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WordPress 4.0 Broke BBpress

  • @johnjack


    I am experiencing the same problem. I have updated to WordPress 4.0 two days ago
    Any of my old links to the forums just result in a 404 Error
    I also get a 404 if I access through the /forum route on my web address

    Our website is some of our users have raised it with us.

    Any help on this would be appreciated
    I don’t have any of the plugins shown above



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  • @netweb


    I moved your topic as separate topics will be more helpful for for both us and yourself 🙂

    Can you try opening a topic on your forum that has a topic and a couple of replies in a separate browser tab.

    Then in another browser tab start deactivating each of your plugins one by one and after deactivating each plugin refresh your topic page, once your topic refreshes and see you both the topic and the reply the plugin causing issues will be the last one you deactivated.

    What is that plugin?



    So full issue,
    If I go to the top level (category) forum


    this work and show the forums below it however if you try and access the forums


    for example you get a 404 error
    Trying to access individual topic


    for example works.

    Creating a New Forum by itself with no parent also works.
    However when I add a parent to it, it gives me a 404 Error when I try to view it.

    I have this forum set to type category


    this currently has two children
    both of which show a 404 Error when you try to open them (even when you ‘view’ from the edit screen.
    However when I go into and edit these forums to have no parent, then click view. I can see them

    This has happened since upgrading to WordPress 4.0
    This behavior persists even with all other plugins disabled on the site

    This narrows it down to something happening with the parenting of forums
    I don’t really code in PHP so cant really give much more insight.

    Any help would be appreciated, if any more info is required please ask





    This could be an issue with your rewrite rules. To fix this try resetting your permalinks. In your WordPress Administration Screens navigate to Settings > Permalinks, select a different permalink structure and save. Then select your preferred permalink structure and save again.



    Tried that, still get the 404 error when the Forum is parented.
    We are currently set on default as you can see from the query string.

    The following link, when ‘general’ has a parent it gives a 404 error, when I remove the parent it works.




    I still see plugins enabled, the issue cannot be reproduced with only WordPress 4.0 and bbPress 2.5.4, thus in every instance thus far this issue has occurred it has been a plugin conflict, we need to find this conflict to work out where to from here.

    It should take only a few minutes to test this as I outlined in my original reply above.



    Sorry, had already tested without any plugins activated and the issue still persisted.

    I have deactivated all the plugins again for you.
    Still getting same bahavior



    Thanks, I’ll need to go and setup a similar configuration tomororw, it’s already after 9pm here local time and I’ll get back to, so for now re-activate your plugins.

    A couple of questions:

    1. Is this the same permalink setting you have always used?
    2. Have you run any of the repair tools? Can you try running each of them and see if there is a change? (Tools -> Forums)

    Also FYI all your topics appear fine via, (typically with pretty permalinks this would be



    Thanks Stephen,

    1. Is this the same permalink setting you have always used?

    We have used the default permalink structure since the outset about 18 months ago, this has never been changed. Forums have been working for this period with current set up.

    2. Have you run any of the repair tools? Can you try running each of them and see if there is a change? (Tools -> Forums)

    No, not yet, I will go through and run them now and reply on this forum



    I was having issues with mine and it was a conflict with my theme from Tielabs….here was the issue Problem Fixed .. “it caused by “Exclude Pages in results” option in Tiepanel > Archives settings .. just deactivated till the new version be available”

    Hope that helps in some way!



    All ‘repairs’ have been ran.

    The issue still exists



    This has happened to me too. Populating the forums and update to wp 4.0 and bang, no forums to show.
    Deactivated every single plug-in. Re-activated them one by one. No luck.

    Very annoying getting an error 404 page not found on every single one. I even tried making a new forum and no luck either.

    Everything is there in the dashboard, but work on the site has halted and causing serious problems.

    I also tried all the old wordpress themes and nothing has changed.
    Very annoyed with this. 7 hours of time totally wasted for a forum that was working perfectly.




    The issue seems to be when permalinks are set to default (whether plugins are contributing or not I don’t know), but on this other thread we have another two who ‘fixed’ the issue by going away from default permalinks.

    Page not found 404



    @robin-w I beg to differ a little, the behaviour seems to suggest it is something else going on.

    It is only child forums that seem to be having this issue.
    If a forum is is set up as a child of a forum (set as type category) the result is a 404 Error.
    if that link is broken (the forum has been set to have no parent) then the forum loads.

    The permalink doesn’t change ?forum=general query string is the same for both. This is with all plugins disabled and on different themes.

    There must be something that works differently code wise between the two.
    Seems very odd.

