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viewing new topics trouble

  • @elizku


    New here!

    I got all the way through installation last week and testing of bbpress within a protected WordPress site, and love the forum – I so appreciate the simplicity and ease of the thing, esp. for someone who has little experience with this sort of thing.

    My only issue at this point is that once anyone is logged in and posts a reply or new topic, the updated reply/topic displays fine UNTIL returning to the main forum page at which point it is necessary to log out and then log back in to actually see the updates. Again, I’m so pleased with the forum itself, but this may be the thing that keeps my boss from letting the forum go live :-(

    WP version is 3.1.4 and I’m using the forum as my home page of the blog. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

    Thanks so much!

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