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your bbpress

  • Aaron


    Is there going to be a Your bbPress category?

    It would be nice to show off some of the things we have been tinkering with for the last year or so.


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  • I’d like to see what people have done with it, I’m trying to get something happening on my site and I’m failing at the most basic level.



    Until/if there is a category for showing off, I will go first.

    It is bits and pieces swipped from the wp support forms, and a we changed the colors.

    This install, was in import from punbb. I did not make an import script or anything automated. I did it all by editing the sql files. The bbPress version went live about two weeks ago.

    I have a second a second install, that I did alot of work on the templates, made it all table free.

    I am not yet ready to share that one, but since this forum is up, and all the recent work here at bbPress, I am cleaning it up and re-installing it. Once I have it a little cleaner I will share it to.

    Oh that is VERY nice. Well done, ergate!

    ergate – looks great!

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