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Trouble Importing phpbb

  • @oscarguy


    I’ve been trying for weeks now to import a version of phpbb 3.1.5 to my bbPress 2.5.7 version on WordPress 4.2.2. I can’t seem to get past a particular set of errors. I do not know what this means. Is this a wordpress issue, a bbpress issue or a phpbb issue? I can’t seem to find any support topics in the forums that address this and the last couple of posts I’ve made haven’t gotten any replies. Do I need to open a repair ticket of some kind to have it looked into? Someone please help. I’d rather not continue using phpbb, but if I can’t get this resolved soon, I’m going to have to abandon bbPress altogether.

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘topics.topic_replies’ in ‘field list’]

    SELECT convert(topics.topic_id USING “utf8”) AS topic_id,convert(topics.topic_replies USING “utf8”) AS topic_replies,convert(topics.topic_replies_real USING “utf8”) AS topic_replies_real,convert(topics.forum_id USING “utf8”) AS forum_id,convert(topics.topic_poster USING “utf8”) AS topic_poster,convert(posts.poster_ip USING “utf8”) AS poster_ip,convert(posts.post_text USING “utf8”) AS post_text,convert(topics.topic_title USING “utf8”) AS topic_title,convert(topics.topic_status USING “utf8”) AS topic_status,convert(topics.topic_type USING “utf8”) AS topic_type,convert(topics.topic_time USING “utf8”) AS topic_time,convert(topics.topic_last_post_time USING “utf8”) AS topic_last_post_time FROM phpbb_topics AS topics INNER JOIN phpbb_posts AS posts USING (topic_id) WHERE posts.post_id = topics.topic_first_post_id LIMIT 0, 100

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  • @robkk


    Did you read the reply I linked to on your last topic?

    I believe this is because of DB differences between phpBB 3.0x and 3.1x.

    Current import only supports phpBB 3.0x

    I was able to get rid of the error messages by creating the columns it complains about.

    You can also try this:

    If you did try the patch and it did not work, I can contact the devs for that because some other user had an issue also.



    Sorry. I didn’t see the reply from that old post. No one had responded so I had given up on it. I thought in my search of the forums here I had found something saying they no longer supported 3.0.x conversions and now only supported 3.1.x. It was some trouble ticket someone had linked.

    Anyway, will creating the columns impair the conversion process? And the link you sent, what is that for? Is that just showing how to amend the phpbb conversion film? I’m not quite clear.



    I thought in my search of the forums here I had found something saying they no longer supported 3.0.x conversions and now only supported 3.1.x.

    It the opposite for the current version , but when 2.6 comes out 3.1 will only be supported.

    And the link you sent, what is that for? Is that just showing how to amend the phpbb conversion film? Iā€™m not quite clear.

    Basically you needed to see the reply to the topic. Use the patch and see if it fixes your import.
    Of course try this first on a test site to see if everything is working fine.



    You’ll actually need a couple more bits and not just the 2716 patch, if your working locally you can download the “development branch” of bbPress 2.6 and this includes everything you need.

    This version of bbPress will NOT allow you to update to the next version or revision of bbPress, you’d have to delete this version of the plugin and replace it with the official release when released, it also has the potential of breaking in other ways not related to importing phpBB, in other words it may be full of other bugs and if you decided to use it it’s the use at your own risk disclaimer šŸ™‚



    Ok. So, what you’re saying is that until 2.6 launches, I cannot convert without patching to a beta build that may or may not work once 2.6 actually launches and all of this may become broken if I do or do not.

    Is there any eta on 2.6? I may as well just wait if they plan to fix everything then.



    Is there any eta on 2.6? I may as well just wait if they plan to fix everything then.

    It is most likely closer than ever. And it might be best to just wait.

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