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Topics not showing up HERE at bbPress?!

  • @bigblueball


    I’ve tried posting a question in the Troubleshooting forum twice this morning, and both posts have disappeared!!

    I’m wondering if they are being flagged as spam possibly? The question was related to performance issues on the forums at BigBlueBall. Can one of the Keymasters check and let me know if my URL was causing this to be flagged as spam? That concerns me… obviously.

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  • @bigblueball


    Just as a follow-up, this post DID show up, which seems to indicate that the problem was with the URL used in the other two attempts. Can someone confirm?

    Why would my URL be flagged as spam (by Akismet, I presume) and how can I fix this? I am not a spammer and never have been.



    Yes, it was caught by Akismet as spam, fixed and replied.

    Slow to post forum topics and replies on large forum

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