I slapped something up there to, at the least, get it pointed that 1.0 is out.
Nice to see the page restored (see my rant here about that for those who don’t know the history)
I can see they are already whining about “third-party publications”
I can give you newspaper references where bbPress was mentioned if that helps:
I’ve got a couple others somewhere.
Also there is a post somewhere where Matt describes how he first put bbPress together over a Christmas holiday, which is important as it’s bbPress’s genesis story.
Oh and TalkPress should probably be mentioned on there and compare it to WordPress.com
The logo and screenshot are old too.
Nice Article CK , Thanks for sharing the link.
This is wonderful. It was such a shame to hear the old page was taken down.
Just for “fun” I’ve tallied the bbPress release history so far:
2009-07-08 03:59 1.0.1
2009-07-03 03:54 1.0 Bechet
2009-06-17 13:09 1.0-rc-3
2009-06-10 14:41 1.0-rc-2
2009-06-03 23:02
2009-05-12 13:38 1.0-rc-1
2009-01-07 20:00 1.0-alpha-6
2009-01-02 05:06
2009-01-02 05:05 1.0-alpha-5
2008-12-14 10:21 1.0-alpha-4
2008-12-10 02:20
2008-10-08 20:04 1.0-alpha-2
2008-08-09 13:11 1.0-alpha-1 (backpress)
2008-04-25 11:41
2008-04-03 10:54
2008-04-02 22:45 0.9 Brubeck
2008-01-02 20:03
2007-09-26 19:59 0.8.3
2007-06-19 16:04
2007-06-18 19:06 0.8.2 (pretty permalinks, plugin management, sub-forums)
2007-02-21 01:53 0.8.1 (timezone configuration, forum deletion)
2007-02-08 15:47 0.8 Desmond
2007-01-15 14:56 0.75
2007-01-05 20:01 0.74
2006-10-27 18:51 0.73 (installer, rewrite rules, multi-language support, new template)
2006-10-13 20:38 0.72 Bix (first public release)
2004-12-26 03:20 0.70 (live on WordPress.org 2004-12-28)