' when i use apostrophe
hi at all, i have a little prblem, when i write something with an apostrophe the resoult is xxx/’yyy why for you?
this on post, title, description….
- Did you integrate with WordPress?
- What versions of bbPress and WordPress did you install?
- Are you using BuddyPress or WPMU?
- How about a URL?
excuse me, bbpress 1.0.2, integrate with WordPress (cookie + user + template), this is the url http://www.endurodoc.net/forum/
I’m not use buddypress or wpmu.
thank you very much
any idea?
Do you load WordPress’
in bbPress?yes, it could be the problem?
There was a report of the same on Trac but I closed it as it wasn’t happening for me. Are you running the trunk version of bbPress or 1.0.2?
Here it is – #1194
Opened up the ticket again
I have posted a patch in that ticket, can you test it?
Hi, I use 1.0.2, I have added this line https://trac.bbpress.org/attachment/ticket/1194/1194.diff
on my bb-setting.php but now if I update the topic there era 7 slash instead 1
kikko088, Did you add the green and remove the red? It sounds like you added both by accident.
ooooops, i add all
excuse me but i’m not expert…
now i remove the red code and add green code but the slah remain
I think the earlier one will remain. check for new occurences
i try to write anything on a new post but it remains
You’re running WP 3.0 right?
yes, wp 3.0
Could this be a magic quotes issue?
See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/220437/magic-quotes-in-php
If this module is loaded you can sometimes end up escaping input twice with the result being extra slashes in your database.
I’ve fixed a problem exactly like yours in the past by turning of magic quotes in php.ini, but I thought that these days bbPress handled the case when they were turned on.
Looking at the source of your blog, you’re still running WP 2.9.2.
are 2 weeks that try wp3 and i’m confused…i use wp 2.9, excuse me
I am having this same exact issue. Running WP 3.0.1 and bbpress 1.0.2. Have tried the fix mentioned in this thread, however it did not work.
EDIT: Upon further research I found this plugin to work:
Adam Kayce Says in this forum post:
Apostrophe and or quotation marks cause backslash to appear.
Never mind – I got it, thanks to an old post from two years ago.
The code has changed a bit, so here’s how I fixed it:
1) open up /bb-includes/functions.bb-template.php
2) replace line 1074 with:
return stripslashes(apply_filters( ‘get_topic_title’, $topic->topic_title, $id ));
3) and line 1782:
return stripslashes(apply_filters( ‘get_post_text’, $bb_post->post_text, $bb_post->post_id ));
That did the trick for me.
{This worked for me,too. It worked on the front end and back end.}
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