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Topics all open as a 404 page

  • @katmmad


    I can create new topics on my development site, but if I click on the link to view the topic it takes me to a 404 page. This happens on the front end ( and the back end (if I go to the wpadmin dashboard, click Topics, and then click “view” from the menu for whichever topic.

    (Once I create a new topic it also automatically takes me to a 404 page, even though the topic has been successfully created.)

    Any idea what’s wrong? Thank you in advance. I’m running WordPress/Genesis/Prose, the bbPress that’s in beta (2.1?) and Buddypress as well. Thank you!

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  • @lynq


    First thing to try is changing and updating your permalinks and then changing them back again.



    Amazing — that would not have occurred to me in a million years but obviously that was the area I should have been looking at first. Thank you, @Lynq! I toggled the permalinks from the Settings page, and toggled the little button in the bbPress settings page also (first unchecked it to NOT give permalinks a topic slug, then rechecked it) and that seemed to do the trick. SUPER annoying that it broke like that, though.



    Happens every so often.

    Good to see you got it fixed.



    This fixed it for me, too. Thanks so much! :D



    I just wanted to say… fixed it for me too! My thanks also.

    Support forums = good
    Me trying to figure things out on my own = bad


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