it didn’t work ๐Ÿ™ Honestly I ‘d prefer if none of those avatars were there except for the one in the post. However, I’ll take smaller avatars any day rather than those big pictures!



    @robkk haha I know, the images are absurdly huge! I tried the code but unfortunately it didn’t work ๐Ÿ™ Honestly I ‘d prefer if none of those avatars were there except for the one in the post. However, I’ll take smaller avatars any day rather than those big pictures!




    what is your theme?? (you should link to it if you can)
    what are all your plugins??
    are you making a bbpress custom theme?? (did you copy the templates into your child theme??)

    a work around for displaying some avatars, is copy the templates in the child theme, look for the specific call of an avatar and wrapping a class around it then include certain css for that class and image,css display:none; the rest and see if that works.

    other than that it might be cdns , or it could be where you have to contact your theme developer.



    @robkk, I’m using a premiumpress theme. I tried again after disabling all my plugins, but the code still didn’t work.
    I don’t have a bbpress custom theme either. I’m pretty novice at this, but does this mean that I have to edit from the style sheet?



    first one more question , do you have custom css rules that you added already that include modifying images?

    I donโ€™t have a bbpress custom theme

    okay create a bbpress custom theme now, add all the templates into your child theme.

    more info here

    lets work on this first

    since it has the issue on the notice , started by and freshness authors

    now go to loop-single-topic.php and find

    <span class="bbp-topic-started-by"><?php printf( __( 'Started by: %1$s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_topic_author_link( array( 'size' => '14' ) ) ); ?></span>

    does it say 14 ?

    if you dont want the started by author image remove make it where its like this

    <span class="bbp-topic-started-by"><?php printf( __( 'Started by: %1$s', 'bbpress' ), bbp_get_topic_author_link() ); ?></span>

    tell me if that works

    Iโ€™m pretty novice at this, but does this mean that I have to edit from the style sheet?

    all of the images that have issues (started by, notice, freshness), are sized in the templates in php rather than css .



    @tonydes i just forgot about this, do this first

    pay attention to the started by image on the link to your forums in the above post.

    add this for custom css ,

    span.bbp-topic-started-by img {

    does that change the size??




    So I did what you said and added the loop-single-topic.php to a folder in my child theme labelled bbpress. I edited out that code, but unfortunately nothing changed!



    I just tried out the code as well and it didn’t work.



    when you edited the template , did you just remove the array( 'size' => '14' )

    because when i look at

    it doesnt even show started by: Admin anymore, just remove the array code and that should remove the avatar and thats it.



    Woops I had deleted the entire line. I fixed it, and the avatar for started by is now small! I’ll take that! Now it’s just the other two.



    okay on loop-single-topic.php in your child theme

    look for

    <span class="bbp-topic-freshness-author"><?php bbp_author_link( array( 'post_id' => bbp_get_topic_last_active_id(), 'size' => 14 ) ); ?></span>

    does it show 14 on your theme??, to remove it replace with this

    <span class="bbp-topic-freshness-author"><?php bbp_author_link( array( 'post_id' => bbp_get_topic_last_active_id()) ); ?></span>

    did it work??



    It does show 14. I replaced it, but it didn’t change. Do I need to add any code to the CSS editor?



    mann your bbpress is acting weird….


    span.bbp-topic-freshness-author img {



    That worked! I can’t believe I’m almost there! And yes this thing is ridiculous, but man you’re a lifesaver!



    the last is pretty hard. because i never found a template where you can edit the notices.

    do you want these notices at all??



    I wouldn’t mind getting rid of the ‘last updated by’. I’d like to keep the other two if that’s possible.



    place this inside your child themes functions.php

    add_filter( 'bbp_get_single_forum_description', 'ja_return_blank' );
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_single_topic_description', 'ja_return_blank' );
    function ja_return_blank() {
        return '';



    I added it and it looks like something went wrong.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘function’ (T_FUNCTION) in /home/revlanka/public_html/wp-content/themes/template_DL-child/functions.php on line 29

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