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Whoa! ( 2.0 is live)

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  • @markmcwilliams


    Yeah, cool, somethings happening! :D

    Could it be Matt himself, I read we could be looking at bbPress 1.1 RC very soon!



    Ah yeah, good point. I saw the #wcsf code sprint, but figured it was WordPress only. I saw in Matt’s state of the Word that he was sort of burned out on bbPress. Nice to see someone interested in it again.



    While Matt would appear to be burned out on bbPress, it would appear now that he’s working on a few things here and there for v1.1 which would be good. Yup, it sure is nice, and if you’re reading, let us know who’s got the new design going! :)

    Only time will tell…!



    This is 2.0

    Nice to see the change!

    This seems to be based on Sam’s work but someone has done some tweaking.

    Matt apparently either remembered or rushed the update after my complaint on WPTavern following his (negative) comments about bbPress over the weekend at WordCamp in his keynote.

    Gravatars are a bit staggeringly huge, takes some getting used to and not sure I really care for them that big.



    Hi _ck_



    Hiya Chris, glad to see you!



    I like my meta on the right hand side instead of the left.

    Since there is no toggle in this theme, you can use the Stylish plugin for Firefox to change it:

    @namespace url(;

    @-moz-document domain("") {
    .grid_3,.grid_4 {float:right !important;}

    You can probably do something similar with GreaseMonkey but I am not certain exactly how.



    If whomever is doing the changes finally returns, please note there are many page “stalls” (blank page) and the plugin section has many broken links.

    I know the plugins are a custom mod of bbPress so that might take some time to straighten out, just making sure someone is aware.

    ps. ah the link to the plugin section just disappeared so I assume it’s a work in progress…



    Woah, a lot to absorb! :-)

    When I click on the forums tab from this topic page btw, I get sent to this relative link I think:



    Yeah someone is slowly straightening out things.

    I guess it was virtually impossible to test before it went live so this is unavoidable.

    We probably need to give them overnight to get it stable.



    Like this design a lot, and nice to see you back _ck_ :D

    I think mdawaffe uploaded the new theme made by Sam, he also fixed some bugs.



    What a pleasant surprise! Two, actually: the refresh, and CK! :)



    Kudos to whoever made the change … the new look for the site is a huge step forward. If, for no other reason, than to send the message that “something is happening around here” :-)



    This all started with Sam 9 months ago.

    I sure miss him :-(



    The new theme is Sam’s excellent work, tweaked and implemented by Noël who’s been working on it on and off for a few weeks.

    I’m sure there’s still some wonky things going on that we’ll get straightened out over the next couple days.



    Just checked out Noel’s site and the first thing I see are a bunch of Scarlett Johansson videos! lol





    Nice to see that the fading in and out form labels made the cut!

    All I had finished was the basic forum pages when I passed this on. Noel has done a lot more work on plugins, the blog and a few other things.

    We’ll definitely be tweaking things out a lot over the next few days. This theme was definitely a huge group collaboration :)



    Keep up the great work Noel, thanks!



    Great work guys… looks great !….

    How would I get my hands on this version of bbpress 2.0, not to go live but have a look and a play around with locally… ?



    Well, I have some part of it live on my test forums – (I think I won’t be sued for copying the design.. lol.. I will release it after I have finished it.)

    There are many pages still which need to be changed on this site like profile, profile edit, favorites, views, etc.

    I have made some changes like pushed the search box up (on the left side of login bar), made a function for generating topic table (it becomes easier to tweak if a change is needed in the table), and another function for generating feed box in sidebar.



    Chris the theme willl likely never be available since it’s not a GPL creation, Matt paid employees to have it made.

    However there is a WPMimic theme for bbPress which makes it look very close to this since it simulates

    For some reason I have the wrong screenshot of it but you can see it in action like this:



    Oh, so I would have to stop making it.. :(



    Gautam, I would at least remove the bbpress header and bee graphic on yours.

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