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wrong display when logged in as non-admin

  • @yolle


    I just noticed, that the forum page is incorrectly displayed when I am not logged in onto my site as an admin, but just when I am logged in as a (payed) subscriber.
    If logged in as admin, the diplay of my page is always the same: header logo at the top, sidebar to the right, content to the left, and footer at the bottom.
    But, if logged in as a payed subscriber, the main forum (but not its child subforums!) opens incorrectly, that is: first forum content, then below header logo, then sidebar and then footer.
    I don’t know where to look for the bug, because I don’t really know which files make up the page that is displayed at the end.
    To give you an idea what I am talking about – these are zoomed out screenshots of the correct and incorrect layouts.

    Any idea where to start correcting this problem?

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  • @robin-w


    have to say I am struggling from the screenshots to see what your issue is, the ‘correct’ one is all squashed up and impossible to read !

    What plugin are using for the ‘paid’ bit? suspect that this works at wordpress user levels (subscriber, author, admin etc. ) not bbpress (participant, keymaster etc.)



    The screenshots were supposed to be just to give a rough idea… Not to look at the details. At the incorrect one, one should see that the forum is at the top, and only then the logo image appears, whereas on the correct one, the logo image is at the top and the forum is on the left and the sidebar on the right, footer at the bottom.
    I am using s2member for the membership management.
    So, as an aministrator of the wordpress blog I can see the correct layout. As a s2member with an access to the specific forum, I see the incorrect layout. But, only at the parent forum, the subforums have the correct layout.
    Thanks for your help!



    hmmm… presume if you turn off s2member for a moment it’s all fine?

    If so, the sorry this is an s2 member issue, and unless someone else with s2 member knowledge steps in, you should raise it with them.

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