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Trying to get nested replies and pagination to work

  • @lruzza


    I’m the web developer for a biotech discussion website. I’m currently running the Kleo theme with bbpress.

    I have nested replies enabled (with help from the bbstyle pack plugin, as it was not working previously) but also want to have pagination enabled. Nothing seems to be working and I’m in desperate search of a fix.

    I’ve already tried deactivating and reactivating…troubleshooting…everything.

    I’ve followed this tutorial but have come across certain errors.

    I’ve also tried going through this ticket among other similar ones and no such luck.

    I keep getting an error with the ‘format’ => ‘page/%#%’, line from Step 2. It’s telling me there is an extra %. Once I remove the extra %, the error moves down to the ‘prev_text’ => __(‘<’), line.

    I’m happy to give any more information that is needed.

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  • @kriskl


    I second that.
    any fix would be really appreciated




    How do the developers expect users to continue using and positively rating this plugin if nobody will answer troubleshooting questions? Not to mention there is not direct troubleshooting email to engage with.

    Your plugin comes with many issues, some that are years old, that need to be fixed. I’m thinking of changing to a completely new plugin because of the lack of communication from developers.

    I have tried every code possible from the community and none of them have fixed my issue. I need contact with a developer for help. How do we go about doing this?



    I appreciate that you are trying to use levers to get a resolution, but you are assuming that someone who has developed a free piece of software has some need to not have any negative feedback.

    I am not a bbppress author, I just help out here, but having written several plugins including the style pack, there are what they are – you hope that others find them useful, but it makes no financial difference to you if no-one uses them.

    Berating the authors for not offering a one to one response service on a product that has 300,000 users is perhaps asking too much.

    I sincerely hope that you get to a resolution, but nested replies has never been a great feature within bbpress, and if that makes you choose another free product, then I will be sorry, but understand.



    …if you think this is me “berating”, then I feel sorry for you.

    I’ve been developing websites with both paid AND free products and have never had any issues with receiving one to one responses with the free products. Ever. This plugin has been a first.

    So no, it isn’t asking for too much.

    I appreciate all the help you’ve been giving to the many disgruntled users throughout this support forum, but you don’t need to waste your time standing up for the developers. It seems customer service isn’t important to them anyways.



    I’m just not sure on what basis you claim to be a customer with rights to customer service 🙂

    Anyways thank you for appreciating the time I give – and I do hope they address this issue at some stage.

    I’ll leave it there



    On what basis? …Erm, the basis that it is a product? Lol. On the basis that products come with customer service? Lolol. On the basis that every plugin ever has customer service tied to it? Lolololol.

    Please do leave it there, then. If you’re not here to help, don’t waste my time too.




    I’ve tried a few other linked resolutions within this support forum as well as other tickets and still no solution.

    Would love some help with anyone else who has had it fixed for bbpress version 2.6.5



    just to try and help the codex seems to suggest a ? is needed


    and drop down to user contributed notes

    'format' => '?paged=%#%',



    Hi, I’m curious what plugin you are considering to switch to? I’ve purchased and tested several including trying to get “support” from commercial options, and have not found a very good/comprehensive forum solution with good support. The best forum for wp that I found was simple press but they were bought out a few years ago and since then the support is terrible. Any question will be answered with a pitch to get you to hire them to customize. Before that I tried wpforo but it is lacking a lot of features especially on the admin side and I had problems communicating with their support.

    There just does not seem to exist such a plugin for wordpress that has both good support (either commercial or community) and comprehensive features needed to run an active forum. (I’ve used a bunch of non wp forums such as vb, phpbb, smf etc)

    I’ve come to the conclusion that if you have to use WP and need a forum with comprehensive features and administration tools, then bbpress is the best option and you may need to hire a developer to get it to do what you need. The next option would be a non-wp forum that you could bridge. But again, if you have a legitimate WP forum plugin option to consider, I’d love to hear it.



    @xprojectsx good contribution – and I don’t think there is a perfect solution. I am Never quite sure what people expect from ‘community’ software. As an author of 6 plugins, the thought that when releasing these as free code for others to use and adapt, I am expected to respond to every query on the code for evermore, would make me never do it. I enjoy the challenge of support, but there will come a time when I tire of doing this for no money, and expectation that I fix issues I had not considered and that I had never planned only strengthens this. Bbpress was written as lite forum software, allowing others to extend it. It started over 15 years ago as a geek who like writing code (as I do). Then is response to requests it was added as a plugin to WordPress. The authors have I suspect many other priorities now in their lives, they are 15 years older. Their choices are 1. To close the plugin, and make many forums redundant. 2. To devote vast chunks of their free time to continue supporting 3. To do key code as their time permits 4. Just to hope that other people do this for free.
    Against this there are paid products, but yes they cost or are used (I think quite justifiably) as a sales tool to produce income to pay the developers. Someone has to pay the bills.



