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Using shortcode [bbp-reply-form] to specific topic!?

  • @afu24



    I am using bbpress 2.5.4 and Wordporess 4.1 and everything work fine.

    Is it possibe to only display the reply form with the shortcode [bbp-reply-form] on any wordpress page or in my case at a course page from Learn Dash?
    as shown here:

    If I reply now the “Error: Topic Id is missing” (German: FEHLER: Themen-ID fehlt) appears. Ok, that’s traceable because I dint’s say the reply form where it belongs to. But adding a Topic ID to the shortcode like [bbp-reply-form id=223] doesn’t seem to be supported and nothing appears.

    Is there any way to do that? To say the reply form on any page in wordporess in which topic it should reply.

    I don’t want to add new topics to a forum or let the user select a forum from the dropdown (as described in the bbpress shorcode codex). I just want to have the reply form (without the topic posts) inside my course pages and let the people reply.

    Looking forward for any help or solutions.


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  • @robin-w


    so if I understand, you have a topic in a forum, but want to use a wordpress page to allow students to post replies to this, without them needing to see or visit the forum – is that correct?



    Thanks for your reply.

    Yes thats right. I added a forum and a topic in the forum, and I want to use the reply form to let the user answerfrom another wordpress page into this specific topic – in my case I want to add the reply forum in a course page of learndash – I think they use the normal wordpress post.

    It works already with the shortcode [bbp-single-topic id=$topic_id], but then the reply form and specific topic with its answers is shown in the page. Thats too much.

    I thought of just adding the form reply and say the shortcode [bbp-reply-form] where it
    belongs to.
    Like the example:

    Is that possible?



    how good is your php coding?



    I know where to add it if the code works but my basic understanding is not very good. Just html and css so far.
    What idea occurred to you?



    I had an idea, but having done a bit of research, it would be too much coding so at the moment the answer is no, sorry not possible.



    Thanks for your time!
    But it would be possible to code it!?
    Perhaps we decide that it would be great to have this feature for our platform and hire someone.



    Perhaps we decide that it would be great to have this feature for our platform and hire someone.


    Contact me








    okay i think i got this

    install the bbpress topics for posts plugin

    you can go to your discussion settings and edit what you want to show how you like i did like this

    i ticked the ones with [X]

    [ ] Create a new bbPress topic in ~~~ for new posts
    (check this if you want to replace wordpress comments with bbpress entirely)

    [X] Copy post tags to new topics

    [X] Copy post comments to new topics (when available)

    On the post page, show:

    [ ] Entire topic

    [X] show reples only

    [ ] Only the ~~~ most recent/oldest replies

    [ ] A link to the topic

    the rest of the settings are for if you want to display a link below your blog post to lead to the topic.

    create your page called “Learn Dash” if you already did , edit the page

    go to the screen options in the very top , click it , now check discussion settings this should show the settings for comments, pinkbacks, and bbpress topics for posts.

    check the Use a bbPress forum topic for comments on this post option

    now check both settings that say copy post tags and use default display settings.

    now either use a specific topic from the id , or automatically create a topic from this post to a specific forum.



    I think this should be implemented as core?

    can you tell us if this is in the works?


    cc: @robkk @afu24 @robin-w




    bbpress for comments has been noted for a future release of bbPress.



    @robkk: Thanks for your reply!

    I tried the plugin with the settings you mentioned. I still don’t have the option to only add the reply form to a specific topic!? It just gives some cool extra features for the shortcode [bbp-single-topic id=$topic_id]. Am I right?

    Moreover it doesn’t work with the LMS “Learn Dash”. Everytime I want to save the settings at the discussion box they are gone after klicking update. Neither in Courses, Lections or Topics – Posts. When I add and activate bbPress forum topic for comments in the normal WordPress Pages and Post it works fine.
    Do you have any suggestions?



    can these course pages have normal WordPress comments?? if it cant this plugin i mentioned wont work.

    there is also this plugin that i found that might help, but im not sure.

    bbPress Integration

    also this is what the discussion meta box settings should look

    plugin meta box

    if it somehow just doesnt work contact your plugin developers support and see if they know why it is having issues.



    @Robkk: Yes! Comments work fine also at the LearnDash Course Pages. And I used the bbpress integration for learn dash – doesn’t change anything.

    I tried your settings and others too, but whatever I adjust after saving the page it automatic deselects the field “Use a bbPress forum topic for comment on this post”.

    I think I will forward this issue to the learn dash support.

    Thanks for your help!

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