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User Permission

  • @batmanfan


    How to set up permission access? i.e. I am admin but want to set up another ‘admin’ or ‘moderator’ person to manage the forum (just the forum), therefore he/she will manage everything on the forum side, including create/modify/delete forum or topic, but he/she can’t access or edit the wordpress backend which include install/delete pages/post or any plugin.

    How to set this up or give permission? thanks.

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  • @robin-w


    If you set them to wp role -no role for this site and bbpress keymaster and give them toolbar access then

    They cannot access the dashboard, but do have tools at the top of the page, including new forum/topic/reply

    When viewing any forum or topic/repy, they get “edit” at the top, so they can change all this stuff, and also can amend tools etc.

    Set up a test user and see what you get !



    Robin, you are a champion. I never knew this feature exist. good job!

    by the way, the top of the page display tools incl new forum/topic and reply. That’s great. But how to hide the ‘WordPress’ icon on the top left corner? because the wp icon has links to ‘about wp’ document, feedback etc. I’d like to hide that too if possible.

    Thanks again. You are very helpful.




    function annointed_admin_bar_remove() {
            global $wp_admin_bar;
            /* Remove their stuff */
    add_action('wp_before_admin_bar_render', 'annointed_admin_bar_remove', 0);

    (stolen from the wordpress support forum, so haven’t tested)



    Oh. Where do I place this code. Sorry still newbie to all these codes thing 🙂



    ‘Sorry still newbie to all these codes thing 🙂 ‘ – Don’t worry I was there only last year, you’ll soon pick it up.

    Start with

    So you need to add this to your theme’s function file.

    If you are using a main theme, then any updates to the theme may overwrite your addutions, so a child theme is better. However if you put it in your main theme, just keep a note of the changes so that you can add them back if needbe.

    Ideally you should create a child theme – google ‘child theme videos’ and you’ll see how to create this – it is very simple, and just lets you ‘add stuff’ to your main theme without any risk of losing it.

    Have fun !



    Excellent. Thank you very much for that…. I certainly still have much to learn!



    keep asking !



    Thanks Robin…. I’m getting there 🙂 with your help.

    by the way, how to disable the ‘Settings and Tools’ feature for the second admin person? Just want to allow this admin person to create/modify/delete forums/topics and replies but disable the settings and tools.

    Thanks in advance.



    @batmanfan Instead of making this second user a ‘keymaster’ you should make them a ‘moderator’ and this will disable the backend access for you.

    Look at the docs here on what each role can and cannot do by default



    Awesome. Thanks for that.



    Spending a lot of time with different setting on role – keymaster and moderator. no success 🙁 What I wanted was, to have another keymaster person to manage the forum but doesn’t want this person to have access to the wordpress back-end or plugin etc but only can add/edit/delete forum/topic and replies. Though I have set WP: ‘no role for this site’ and forum role: keymaster, but this person can see forum/topic and replies fine. But this role also see forum tools – which he/she can ‘repair/import and reset forum’ and “Forums Settings”.
    How to disable the ‘Forum Tools’ and ‘Forums Settings’? Thanks



    Do they need the toolbar at all???

    If not just disable that – dashboard>users>’youruser’ and it’s above the “no role for this site” you set earlier.

    I don’t like anyone but me having backend access !



    Thanks Robin.

    But I want to allow this 2nd admin person to create/modify/delete forums/topics and replies but disable the settings and tools though.



    create/modify/delete forums/topics and replies

    The standard moderator role can do this and this can all be done on the front end with no need to perform any of those tasks via the back end.



    Thanks Stephen for your help. I must done something wrong here. I did set ‘moderator’ on the forum role, and try different roles on WP and tick/untick toolbar. But seems like moderator can modify/delete topics and replies. But can’t create or edit forums? thanks.



    Keymaster -> Forum Capabilities


    Moderator -> Forum Capabilities


    What this allows for is the ‘keymaster’ has control of all the forums.

    A ‘moderator’ can create forums and edit their own forums created but not edit any other forums created by other moderators or keymasters.

    Probably the main issue you are seeing is ‘how to’ actually do this in the front end and we can (and will) implement this a little better in a future version of bbPress.

    To edit a forum from the front end simply add /edit to the end of the URL for example if you have a forum named test-forum this will take you to the edit forum form /forum/test-forum/edit/

    To add a new forum add the [bbp-forum-form] shortcode to a page that moderator can access or add a function like this one to hook the forum form onto a moderators user profile page.



    Thanks Stephen, you are very the expert. thumbs up!

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