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Wishlist Members Integration Troubleshooting

  • @kmal91


    Hey everyone,

    I have had some success in integrating bbpress and wishlist, but a slight problem is that anyone without complete access cannot view the forum archives.

    I am also working with wishlist members support and they’ve been helpful but have recommended I take this to you.

    Everything is working as intended as long as there is direct links to the forums for the members. The forum archives is not working unless you have complete access to every membership level.

    Here is a video detailing what is going on. pw Success2015

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  • @kmal91


    Hey everyone,

    just following up on this. I’ll try to clarify this some more:

    Restricting any forum to a certain membership level locks the entire forum archive down for them. They can still visit their forums by way of direct link and they cannot visit the forums outside of their membership level.

    Does anyone know about a way around this without providing a directory of links to their respective forums?



    @kmal91 – sorry but unless you find someone who has spent time with wishlist, I think you will struggle to get help.

    For me to fix I’d need to spend at least 1/2 day installing and understanding wishlist.

    But two thoughts

    1. As a quick Q – if most/many of your forums are restricted, why do you need a link to the forum archive?

    2. If you took bbpress out of wishlist, you could probably achieve the forum restriction using

    You’d need to set up somne groups to mirror wishlist, but it might be an effective solution.



    Very true Robin. The one thing I am sort of concerned about is when people try to navigate with this. forum archive

    I’ll find a way around it I suppose. If there were a way to manipulate that link that may work.



    Option 2 would work, ie take the restictions out of wishlist, and let my plugin control access



    Thanks for the follow up @robin-w! I will look into this today and let you know how it goes.

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