    Robin, thank you. You are awesome. (period not exclamation point)

    I’ve been using commercial and open source software for a long time and have donated both financially and in contributions to development, to several open source projects. There is definitely a disparity in how open source /free software projects, are managed and supported by their teams. Some do it very well, most do not. In my opinion there is a direct relationship between how well it is supported FOR the user base by the developers, and how successful they are. I’ve seen some spin off into IPOs over the years and in my opinion this was largely based upon having enthusiastic users. This type of enthusiasm is not generated from features. It isn’t just a matter of paying the bills. It’s an issue of quality management. It is not enough to just hang your hat on “free” and “you get what you pay for” (the implication being : so you have no say or recourse so just take what you get or get lost). If you put something out there as free, you should still manage its viability otherwise the end result will be wasting people’s time.

    Also, wrt to commercial projects, the problem is not using products as sales tools, the problem is first providing reasonable support to a product that a customer has paid for. Then if you have add-on products or services, great. If I, or other customers are happy we will gladly buy more and in some cases (such as myself) we will become (unpaid) evangelists for your product(s). And that is the ideal situation for good companies and good customers.

    But if you don’t start with core support and getting your user/customer base happy and familiar with normal issues and breaking-in issues then, that is not OK. That is basically just bait and switch. You are luring people in on the premise of something but really just trying to get them to spend more. The distinction being the false dichotomy of customer receiving reasonable value vs. the developers right to be paid.

    Personally I have wasted a good portion of my life on poorly supported products and I have spent a (not small) fortune both in purchases, fixes and wasted time. I’m sure I’m not alone.



    If you put something out there as free, you should still manage its viability otherwise the end result will be wasting people’s time.

    agree – the issue is with time – ie for how long? No-one can do forever, and no-one can do everything for free. So do I never release code as I am not immortal? I have no-one to take over the code. I have limited time to offer to support. I reckon in 3-5 years time I’ll not want to do the stuff I do now. I s’pose my point is that the user community needs to judge ‘free’ as not meaning ‘free for life with a right to free support for every issue’ I suspect that a lot of this comes from FB, youtube, instagram being seen as ‘free’, and the ability to share files, songs, books, images without paying the source. But maybe that’s just because I’m a grumpy old man 🙂



    I’m sorry for getting off on philosophy issues. But you could look at the flip side: Are developers entitled to end users’ “free” time? It’s a two way street (I’ve been on both sides of it). It is easy to only look at one side but well run businesses and organizations look at the bigger picture. A big word now is “empathy.” It is almost completely missing in Silicon Valley.

    I know that this time/attention that is assumed to be “free” is actually very valuable not just to these individuals but to Silicon Valley and other big data, marketing etc.



    You’re doing great @robin-w , you’re in here helping out users all the time. Maybe you should stick a donate link in your sig. 😉

    As for the pagination, i think it would be better to ignore the nested replies when paginating don’t even count them in the pagination pages and load 1-2 of the nested replies and ajax the rest of the nested replies when user clicks to view them(like a load more). Something like Reddit how you can click to view more replies when nested.



    so rainy afternoon, so I have wrapped wpup’s code into a plugin, and fixed a couple of things that were different.

    This plugin technically works, but without creating multiple threads I can’t really test !

    so if anyone fancies trying it out, feel free and let me know if it does what it is supposed to.

    and sorry @xprojectsx – I am just putting it out there, I don’t promise to fix it if it doesn’t work, but am happy to take a look, and I don’t promise to maintain it – you download and use on this basis !

    If it does work, I’ll add it to the trac ticket for this thread, and maybe add it to my style pack plugin bug fix page.

    bbp threaded replies



    Hi Robin!
    You are a star! it’s back and it’s working great!

    so, I hope it will make it into trac in the future release

    Many thanks



    robin I appreciate your efforts. I was not criticizing you I was just giving my opinion. I will checkout your plugin.



    @xprojectsx I meant to put a couple of smiley faces on the end of my last – it was said light heartedly !!



    @robin-w I just installed and activated and it works. Thanks for your help.

    I also didn’t realize you were the author of the style pack plugin, which I also have activated. This is the first real fix that has actually worked for me, so adding it to the trac ticket and your styling plugin would be most helpful to others, I would imagine.

    Thanks again for your help on a rainy day.

    Side note, how would I go about keeping this updated if for some reason you can’t? I’m guessing it has something to do with keeping the code updated, yes?



    @lruzza -great glad it works

    Maintenance can be nothing or major – that’s the problem when one plugin is changing another – we are reliant on what – in this instance – bbpress does. If they don’t change the template that this hooks to or the function that is behind it – then nothing will be needed. I can’t see any WordPress updates affecting it as these are stable.

    Anyway I’ll look to add to style pack as a big fix – that way if bbpress fixes it it is a tick box to remove



    @robin-w Thank you for all your help!

    One other question for you: How would I go about making it so fewer replies are displayed on the single topic pages? For example, my website is showing 15 per page but I would only like to show 5.



    I tried that extra plugin made by Robin, and it worked fine. I was very happy, EXCEPT it won’t let the images display anymore (images uploaded using bbPress Multi Image Uploader).

    Is any tweak possible to benefit from both features?



    @robin-w if you ever have a chance, can you look into this “conflict”? My members have been asking for the nested replies, but it won’t display the images then, which is the whole point of the forum.

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