    It has also worked quite happily for the last year on default permalinks with the current plugin setup quite happily.
    Something has changed the method in the way that it works, either through a bbpress release or WordPress 4.0 release




    it’s a f… issue of wordpress.. permalink bug in WP 4.0.. sometimes WP authors are very unwary.. for now there is not any solution to solve



    From what other plugin authors have delved into, one of the issues (and maybe the only issue) seems to be related to the fact that bbpress sets the array $default[‘s’] in all cases on bbp_has_replies – if a search to the search, but if not a search to ‘FALSE’. Under wp4.0 it seems that if this variable is set at all, it is taken as true, so the query is assumed as true, which then returns no results and maybe hense why a 404 or nothing displayed.

    I have done a quick change to bbp_has_replies to test this.

    If anyone else out there still has problems with 404’s or topics/replies not showing and is on wp4, can they try the very optimistically (!) named bbpress wp4 fix plugin, and let me know if it makes a difference !+

    bbpress wp4 fix



    Also if anyone has a setup where the addition or removal of a single plugin causes the issue, then come back, or if a free theme causes it.

    At the moment I’m guessing at the problem, as I cannot replicate, so need a simple setup to validate



    Hi Robin,

    Thanks for the attempt.
    Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to present a fix.
    Same behavior as before, we get a 404 Error is the forum is a child






    There seems to be several symptoms, some see topics not showing just replies, some has 404 errors wherever they are (topics, replies even forums), and some have issues with child forums.

    At the moment the scenario is that since bbpress on a default theme doesn’t have these issues, then it is likely that it is a combination of wp4.0, bbpress AND one or more others.

    Plugins that use code relying on searches are definitely one area, I suspect themes that look or rely on post types are another. You issue may be a third.

    You seem to have disabled plugins, but have you used a default theme such as twentytwelve?

    I have bbpress 2.5.4 running with twentyten and a top forum of category, a sub forum with that forum as parent, and a sub forum of that subforum all displaying fine.

    If I can replicate a scenario, I can start to see if the issue is the one I’m looking at.



    We have the same problem at the site we administer.
    Bbpress 2.5.4 and upgraded fine to wordpress 4.0 from 3.9.1. Now no forum posts are showing.

    When i check the HTML source, i see data about the forum posts and reply count that are correct, and i can create new posts. However, no posts are shown in the lists. And when trying deep linking to a post, it doesnt appear either.

    Any help or tips would be appreciated.



    Ok, I have now tested more fully

    wp 3.9.2 bbpress 2.5.4 permalink settings default – top level forums work, sub level forums work

    wp 4.0 bbpress 2.5.4 permalink settings default – top level forums work, sub level forums don’t work

    wp 4.0 bbpress 2.5.4 permalink settings postname – top level forums work, sub level forums do work

    are JJJ or Netweb anywhere around to dig into this?????



    I have opened up a trac ticket for this (trac tickets are used by the dev’s to trac developments and fixes)

    In the meantime there are 3 workarounds

    1. change your permalinks to any of the other settings


    The most often used is ‘postname’

    This will not only fix your issue, but make your links look prettier. However if you have links to your site forums from other sites/emails, these links might break (ie they will come up as 404 errors), but if your choice is between users not accessing, or users complaining that the link in that old email no longer works, then resetting might seem a good idea.

    2. revert to 3.9.2


    for quite a good video on how to do it

    3. Move your sub-forums up a level ie make them all main forums

    and keep monitoring this site for a solution.



    Ok, I know what the problem is

    for a forum structure where the parent is forum-a and the sub-forum is forum-b

    under 4.0 the permalink is

    whereas to work it should be

    So now we have a problem definition, only need to find a solution now, which is the tricky part !



    Robin’s last fix works, at least on my site. Using WP4.0 and bbpress 2.5.4, this plugin worked.

    Theme : Method (mysitemyway)
    Plugins: bbpress 2.5.4, buddypress 2.0.2, admin bar 1.0, cms tree page view 1.2.30, Random Text 0.3.0, Smooth Scroll Up 0.8.4, Tweetomatic Pro 1.0, Widget Shortcode 0.2.3.

    Thanks Robin.



    ok, we have two issues with wp 4.0

    ISSUE 1

    The first gives 404 errors with sub forums for users with default permalinks. This is due to a bug in wp4.0, and netweb is on the case to get this fixed in 4.0.1

    I’m working on patch for bbpress, but otherwise in the meantime there are 3 workarounds

    1. Change your permalinks to any of the other settings


    The most often used is ‘postname’

    This will not only fix your issue, but make your links look prettier. However if you have links to your site forums from other sites/emails, these links might break (ie they will come up as 404 errors), but if your choice is between users not accessing, or users complaining that the link in that old email no longer works, then resetting might seem a good idea.

    2. revert to 3.9.2


    for quite a good video on how to do it

    3. Move your sub-forums up a level ie make them all main forums

    and keep monitoring this site for a solution.


    The second hides topics and/or replies with some themes and other plugins. This is due to a change in wp4.0 on how it handles searches.

    For the second, the patch in this plugin may help.

    bbpress wp4 fix

    If it does, please come back and say



    Thanks a lot..
    The plugin fix for issue 2 did the trick..

    bbpress wp4 fix

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