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Topic View

  • @kahlidah


    I have searched everywhere for an answer but cant find one to this

    I have created a single page forum, using a custom page and a shortcode for forum id. The layout for this page is completely different to the rest of my site. All is good with that until you click on a topic and the topic page reverts back to the standard template of the rest of my site.

    I need the single topic page to replicate that one custom page on my site and can’t for the life of me work out how. Would be good if I could just duplicate the page layout by creating a new page and using shortcode like I did with the forum page, but the only shortcode for topics I can find is [bbp-single-topic id=$topic_id] which calls for a specific topic id, not for all topics.

    How do I get around this. Thanks in advance.

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  • @robin-w




    Yes, I read that and according to my edit panel I am using the default template – which I am guessing is just my theme. All my pages say they are using the default template regardless of the layout on the actual page. I have searched through file manager on cpanel and can only find the one page.php with no obvious other php files. Is there any other way to determine which php file I should be copying because right now – there only appears to be the one.



    the problem is that modern themes ignore what wordpress expects and do all sorts of clever stuff.

    yes copy page.php and rename it to bbpress.php

    then post a copy of the file here, and I’ll try and help further



    Yes, its a tricky theme –

    all this is in page.php is this

    * Single Page


    So, I go look in single.php and this is what is in there..

    * Single post

    $single_style = lorem_ipsum_books_media_store_storage_get(‘single_style’);
    if (empty($single_style)) $single_style = lorem_ipsum_books_media_store_get_custom_option(‘single_style’);

    while ( have_posts() ) { the_post();
    ‘layout’ => $single_style,
    ‘sidebar’ => !lorem_ipsum_books_media_store_param_is_off(lorem_ipsum_books_media_store_get_custom_option(‘show_sidebar_main’)),
    ‘content’ => lorem_ipsum_books_media_store_get_template_property($single_style, ‘need_content’),
    ‘terms_list’ => lorem_ipsum_books_media_store_get_template_property($single_style, ‘need_terms’)


    I tried so many things giving it a bit more today..but any help would be great. Even if I can just get rid of the sidebar (and no deleting the sidebar line does not work)



    Well I managed a workaround and appear to have come up with a good solution.

    I installed the custom sidebars plug in, then used a text widget to place my desired page content in for the topic page. I made that my default widget which means it automatically shows up on the topic page. To set the rest of my pages back to my standard widget, I used the custom sidebars plug in. It’s not a solution to solving the template issues with intricate themes, but a good workaround. Only took me three days to think of it 🙂



    hey great – glad you’re fixed, and thanks for posting your solution to help others

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