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Visual pbs ?

  • @matevoun



    i’ve got some visual problems :

    • Each time i push a picture, this code appears : “[Caption id=”xxxx” align=”aligncenter” width=”468″> xxxxxxxxxx (…) [/caption]“, but if i keep this, this will be printed online. I need to delete this caption insert for better visuals. Is it normal ?
    • The user avatar in forum list (for example) is smaller than it will be. Normal ?
    • Each post modification is notified under the post… But if i edit 15 times a post, it will be 15 rows about this modifications ?
    • In responsive mode (mobile), the post height is mid-screen only… It’s difficult to read… any idea ?

    You can check this on our forum here :
    -=> Forums Saint-Antonin

    Thank you for your help.
    Sorry for my English, i’m French. 🙂

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  • @matevoun


    Not any idea ?



    lots of questions !

    1. ◾Each time i push a picture, this code appears : “[Caption id=”xxxx” align=”aligncenter” width=”468″> xxxxxxxxxx (…) [/caption]“, but if i keep this, this will be printed online. I need to delete this caption insert for better visuals. Is it normal ?

    I don’t know what you are doing to create the picture – please describe your steps

    2. ◾The user avatar in forum list (for example) is smaller than it will be. Normal ?

    yes that is normal. To amend it you would need to amedn a template. If you confirm that you have and know how to use FTP, I will give you some instructions

    3. ◾Each post modification is notified under the post… But if i edit 15 times a post, it will be 15 rows about this modifications ?

    if you install my style pack plugin

    bbp style pack

    then once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp Style Pack>topic/reply styling item 12 you can limit the number shown and if you go to
    dashboard>settings>bbp Style Pack>topic/topic/reply form items 7 & 8 let you switch off this feature

    4. ◾In responsive mode (mobile), the post height is mid-screen only… It’s difficult to read… any idea ?

    I tried it – it seemed easy to read to me – please explain exactly what you want




    thank you for your help 🙂

    Then, now :

    1/ I think this is because i’ve installed bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab plugin, but i need this for uploading new media… 🙁

    2/ Yes, tell me what can i do… 🙂

    3/ Done ! Thank you ! I’ve installed your plugin. 😉

    4/ I think this is a too little for texte + avatar.

    How can i do now ?



    From @matevoun

    Then, now :

    1/ I think this is because i’ve installed bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab plugin, but i need this for uploading new media… 🙁

    2/ Yes, tell me what can i do… 🙂

    3/ Done ! Thank you ! I’ve installed your plugin. 😉

    4/ I think this is a too little for texte + avatar.

    How can i do now ?

    Hope to read you soon…

    1. As a test deactivate that plugin and see if it works without. If so re-enable and contact that plugins author

    2. for the forum list

    create a directory on your theme called ‘bbpress’
    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/bbpress

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    Make a copy of this file, and put in in the directory called bbpress that you created above, so you end up with
    bbPress will now use this template instead of the original
    and you can amend this

    so change line 68
    <span class="bbp-topic-freshness-author"><?php bbp_author_link( array( 'post_id' => bbp_get_forum_last_active_id(), 'size' => 14 ) ); ?></span>

    amend 14 to whatever size you want

    3. glad you like it

    4. without knowing exactly what you want, I cannot suggest css changes – I suspect we will not fix this one



    1/ If i deactivate this plugin, i can’t upload new media.
    I’m doing differently, i posting via then Control Panel / Topics / New topic.
    But i don”t know how other people on our forum can upload new media without this plugin.

    2/ OKI ! Nice !
    I’ve doing it also for loop-single-topic.php, in lines 60 & 98.
    I’m testing with 20 for the size.

    3/ Thank you. 🙂

    4/ Is it difficult to explain you here, because, we can’t upload on this forum. But i’ve pushed via my mobile on my website for you :

    There is few space for text and the topic is not easy to read on mobile.
    As you can see on the second one, my avatar is also a little strange in responsive mode… 🙁

    5/ I have no a new question also (number five ;)) :
    I can’t find the “fil d’ariane” (Breadcrumb ?) on the top of my forum.
    I’ve the SEO plugin installed.
    Any idea ?



    1. I don’t think I can’t help you further
    4. this is theme related and will need css to fix beyond help here – sorry
    5. probably theme related – again I can’t really help

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