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User registration password?

  • @harambeman


    whenever i test the registration process, the user can’t make their own password? The registration email sent gives the new user a randomly generated password. Also, all the registration emails go to the spam folder.

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  • @robkk


    If you aren’t using any plugins that modify the registration process or custom frontend registration forms and instead are using the default WordPress registration forms, right after you get an activation link in your email, you should be redirected to a strong autogenerated password that you can edit if you want, just make sure to edit it before you hit reset password. If a user wants to change their password later they can also do that in their bbPress edit profile section.

    As for the emails going to spam, a way that can help this is by sending email through an SMTP server for your site. There are a bunch of plugins on WordPress that can help configure this.

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