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woocommerce membership plugin does not work with participant role bbpress

  • @mariekekarssen


    I have communicated and struggled with this issue for weeks now with Woocommerce, but after much trial and error this is the short version:

    I have a website with woocommerce/woocommercemembership and subscriptions. The subscribed members automatically also have a buddypress profile and access to bbpres forums. Non subscribed people can look at the forums, but you have to be a member to participate.

    This works great on the subscribing side, a little less great but managable on the buddypress side, because cancelled orders still get a profile, but that’s an admin job of once a week, but.. i really have an issue with bbpress, because the membership plugin is able to create also other membership privileges and content and that does not work if the member has a forum role of participant. If i make every member a moderator (would not know how to do that automatically by the way) then all membershipplugin functionality works great. Can anyone help me here? Woocommerce is searching too.

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  • @robin-w


    because the membership plugin is able to create also other membership privileges and content and that does not work if the member has a forum role of participant.

    can you give us specific examples of what this means



    Thank you for your reply. My next question is: how bad is it if all members become moderators? Can I change what a moderator can do? Even if only by template change.



    all the bbpress roles just consist of ‘capabilities’ ie a user can do a, b, and c.

    Moderators have more capabilities than participants, so if you change what a moderator can do to make it look like a participant, then you will just go back to the same problem.

    Without know what membership privileges and content are affected (my previous question) I can’t help further.

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