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Whoa! ( 2.0 is live)

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  • @pubdirltd


    I find it incredible that a program that is well loved and which has such great potential seems to be so unloved by its developer.

    The only thing I can think of is that his keynote speech graphics must have taken him a helluva long time to write.

    But the big question in my mind is this. Do we stick with bbPress and all the doubts about its viability in its own right, and move over to BuddyPress with its one click install, or stick with it?

    I am at a critical stage with my site’s development and I have to make a decision to jump one way or the other; partly because I just don’t have the time or money to develop two themes for one site.

    I wish someone could give me some clarity on the direction bbPress and BudyPress are going.

    Someone. Anyone?



    Last blog entry here was 6 months ago!

    Not a good sign.



    Last blog entry here was 6 months ago!

    Not a good sign.

    It’s always like that though. Back when we had a paid full time developer I didn’t know he existed for the first 3.5 months I was involved in the project.

    Management, and Communication of it’s decidions, is the single biggest roadblock of bbpress in going forward.



    Well then, why doesn’t somebody do something about it? If I remember rightly, WordPress itself was salvaged from another star that had entered a decaying orbit.

    Are there no Buzz Lightyears out there?



    Tags no longer paginate.



    Is this support forum using bbpress 2?



    There’s no such thing as bbPress 2. There is a new theme here which some people are calling 2 or bborg 2.

    This site is running the 1.1-alpha trunk branch, not sure of the revision. It hasn’t been updated in a couple weeks.



    This site is running 2441 at the moment and the latest changeset is 2442 at the time of writing this post.



    Heh – the update finally took place automatically. We added that revision to the header a while back, but the code was not being updated here.

    Also, We’re actually running 2442 here – the note I added to the version was the current revision. I should have jumped ahead one when I checked the code in. So, trunk and here are the same thing, despite the meta header.



    In plugin search, none of the plugin links work, they all point to

    So basically, people can’t find plugins at all…




    does that mean we will be running bleeding edge version live here now?



    Yes, if the updates work as designed. We always were running the trunk version, but for some reason, the updates didn’t always work. I’m not even sure when they run. But the new code appears here automatically.



    You know what else I love,

    If you have Javascript turned off, you can’t see the first 3 lines of what you type for that stupid grey box that “fades”. I LOVE LOVE LOVE how accessible we are.

    Oh same for tags as well.



    Reminder to whomever is doing the subtle fixes I am seeing, the backtick/code tag is still broken here.


    testing code, fixed? <?php if (2>1) {echo "testing";} ?>

    you should not see &gt/&lt/&quot or multiple ;;; in the above example.

    In fact even outside of backticks there is still a htmlentity encoding problem



    Look who’s back! (changeset committer) Just a flash, though… (and he forgot to update trunk version ;-P)



    I don’t think Matt knows that we are changing the version manually. It would be nice to have that updated automatically, but I don’t have enough access to make that happen with subversion, so I just change it manually.



    I don’t think Matt knows that we are changing the version manually. It would be nice to have that updated automatically, but I don’t have enough access to make that happen with subversion, so I just change it manually.

    I know, I know, I just thought it was funny that he did not even look at any last commit…



    You know, I love the silent updates to the site; but at the risk of sounding ungraetful – Could you please TEST the chanegs after you’ve made them Live??

    All links to plugins from the plugin browser link to:

    Can be seen/reproduced here:

    And seriously, what is up with these >>> tags? It’s about to span into it’s 3rd month of not working. We can only help so much…



    And seriously, what is up with these >>> tags? It’s about to span into it’s 3rd month of not working. We can only help so much…

    That is a BackPress bug, I think you know about it.. –



    Yes mate it is, but it’s mental that it’s still not been fixed.

    The person who is doing these updates could even apply your patch to our own version of backPress on this site and it would be sorted.



    I don’t think I have any ability to update the code that runs at the plugins site, so I can’t fix the plugins search. I believe the search is fixed here in the forums so if they update the code at plugins, it will be fixed.

    I don’t know if I can fix the < < thing locally (in an external?) but I would rather they just fix the BackPress bug properly. If we fix it here, then there’s no pressure to fix it in BackPress.



    If we fix it here, then there’s no pressure to fix it in BackPress.

    Chris my friend,

    We’re less than 10 hours away from that bug being present for it’s 3rd month.

    Emails have been sent, Tweets have been sent, Trac reports have been filed, bug reports have been filed, patches have been submitted, Trac has been bumped (including by yourself), forum posts have been written, I’ve emailled Matt and Sam (though infairness it’s neither of these guys fault) etc etc.

    I’ve even emailled Westi, who I’m looking forward to meet in 3 weeks in Manchester.

    Nothing, nil, nada, zilch, zero, tumbleweed.

    I’m not sure if we have any leverage to apply any pressure, because if we do – it ain’t working. At some stage, and that day might not be today of course, but at some stage we’ll have to accept that maybe there is no pressure on anyone to fix it in BackPress.



    I just noticed that download links at Download page should use a background image, but it cannot be found at the moment.

    Full background attribute: url("images/button-grad.png") repeat-x scroll left top #333333



    I’m loving the new theme but as someone mentioned above the plugin search page isn’t working. The title comes through but the link is broken. Can’t get to the plugin that I want!



    What plugin you search? Maybe we help you?

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