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Topic only visable for selected user

  • @dvalken


    Hello BBpress people,

    Ive searched the forum and google but nog able to find this specific question.

    Im having a Computer repair company and im budy building a forum so people can view the status of their repair real time. but i want it to be as private as it can be, so i want to be able to select the user for the topic so only the site admins and the selected user can see/open the topic.

    Is there a way to do this?

    Kind regards,

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  • @robin-w


    Private groups

    and look at the topic permissions settings, in particular

    Create/Edit/view OWN Topics,



    Ok got it installed, but how to i assign the topic to one specific user? so both the admin and selected user can see the topic?



    if user creates topic, iit is already assigned them

    If you are creating topics, then you can amend the user in the topic backend

    dashboard>topics>edit topic and you will see the topic author as you and can change.



    So i almost got it working the way i want it, but at this moment the only problem is when a new costumer gets registrated wordpress puts it in the Costumer role of WordPress,

    For some reason the plugin is not picking up the “Assign Groups to Roles” i made group 2 “Costumers” and connected them to the WordPress Costumer group. but for some reason its not happening and the user is still in basic role instead of upgraded tot Group 2 ‘costumer” role in bbpress



    so are you adding on first visit, or on every visit?



    The steps are following,

    • Step 1: Costumer creates an appointment
    • Step 2: wordpres checks if the customer is having an account if not it creates one
    • Step 3: When an account is created it gets the wordpress role “Costumer”
    • Step 4: the by u provided app gives the costumer the forum role “Costumer”
    • Step 5: Website admin checks the appointment and creates an Forum topic what is only visable by costumers role of the forum
    • Step 6: Website admin makes the Costumer owner of the topic so only costumer and admin can view it

    Only step 4 is not woring, the users are still in the bbpress standard role of the forum, they are not promoted to the “Costumers” group



    ok, my code does not change any roles, the user will still get the participant role.

    The plugin makes them a member of a group, and as the forum is also a member of that group, they can them see the forum. The forum’s topic permissions then let them see only their topic

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