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vBulletin import help

  • vinaynellagi


    Hi, I am trying to import from vBulletin 4.2.2 to BBpress The forum is pretty big with Data of 2.4 GB.

    Every time I start the import it gets stuck at 45458th record of topics with when it is executing this statement (I saw the number of records from WP Admin in under Topics section)

    SELECT convert(thread.threadid USING “utf8mb4”) AS threadid,convert(thread.forumid USING “utf8mb4”) AS forumid,convert(thread.replycount USING “utf8mb4”) AS replycount,convert(thread.postuserid USING “utf8mb4”) AS postuserid,convert(post.ipaddress USING “utf8mb4”) AS ipaddress,convert(thread.title USING “utf8mb4”) AS title,convert(post.pagetext USING “utf8mb4”) AS pagetext,convert( USING “utf8mb4”) AS open,convert(thread.sticky USING “utf8mb4”) AS sticky,convert(thread.dateline USING “utf8mb4”) AS dateline,convert(thread.lastpost USING “utf8mb4”) AS lastpost FROM thread AS thread INNER JOIN post AS post USING (threadid) WHERE post.parentid = 0 LIMIT 45300, 100

    I followed this but it stops again at every ~50 records.

    But When I run this query in the PhpMyAdmin i get proper results of 100 records. I have tried to sanitize all the data that looked suspicious to me. Can someone please guide me to identify this offending data. What should I watch out for ?

    I have setup my BBpress on it on my local server which sits on a RAMDisk of 10GB (Makes I/O, hence import process lighting fast). Is this an issue ?

    Or are there any logs that I can inspect to see what error occurred ?

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  • Hi,

    Can it be linked to timeouts ? Does it stop exactely after a certain number of minutes ?
    (just guessing here)


    Did you also try to change some php.ini settings as described here ?

    Conversion MyBB to bbPress



    Yes, I have all the php.ini variables very high. timeouts to 48hrs and Max sizes to 2GB.
    It does not stop at a particular time but at a particular record.

    John James Jacoby


    With every iteration, bbPress writes to the _bbp_converter_query option to record the last successful query. You can use that to cross-check what the converter is putting out against what the records are that are being imported.

    Usually when this happens, it’s a database encoding issue, and MySQL is getting stuck on a specific character in a specific record.

    To confirm if this is the case, you’ll want to go back into phpMyAdmin (or your favorite database management tool) and bisect that range of posts to identify exactly which post in your vBulletin installation that bbPress is getting hung up on.

    For example, when I converted from bbPress 1.2 to bbPress 2.0, it got stuck on 8 individual posts that had had encoding issues from 10 years ago when someone changed the encoding from whatever it was to latin1, and because WordPress usually expected to be UTF-8 and we have HyperDB in the middle to route queries around, bbPress’s converter would do exactly what yours is doing.

    If it’s database encoding or some other anomaly, isolating what is goofy with exactly which post(s) is the only way to get around it. I’m anxious to hear what you figure out here, and very happy to improve our importer if there’s anything we can do on our end.

    @johnjamesjacoby thanks for the input.

    keep us informed if you find something. I don’t know vBulletin, but is there a way to export only parts of it (like some months) to narrow down ?




    @johnjamesjacoby Thank you for your support.. I did what you suggested but But whenever I corrected some of the characters I would go about 10 topics further and it would stop again. I also tried to delete some records altogether. But no improvements then. However, As a last try I have installed the bbpress in test folder on the live server and started the import process from the live Database. So far I have imported all the users (~17,500), forums (~30), topics (~225000) and running on ~350000th reply in the last 2 days. I am not sure how it worked. But the same DB export did not work on my local instance. However, I have to bear with the time it takes on the live server.

    On the side lines if this import completes Do I have to invite all the users to re-register in the forum ?



    @casiepa I was able to delete some posts from a date range.. so may be its possible but I have not tried it myself.

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